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  1. OMG Specification

Data Distribution Service — Closed Issues

  • Acronym: DDS
  • Issues Count: 1,108
  • Description: Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board
Closed All
Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board

Issues Summary

Key Issue Reported Fixed Disposition Status
DDSTSN-3 Minor clarifications and enhancements DDS-TSN 1.0a1 DDS-TSN 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSTSN-1 Update references to 802.1Qcc and 802.1Qcr, which have been merged into 802.1Q DDS-TSN 1.0a1 DDS-TSN 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-94 Provide pre-shared protection for unauthenticated messages DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-59 Parsing messages generated by encode_serialized_payload (auth only) DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-61 Table 29 description of is_write_protected DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-60 check_remote_topic domainId parameter DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-58 AES-GCM doesn't add padding DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-57 Builtin Crypto message authentication codes DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-54 XML Schema defines boolean literals as "true" / "false" DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-44 register_local_datareader and Data Protection Kind DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-45 Replace "CryptoKeyTransform" with "CryptoTransform" DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-46 "atributes" typo DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-48 Clarify the configuration and use of certificate chains for Identity DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-50 Builtin CryptoKeyFactory direct dependency on AccessControl's config details DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-51 Participant2ParticipantKxKeyMaterial DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-52 should refer to the footer, not header DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-37 Modify Security's QoS changes for compatibility with RTPS DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-38 Broken cross-references DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-43 IDL ParticipantSecurityAttributes::plugin_participant_attributes DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-42 Various Typos DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-41 Reduce the range of Reserved RTPS parameter IDs DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-40 Return types in CryptoKeyFactory interface description DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-39 AuthRequestMessageToken future_challenge property DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-31 Security for DDS-RPC DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-32 Authentication behavior use of built-in endpoints DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-33 Use a submessage flag to indicate Data/Frag submessage has a transformed payload DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-34 Wrong XML tag in description of Enable Read Access Control DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-35 Description of the PluginEndpointSecurityAttributes DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-36 Description of the EndpointSecurityAttributes DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-25 IDL get_topic_sec_attributes parameter typo DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-28 Determining when to use DCPSParticipantMessageSecure DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-27 ParticipantStatelessMessage definition DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-26 IDL SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSecure inheritance DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-30 section name typo DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-19 Allow expressions to be used in the data-tag permissions DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-18 Authentication interface begin_handshake_reply() DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-21 decode_datawriter_submessage uses "in" for SecurityException DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-20 SecureSubmessageCategory_t in normative IDL DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-22 get_datawriter/reader_sec_attributes inconsistent IDL DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-23 Authentication interface set_permissions_credential_and_token DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-24 IDL LongLongSeq unused DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-9 The specification should not duplicate (copy) the machine readable XSD files DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-8 Section 3 (Normative References) should be updated and expanded DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-10 Issues with the UML model used in the specification DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-13 Avoid sending permissions as part of Authentication Handshake DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-12 Instance-Level access-control DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-11 say explicitly that is_valid is set to zero if that is case DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-15 DataHolder IDL inconsistent DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-2 Built-in Authentication and Cryptography plugins tied together by SharedSecretHandle implementation DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-4 Examples of Wildcard permissions DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-5 The UML model should be cleaned up DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-6 Remove Jira-issue related comments from machine-readable files DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-7 The DDS-Security specification makes some modifications to the DDSI-RTPS protocol that should be taken into consideration DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-1 Complexity of Authentication Plugin Model DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC12-90 Meeting CNSSP-15 security requirements DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-122 Provide mechanism for changing the session keys associated with the different DDS Entitites DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-101 Add support for DomainTag to DDS-Security DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-29 Specify DDS Security uses XCDR serialization version 1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-108 secure log topic has a year 2038 issue DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-53 Clarify meaning of "bit array" and specify number of constant bytes in HMAC input when computing SessionKey DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-110 Corrections to tables describing IdentityStatusToken, AuthenticatedPeerCredentialToken, AuthRequestMessageToken DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-86 Security for XTypes TypeLookup Service DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-56 Encoding of Diffie-Hellman Public Key DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-92 Underspecified RSASSA-PSS-SHA256 Salt Length DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC12-115 Sectiob 8.2.1 Expand set of submessages that may be sent on TSN streams DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSSEC12-116 DDS-Security impact on DDS-TSN DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSSEC12-91 How are 'subject_name' fields compared? DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-62 Indicate that AccessControl operations need to be called on a set_qos DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-79 Built-in Access Control: interpretation of enable_read/write_access_control DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-49 Mutability of PartitionQos DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSSEC12-55 Using string literals as binary_property values inside Handshake Tokens DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC12-75 Errors in non-normative IDL of section Mapping of Operations to the ReplyTopic Types DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSSEC12-85 check_remote_participant when default is ALLOW DDS-SECURITY 1.1b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC12-16 Define rules for references between elements DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSSEC12-14 CryptoTransformIdentifier extensibility FINAL is not compatibly with its derived classes DDS-SECURITY 1.1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC12-3 Provide mechanisms to extend Governance and Permissions files without breaking interoperability DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-34 Change the CRC-64 polynomial introduced in issue DDSIRTP25-12 DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-4 Unclear specification on how the Publisher GUID is communicated DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP25-3 Incomplete specification of how a Publisher and Subscriber are identified DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-2 Discriminating the reasons for a GAP DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-12 Address deferred issue: Inclusion of Message Size & CRC as part of DDSI/RTPS Messages DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-17 Editorial corrections DDSI-RTPS 2.3 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-25 Revise list of Submessages EntityIDs and PIDs reserved for other specifications DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-28 Apply modifications to Clause, “KeyHash (PID_KEY_HASH)" from XTYPES DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-9 Flag GroupInfoFlag and fields gapStartGSN and gapEndGSN unspecified in PSM DDSI-RTPS 2.3 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP25-1 SEQUENCENUMBER_UNKNOWN missing from PSM DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-27 Support transport-level RTPS message compression DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Deferred closed
DDSIRTP25-24 Add an INFO_AGE submessage DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP25-6 Update Acknowledgemts, Copyright and Statement of Proof DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-11 currentGSN.value < lastGSN.value condition seems wrong DDSI-RTPS 2.3 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-10 / HeartBeat Submessage DDSI-RTPS 2.3 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-7 PSM and PIM description of Gap message not matching DDSI-RTPS 2.3 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP25-13 Interoperability of Transient/Persistent data DDSI-RTPS 2.3b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.5 Deferred closed
DDSSEC11-82 OCSP stapling to enhance certificate status checking during handshake DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSJSON-1 Handling Unsupported Numeric Values like Infinity and NaN DDS-JSON 1.0a1 DDS-JSON 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-26 How should interoperable implementations deal with Transient / Persistent data? DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Deferred closed
DDSXTY13-22 Description of KeyHash computation needs update to CDR version 2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-21 Type compatibility when members types define keys DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-19 Representation of Built-in Annotations in Dynamic Types DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-15 Be explicit about which Types can be used for DDS Topics DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-73 Correct listed inconsistencies & missing items DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-81 Correct XSD issues identified during AB review DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-52 Duplication of sections and DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-49 Add a Need @data_representation annotation DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-46 Need @data_representation annotation and clean terminology in 7.4.x DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-60 Update Normative references to latest versions of IDL and DDS DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-64 Type compatibility rules for structs with keys DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-40 Restructure Section 7.2 "Type System" to include the annotation semantics & align with IDL 4.2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Deferred closed
DDSXTY13-41 Rules for type compatibility are incomplete DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-24 Incomplete application of issue DDSXTY12-18 resolution DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-12 Further corrections DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-11 DynamicType / DynamicTypeBuilder multiplicity of members DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-7 Add support for signed and unsigned 8-bit integers DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-4 XSD for XML type representation should not specify default values for attributes representing annotations DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-2 Algorithm to compute autoid is missing from the specification DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-1 Inconsistencies and missing items DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-18 Clarify which of the options bits are set to indicate padding bytes DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-29 Endianess bit in DHEADER causes innefficiencies DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-17 Annotation for denoting topic types DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-5 Typographical corrections and minor rewordings DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-27 Clarify valid ranges of memberIDs DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-26 Setting of @default with @optional members DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-20 Reseting the alignment after Encapsulation Header DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-23 Inheritance rules not sufficient regarding keys and memberID assignment DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-43 Organization of section is confusing DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-36 Remove Endianness bit from DHEADER DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-32 Ambiguity in Table 9 and Obsolete language in section DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-42 Compatibility of Enum should be allowed even if there is just one common literal DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-10 Union discriminator value without associated member DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-16 Provide a more efficient serialization for short strings and sequences DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Deferred closed
DDSXTY13-6 Restrictions on MAP key element type should include ENUM DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY13-31 Redefinition of the LC=6 and LC=7 DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-28 Computation of KeyHash (7.6.7 Interoperability of Keyed Topics) needs additional detail DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-8 The definition of ReliabilityQosPolicyKind in Annex D is inconsistent with RTPS DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY13-13 Union default values (Table 9) DDS-XTypes 1.2b1 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXTY13-9 Explicitly define the values for ReliabilityQosPolicyKind DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.3 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-6 Serial Transport profile DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-5 Read Data Stream DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-4 Possible CREATE_CLIENT and STATUS_AGENT reduction DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-3 New TIME submessage DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-14 Move section 11.4 'Serial Transport' to a new Annex C DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-2 StreamId in ACKNACK and HEARTBEAT DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXRCE-1 Erratum DDS-XRCE 1.0b1 DDS-XRCE 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSOPCU-3 Improve readability of a number of figures DDS-OPCUA 1.0b1 DDS-OPCUA 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSOPCU-1 Update Schema Files and XML files to Use DDS-XML 1.0 DDS-OPCUA 1.0b1 DDS-OPCUA 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSOPCU-5 Update dds-opcua_model.xmi and normative references to most recent versions DDS-OPCUA 1.0b1 DDS-OPCUA 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-6 Message Size should be included as part of DDSI/RTPS Messages DDSI-RTPS 2.1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Deferred closed
DDSIRTP23-78 PID_DIRECTED_WRITE and PID_ORIGINAL_WRITER_INFO need further description DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-29 How should interoperable implementations deal with Group Coherent updates DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-30 RTF needs to agree any change of name and/or URL for specification DDSI-RTPS 2.1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Deferred closed
DDSIRTP23-31 GAP lack information on related (instance/key) needed for correct DDS behavior DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-23 Editing issues DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-3 Clarify start of alignment for SerializedPayload DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-119 Make sure all references to the RTPS version are updated to 2.4 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-40 Builtin Interparticipant Channel should have DataReader reliability kind BEST_EFFORTS DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-118 DomainId should propagated in the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-42 Update section 10 (Data Encapsulation) DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-113 Describe how to create a WITH_KEY or NO_KEY RTPS Endpoint from DDS DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-115 Reference the PIDs that are reserved by the XTypes Spec in RTPS DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-96 Update UML figures in the specification DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-110 Data/Frag submessage flag for security DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-76 Unused ParameterIds in Table 9.12 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-108 Update state machine to allow retrieving inline qos from a CacheChange DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-101 Typo in 8.4.13 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-104 Figure 8.29 duplicates 8.28 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-103 Inconsistent definitions of ParticipantMessageData DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-24 Key attributes and Regular attributes of a topic should be individually de-serializable DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSIRTP23-28 DDSI/RTPS Key MD5 Hash DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSIRTP23-20 Section Best-Effort Stateful Writer GAP semantics DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-22 Section, Table 8.52: Describe ReaderLocator operations' semantics DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-25 Use the term "Encapsulation" consistently and precisely DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-27 Remove the concept of Topic Kinds (With Key vs. No Key) DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-32 Incorrect/misleading description of KeyHash computation DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-77 Table 9.13 "reserved for future use" rows DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-90 Reorganizing section 9.3.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-37 Incorrect definition of SequenceNumberSet DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-36 Semantics of AckNack's Final Flag DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-39 RTPS Minor version should take into consideration DDS-Security DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-38 Reference reserved ParameterIDs for DDS-Security and dependencies DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-97 Figure 8.1 has extra classes. Figures 8.2 and 8.5 are missing attributes DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-75 Remove/deprecate Property_t, EntityName_t, PID_PROPERTY_LIST DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSIRTP23-74 PIM-PSM inconsistent BuiltInEndpoints DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-73 resendDataPeriod in StatelessWriter DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-71 Include the padded bits into the Encapsulation options DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-70 InfoTimestamp dates past 2038 DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-69 Normative references for IDL and CDR DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-100 BestEffort StatefulReader behavior does not handle GAP DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-19 Section, Bullet 3: Put precise bounds on the fragment size DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-21 Section When does Best-Effort Stateless Writer send a GAP DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-5 Referencing current version of DDS spec (was: Clarification of link comment) DDSI-RTPS 2.1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-7 The Writer Liveliness Protocol should be removed DDSI-RTPS 2.1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSIRTP23-8 Section:, Table 9.13: Missing ParameterId mappings for RTPS fields DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-9 Section:, Table 9.13: Missing ParameterId mappings for DDS fields DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-10 Section:, Table 9.12: Duration_t not defined by PSM DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-11 Section, Table 9.12: Specify IPv4Address_t and Port_t DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-15 Section What is the "key" parameter? DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-12 Section Describe key-only encoding of built-in data types DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-14 Section Duration_t used in IDL, not defined DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSIRTP23-16 Section 8.7.6: RTPS support for semantics not present in DDS DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-13 Section, Table 8.73: Make defaultUnicastLocatorList optional DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSIRTP23-17 Section:, Figure 8.27 and Table 8.73 DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSIRTP23-18 Section Scope of the count fields of Heartbeat and AckNack/NackFrag DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-2 Locator_t kind needs a reserved range and a range for vendor extensions DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-4 Some constants specified in PSM table 9.4 conflict with the ones used in wireshark DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-66 Sending a HeartBeat message when there is no data is unspecified DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-41 Link to RTPS VendorId web page is broken DDSI-RTPS 2.2 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP23-1 Rename BuiltinEndpointKind and add description DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.3 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXML-2 Namespace are uncompliant with OMG Policy for XML Namespaces in OMG Specifications DDS-XML 1.0b1 DDS-XML 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXML-1 Fix inconsistent rules for references between elements DDS-XML 1.0b1 DDS-XML 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXML-9 Add OMG URL to schemaLocation attributes DDS-XML 1.0b1 DDS-XML 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXML-7 DDS System Block Set lacks Schema File and Example DDS-XML 1.0b1 DDS-XML 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXML-5 Minor typos, inconsistencies, and updates in specification document DDS-XML 1.0b1 DDS-XML 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-19 Invalid domain_id tag used in multiple sections of the spec DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-112 No mechanism to free ParticipantSecurityAttributes or EndpointSecurityAttributes DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-38 Clarify whether governance settings for a DataWriter and a DataReader must be consistent for a match to occur DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-14 Clarify conditions for calling the operations on AccessControlPlugin DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-118 begin_handshake_request in the IDL Not Consistent with the Main Document DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-115 Add the concept of "data origin authentication" and clarify what DDS-Security provides DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-111 Unclear Effectiveness of is_rtps_protected=true allow_unauthenticated_participants=true DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-52 Specify Authentication Challenge Length DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-58 Clarify the receiver-specific MACs described in the Table 57 decode operations DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-137 Missing Mechanism for Detecting Incompatibilities in ParticipantSecurityAttributes DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-39 Use of Non-Existing Submessage SecureSubMsg and Flag MultiSubmsg DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-23 FIPS-196 reference to wrong chapter DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-48 Wrong Facility Value for Logging Plugin DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-47 Need to specify format of SubjectName used for adjusted_participant_key DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-106 Should differences in EndpointSecurityAttributesMask prevent matching? DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-96 dds_security_plugins_spis.idl has inheritance commented out DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-49 Apply sha256 to derived shared secret DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-41 Correct Figure 9 to match description of the authentication protocol DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-40 Remove duplicate of RTPS message inside the security envelope DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DDSSEC11-21 Normative IDL does not match the documentation for Auth::validate_remote_identity DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-22 Normative IDL does not match documentation for Authentication::validate_remote_identity DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-27 Inconsistent Behavior for Secure Volatile Endpoints DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-110 Handling expiration of Permissions or Certificates during operation DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-81 Non-Recoverable Communication After Authentication Session Terminated DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-85 Additional typos/inconsistencies DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-70 Unnecessary Additional Authenticated Data in common_mac DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-66 Handling large numbers of receiver-specific MACs DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-62 Inconsistent format for Starting and End Dates in Validity Section DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-53 Specify a transformation_kind for BuiltinParticipantVolatileMessageSecure Endpoints DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-60 Wrong description of max_blocks_per_session DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-34 check_local_*_match publisher/subscriber partition not present in IDL DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-16 AccessControl behavior does not show check_local_datawriter/reader_match operations DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-17 Need a way to determine the builtinTopic used for the DataWriter automatic liveliness DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-123 Inconsistent IDL encode_serialized_data and decode_serialized_data DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-122 Spec does not explain how t would use different keys for the encode_serialized_payload versus encode_serialized_submessage DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-88 BuiltinTopicKey_t Inconsistent with current DDS Spec DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-44 Denial of Service Attack to DDS Security Participants by Injecting Participant Discovery Unregister&Dispose DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-43 Non Recoverable Communication After Asymmetric Liveliness Loss DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-36 get_endpoint_sec_attributes inconsistently specified DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-33 AccessControl::check_create_topic( str_properties ) only present in IDL DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-12 GUIDs for new builtin Topics do not comply with DDS-RTPS specification DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-31 Wrong ValidationResult_t VALIDATION_OK_WITH_FINAL_MESSAGE Used In Multiple Places DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-29 Inconsistent Definition of BuiltinLoggingType DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-15 SecurityExceptionCode is undefined DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-108 Participant's is_access_protected Functionality Overlaps with allow_unauthenticated_participants DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC11-72 EndpointSecurity's is_payload_protected is Insufficient DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-55 Confusing Sentence about Builtin Endpoints Payload Encryption DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-56 Permissions grant rule with no specified topic DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-46 Missing a Way to Pass Participant Data to begin_handshake_request and begin_handshake_reply DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-35 get_*_token should not return non-boolean values DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-24 Inconsisten ReturnCode NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SEC DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-18 Issue on DDS Security metamodel DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-6 Permissions XSD and XML files are inconsistent with normative machine readable file DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-94 Unify treatment of builtin endpoints with that of regular endpoints DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-54 Specify Endianness to be Used in Ciphertext DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-57 Evaluation of data_tags when checking Permissions is unclear DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-45 discovery_protection_kind is Underspecified DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-42 Table 51 CryptoToken should specify endianness of binary properties DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-7 Inconsistency in SubMessage and SubMessageElement naming throughout document DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-8 Crypto factory plugin implementation key generation DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-4 Name of builtin topic is DCPSParticipantMessage not ParticipantMessage DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-3 How does the built-in Cryptographic plugin know whether to just Sign or EncryptThenSign? DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-2 DomainGovernance -> domain_rule -> rtps_protection_kind description is unclear DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DDSSEC11-1 Complexity of Authentication Plugin Model DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Deferred closed
DDSSEC11-5 Miscellaneous typos/inconsistencies DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-113 Examples of Wildcard permissions DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Deferred closed
DDSSEC11-11 How is single-MAC versus MAC-per-reader configured? DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSSEC11-10 Provide mechanisms to extend Governance and Permissions files without breaking interoperability DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Deferred closed
DDSSEC11-9 Built-in Authentication and Cryptography plugins tied together by SharedSecretHandle implementation DDS-SECURITY 1.0b1 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Deferred closed
DDSSEC11-93 Determining the wire version of the DDS Security Protocol DDS-SECURITY 1.0 DDS-SECURITY 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-145 Users should have more control over when and how types match DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-147 Computing the TypeObject and TypeId for recursive types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-149 UML Model is not consistent with document and missing types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-148 Fix a Number of Issues in Final Document DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-142 XTypes impacts on IDL and language mappings; optional conformance DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-18 Improving Extensible Types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-15 Type Consistency Enforcement Policy does not allow to properly control type projection/widening DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-143 Enumerations should be represented as a Byte if the bit bound is small enough DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-131 Add a @non-serialized annotation DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-100 TypeObject IDL and its propagation suffers from significant problems DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-127 Consider expanding TypeId 16 octets rather than 8 DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-119 The current assignability rules are complex and too restrictive DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-41 Reserved parameter IDs in are wrong DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-45 Extended PID is not clear enough what the 2 value lengths mean DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-19 Proposed type-naming scheme is far from Robust DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-122 Align with IDL4 DDS-XTypes 1.2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-113 The encoding of strings and wide strings should be standardized DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-118 Misleading formulation DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-40 Section "Member ID-to-Parameter ID Mapping" is underspecified DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-38 ths XSD has many errors DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-28 Mapping of Map type underspecified for C DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-27 C++ shared member representation breaks safety mechanisms of the struct containing it DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-9 Contradictions in the assignability for collection types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-12 Mapping of optional arrays in C/C++ DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-112 Unify name used for Aggregate and Enumerated types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-42 Built-in annotations should be in DDS namespace DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-44 Rendering of UML diagrams in each of the figures is of poor graphical quality DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY12-43 All IDL should use local interfaces DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY12-39 Extended parameters should be aligned the same as non-extended ones DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-36 IDL annotation syntax fails to specify scoping rules for annotation type names DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-10 Deserialization issues with Extensible types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-5 Issues with UNIONS assignability rules DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-20 Applicable key types not clearly specified DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-29 DataRepresentationQosPolicy is making the application responsible for transport DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY12-17 A @Version annotation shall be added DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-16 Key order should be defined using the @Key annotation DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY12-14 Allow empty structures DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DDSXTY12-23 member ID algorithm flawed DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-35 IDL annotation syntax does specify how to use Any member type DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-34 Annotation member default declaration not compatible with Legacy IDL DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-33 Builtin topics not backward compatible DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-48 Expose assignability options for ignoring member names and sequence lengths DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-47 Keyhash computation not well-defined for mutable types DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-46 specify language-specific bindings may exist DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-37 One sentence split in two bullets DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-6 Spec should allow any value for the Optional flag in TypeObject union members DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-13 Optional flag in TypeObject union members DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-11 Optional flag in TypeObject union members DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-4 The description for union types are not complete DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-32 lookup_topicdescription semantics make it unusable DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-30 Multiplicity mismatch between TypeName and TypeObject DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-21 Shareable members underspecified DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-8 Circular dependencies across types should be allowed DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-7 TypeId calculation errors/corrections DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-26 XML type description not orthogonal and not consistent DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-25 Type system severely underspecified DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-24 TypeObject semantics underspecified and inconsistent DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-22 Definition of "strongly assignable" seems to be used inconsitently DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-3 TypeId union is missing NO_TYPE from the possible values of the discriminator DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSXTY12-2 Send TypeId independently of the TypeObject DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-31 Topic incosisstency only considered for incompatible types, not for incompatible qos DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DDSXTY12-1 Specification document cleanup DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY12-158 Inconsistencies and missing items DDS-XTypes 1.1 DDS-XTypes 1.2 Deferred closed
DDSSEC_-134 Builtin Access Control - Inadequate Validity datatypes in permissions schema DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-182 Clean-up encode_serialized_payload and decode_serialized_payload DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-166 Typos in DDS Security DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-165 Document security error conditions and log messages DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-172 Update Figures to match new submessages introduced in DDSSEC-14 DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-164 Use standard Key Derivation functions from the SharedSecret DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-178 Remove spurious references to PermissionCredential DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-176 Additional Enhancement to Mutual Authentication following ISO/IEC 9798-3 standard DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-146 Enhance security of the Authentication Handshake DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-14 More explicit Authentication and Permissions configuration DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-168 Use standard format for subject name in permissions and identity DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-169 Use standard format for subject name in permissions and identity DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-127 (meta)data_protection_kind takes incorrect values DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-130 The example governance does not validate with the governance XSD DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-133 Builtin Access Control - Use of 'TopicExpression' in Domain Governance DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-136 Builtin Access Control - Useless BooleanKind in Domain Governance Schema DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-144 Typo - KxKeyCookie/KxCookie and KxMacCookie/KxMacKeyCookie DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-143 adjusted_participant_key renamed to effective_participant_key without notice DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-142 Typo CryptoTranformIdentifier instead of CryptoTranSformIdentifier DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-76 Construction of HandshakeRequestMessage is unclear DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-75 In DomainGovernance, what is default behaviour if a domain+topic topic_rule is not found DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-78 Contents of KeyMaterial_AES_CTR_HMAC structure unclear DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSSEC_-139 In DomainParticipant permissions XSD: minOccurs of in DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-36 Parameters of get_endpoint_sec_attributes DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-34 Parameters of get_participant_sec_attributes DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-33 Builtin Authentication plugin: RSA or DSA ? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-27 PermissionsCredential in validate_local_permissions DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-29 Plugins per-process or per-participant ? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-122 Default permissions for partitions are too broad DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-135 Builtin Access Control - Useless BooleanKind in Domain Governance Schema DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-137 Builtin Access Control - Inadequate XML type for 'domainId' in schemas DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-107 Wrong reference to "create_local_datawriter_crypto_tokens" and "create_local_datareader_crypto_tokens" in § DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-106 Typos in DDS-Security Specification (2) DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-104 Inconsistent naming "SingleSubmsgFlag", "SingleSubmessageFlag" versus "MultiSubmsgFlag" DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-109 Wrong reference to check_create_datareader in § DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-108 Wrong reference to BuiltinParticipantMessageSecureWriter in § DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-114 Size of NONCE (Challenge_A/Challenge_B) in Authentication handshake messages undefined DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-73 How to determine if creating a DomainParticipant is allowed DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-72 Use of 'partition' in access control is unclear DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-74 Is there implicit handling for builtin secure endpoints in the access control plugin? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-35 Builtin Access Control plugin doesn't set is_rtps_protected DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-32 Which encryption algorithm for the SharedSecret ? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-7 In Table 18: check_remote_datawriter() should have a subscriber_partition parameter DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-5 Announcement of the new secure builtin endpoints DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-18 Handle types are shared by some plugins DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-1 In register_matched_remote_datareader() relay_out parameter should be IN DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-97 Errors in § DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-96 Errors in step 6, step 7, and step 11 DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-95 Typos in DDS-Security Specification DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-103 Replace encode_serialized_data with encode_serialized_payload DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-98 §, §, § "received by the BuiltinParticipantVolatileMessageSecureWriter" should be "received by the BuiltinParticipantVolatileMessageSecureReader" DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-82 Governance Document description typo DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-81 Data type for CryptoTransformIdentifier.transformation_kind_id is unclear DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-80 Do the encode operations prefix the CDR data with a CDR encapsulation header? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-79 Parameters to register_matched_remote_datareader() inconsistent between spec and IDL. DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-77 Description of HandshakeReplyMessage has an error DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-57 Section (Authentication plugin interface) should not be under (Unauthenticated DomainParticipant entities) DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-38 The padding used when encrypting the shared secret is not specified DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-11 Confusion between is_access_protected and allow_unauthenticated_participants DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-10 Matching of ParticipantStatelessMessage builtin endpoints DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-8 In Figure 12: preprocess_rtps_submessage() should be preprocess_secure_submsg() DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-3 Replace "BuiltinParticipantStatelessMessager" with "state-machine" DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-4 The adjusted_participant_key must be a valid Participant GUID DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSSEC_-6 In Table 1 and Table 2: the "name" attribute should be renamed as "key" DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-9 In Table 18: check_create_topic should not have a "property" parameter DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-19 register_matched_remote_datawriter: wrong parameter name DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-31 Content of initialization_vector and hmac_key_id DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSSEC_-30 New callback for authentication failures DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSSEC_-23 Benefit of session keys: wrong sentence DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-26 How to find the MasterSessionSalt to decrypt ? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-25 Typo in KeyMaterial_AES_CTR_HMAC: initilization_vector DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-24 CipherKind and HashKind enums both use NONE DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-21 Meaning of MasterHMACSalt DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-20 Extra parameter to register_local_datawriter DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-13 validate_remote_permissions cannot return TRUE DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-12 Typo: is_discoverye_protected DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-17 Value of HandshakeRequestMessageToken 1st property DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-16 Inconsistency between "BuiltinParticipantStateless" and "InterParticipantStateless" DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-15 Wrong bits indexes in effective_participant_key DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-28 Complexity of Authentication Plugin Model DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Deferred closed
DDSSEC_-22 Meaning of SessionId DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-128 How does the built-in Cryptographic plugin know whether to just Sign or EncryptThenSign? DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Deferred closed
DDSSEC_-83 DomainGovernance -> domain_rule -> rtps_protection_kind description is unclear DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Deferred closed
DDSSEC_-140 Name of builtin topic is DCPSParticipantMessage not ParticipantMessage DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Deferred closed
DDSRPC_-9 Collisions in the implied IDL DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-15 missing attribute exception specification mapping DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-13 Potentially redundant UnknowEx DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-1 Clarifications and simple technical corrections DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-7 Editorial corrections in the spec document DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-11 modules in IDL DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-25 QoS library name with profile filename DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-23 return code mapping in IDL2C++11 DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-21 Why do we need @Choice DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-19 Annotation Scope DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-17 potential hash collisions DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSRPC_-5 Inconsistent ParameterIDs DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSRPC_-3 Review comments Remedy IT on RPC4DDS DDS-RPC 1.0b1 DDS-RPC 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSSEC_-187 Permissions XSD in section and example in are inconsistent with normative machine readable file DDS-Security 1.0b1 DDS-Security 1.0 Deferred closed
DDSWEB-25 Enhancement to resolution of DDSWEB-3 / DDSWEB-20 DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-9 Missing HTTP return code for DDS_ERROR DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-14 Inconsistent and incomplete specification of resource representations DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-33 Correct minor inconsistencies in naming DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-30 Use of WebSockets is underspecified DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-8 X-Types Dependency DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSWEB-7 Access Control Relationship with DDS Security DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-2 The title of the submission is misleading DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSWEB-6 Namespace are non aligned with new PSMs DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DDSWEB-5 Wrong Acknoledgment DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-4 Copyright Violation DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-1 The URL prefix of the specification documents is not consistent with the XSD targetNamespace DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-21 Qos Profiles and Types are underspecified and inconsistent with XSD DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-19 Inconsistent and incomplete specification of resource representations DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSWEB-17 Missing HTTP return code for DDS_ERROR DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DDSWEB-29 Incomplete specification of the GET operation on the DataReader (Section DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSWEB-3 JSON Missing DDS-WEB 1.0b1 DDS-WEB 1.0 Deferred closed
DDS-178 ref-1003: Section (editorial) DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-176 ref-1001: section 3.1.1 (editorial DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-175 Missing operations to allow the navigation described in the PIM DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-177 ref-1002: section (editorial DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-174 Bad references DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-173 DDS editorial issues DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-105 section 8.3.1 Base Connectors DDS4CCM 1.0b2 DDS4CCM 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-104 Section what about making is_lifecycle_checked a regular attribute, so not read only? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY11-12 Not every application limits itself to only 1 representation of a topic DDS-XTypes 1.0 DDS-XTypes 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSXTY11-11 Semantics of overriding an attribute not clearly specified DDS-XTypes 1.0 DDS-XTypes 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSXTY11-10 Typo DDS-XTypes 1.0 DDS-XTypes 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSXTY11-9 Typo in opening sentence of section: Missing noun and verb DDS-XTypes 1.0 DDS-XTypes 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-103 issue create/addressed? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-102 ConnectorStatusListener::on_unexpected_stat DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-101 InstanceHandleManager, local? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-100 Supporting Content Filtered Topics DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-99 getter text should be clearer about the behavior DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-98 Typo, 09-10-25, ExtendePortType DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-97 read_last DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-96 IDL3+ keyword question/issue DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-95 csl::on_inconsistent_topic DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-94 DDS_TopicBase::key_fields DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-93 mirrorport in CCMComponentPortKind DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-92 DDS4CCM module name DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-88 topic_name attribute DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-91 DDS port interfaces should be local DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-90 readonly attribute DDS::StringSeq key_fields;? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-89 on_subscription_matched missing DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-87 Updater and instance handle DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-86 (Multi)Updater method names? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-85 Extended ports DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-84 MultiListener DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-83 QoS profile attribute name? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-82 Do we need the Multi* interfaces/ports? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-81 Sequence typedef leads to multiple sequences DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-80 NonExisting::indexes with Reader/Getter/Writer DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-79 non-keyed datatypes DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-78 Reader port question DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-77 Dds4ccm and includes DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-76 Reader interface DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-75 Typo, betwen DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-74 Typo, erroneaous DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-71 QueryFilter DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Closed; No Change closed
DDS4CCM_-70 Reader::read_all_history DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-73 Return value of operations on MultiUpdater/MultiWriter/ DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-72 Typo, 8.3.1 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-69 Destination module for implied template interfaces DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-68 Return type of the MultiWriter/MultiUpdater? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-67 or MultiUpdater the return value of unsigned long doesn't make sense DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-66 MultiWriter DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-63 For timestamp, is this the DDS source_timestamp? If yes, rename the member to source_timestamp DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-62 line 17 and 21 the exception NonExistent: under which conditions has this exception to be thrown? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-65 Line 14, change inees to fields DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-64 For line 44 and 20 I would recommend to have update/create/delete as bold font DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-61 if no key is specified the an_instance is supposed to be empty? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-60 One line 24 the spec uses BadParameter, but it doesn't describe when this exception has to be thrown. DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-59 We propose to change the tags to and DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-58 Lines 32-36 imply that value declarations and type declarations may be parameterized DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-57 On line 24, the term '' should be '+'. DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-56 The non-terminal 'extended_port_decl' appears as both a component export and a connector export. DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-55 What are the semantics of the 'primitive' keyword? Letting it match any primitive type seems too vague DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-54 Section ListenerControl attribute DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-53 ListenerControl DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-52 SampleInfo DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-51 propose to read the AMI chapter that was part of the alpha spec DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-46 DDS4LwCCM - template interface body DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-50 the spec should be more clear for which constructs the $ can be used DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-49 DDS4LwCCM - concatentation symbol usage DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-48 DDS4LwCCM - standalone template interfaces? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-47 DDS4LwCCM - forward declared template interface? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-43 table 2 on page 16 (adobe number) on line 1 should have the same fonts as table 1 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-42 keywords that can't be used in other IDL anymore DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-41 The spec uses $ as string replacement for IDL3+ DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-45 DDS4LwCCM - template interface IDL grammar DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-44 The spec doesn't say anything about forward declared IDL3+ interfaces DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-39 Annex D: Font of line 20 not ok DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-38 Shouldnh't InternalError use DDS::ReturnCode_t DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-37 Section 9.2.2: Line 16 doesn't read, line 33 should also be clear DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-40 Section: and annex A missing parameter name DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-36 Section 9.2.2: Line 13 says DCPOS, shouldn't this be DCPS? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-35 Section line 39 should be indented DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-34 Section 9: Line 4 should start with a capital DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-33 Section On line 5 DURATION_INFINITE_NSEC should be used DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-32 Section 8.4.2: For Table 12, Boolean, font of BOOLEAN_TRUE is not ok DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-28 why not use an exception instead of a return value for the methods in Getter<>? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-31 Section 8.4.2: On line 1, the annex numbers are lacking DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-30 Section 8.3.1: On line 19, after DDS_Base it should be a { DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-29 Section: font DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-27 Section this seems to lack a figure, line 7 ends with "extrat below:" but nothing is below line 7 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-26 Section Line 3-4 doesn't read DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-25 Section: DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-24 Section 7.2.3: Line 38-39 starting with "note that events" doesn't read UML 2.2 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-19 DDS_Listen is never defined in this spec DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-18 this struct uses a StringSeq but the namespace is lacking DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-23 Section Line 16 ends with two semi colons instead of 1 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-22 Section 7.1.2: Layout of figure 2 and 3 can be improved DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-21 Section: 6.1.2: It should be ExtendedPort and MirrorPort, not InversePort DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-20 For 3, check UML CCM reference, it says 5formal, is that ok? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-17 The usage of ULongSeq should be CORBA::ULongSeq DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-16 Figure 1 should say IDL3+ instead of Extended IDL3 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-15 Line 15,19, use CORBA::ULongSeq instead of ULongSeq Line 23, use an enum for the error_code? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-14 line 4, replace the with The (T upper case) DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-13 Line 13/16/21/24, shouldn't the DDS_ be removed from the kind? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-12 line 8, shouldn't DDS_KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS be replaces with KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-11 line 27, change attributre to attribute also change StringSeq to CORBA::StringSeq DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-10 line 52, change DDS_StateLsisten to DDS_StateListen DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-9 line 29, change On_data to on_data (lower case) DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-8 Change on line 5 StringSeq to CORBA::StringSeq DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-6 wouldn't it be more maintainable to add to lines 35-40 a typedef for the return value (and other interfaces)? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-5 Should be as below (lower case) set_configuration_values DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-4 Shouldn't table 10 take parameterized connectors into account? DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-3 push operation should be push_T$ DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-7 change nb to number in the comment on line 29/32/35 DDS4CCM 1.0b1 DDS4CCM 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-2 inout data parameters DDS4CCM 1.0b2 DDS4CCM 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM_-1 Type, DDS Listen instead of DDS_Listen DDS4CCM 1.0b2 DDS4CCM 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM11-13 DDS4CCM RTF - proposed simple spec extension for common DDS use case DDS4CCM 1.0 DDS4CCM 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSXTY11-8 Inconsistent extensibility kind for enumerations DDS-XTypes 1.0 DDS-XTypes 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-24 Inconsistencies related to use of const& DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-26 DynamicData interface of the Language Binding section DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-12 The specification does not state how to generate unique GUIDs DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-9 Update protocol version to 2.1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-8 Change StatusInfo from SubmessageElement to Parameter DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-11 Computation of KeyHash is unspecified DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-10 Properly assign vendor IDs DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-6 Some submessage kinds are logically redundant and not extensible DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-7 Change KeyHash from SubmessageElement to Parameter DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-5 Clarify when a Payload is present in a submessage DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-4 Include key in serialized ParticipantMessageData DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-3 Add implementation note on not serializing redundant info in builtin topic DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP21-2 Clarify usage of KeyHash DDSI-RTPS 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-28 Add Parameter ID for Original Writer Info DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-27 Add Max Sample Size Serialized Parameter Id DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-25 Inconsistent generated code for DynamicType::descriptor DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-24 Circular reference in definition of specialized Primitive Types DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-19 Introduce the notional value "null" that may be used in a content-filter expression DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-23 Invalid data types applied to AnnotationDescriptor::value, DynamicData::descriptor, DynamicData::value DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-22 Conflicting data types applied to several Attributes, Operations and Parameters in UML notation DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-21 Non-standard UML notation on figures DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-20 Truncation of text in Figure 3 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-18 New DDS-XTypes issue: inability to consume data using new base class DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-17 Object assignability rules should be more resilient DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-16 Definition of “strongly assignable” is incomplete DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-12 Incorrect default extensibility kind value in XSD file DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-15 Incorrect union assignability rules DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-14 Inconsistent bit set/integer equivalency DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-13 Ambiguous description of serializing discovery types DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-9 Difficult to apply automation to statically defined types DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-8 Changing a DynamicType object is ambiguous DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-11 Optional, must_understand members of non-mutable aggregation types cannot be accurately represented in CDR DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-10 New QoS policies donÂ’t indicate whether they can be changed DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-7 Typographical errors DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-6 Type signature fields in built-in topic data shouldn't use unbounded strings DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-5 No way to get or set length of collection-typed DynamicData objects DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-4 Annex D (“DDS Built-in Topic Data Types”) is out of sync with IDL file DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-3 C++ mapping MAP type needs member access semantics specification DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-2 Restrictions on MAP key element type not (clearly) documented/specified DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY_-1 Anonymous types should not be used in IDL examples and the TypeObject representation IDL DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 DDS-XTypes 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-170 ref-1054: Bad which_added operations in IDL DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-172 Changing the IDL module DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-171 ref-1053 Missing is_composition DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-169 Missing operations on DomainParticipantFactory and need for helper values DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-168 New definition for Selections DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-167 ref-171 Rename_Topic_USER_DATA_to_TOPIC_DATA DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-166 Ref-170 Missing_description_of_OWNERSHIP_STRENGH DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-32 A Status is not an Event. An Event is not a Status, it notifies a status change DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-31 DataReader API DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-34 Statuses API shoud be improved and made typesafe DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-33 Avoid unncessary side-effects on the DataWriter API DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-30 DomainEntity should be removed DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-35 API Should Avoid Side-Effects, e.g. Remove Bucket Accessors DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-36 The Sample class should provide a method to check wether the data is valid DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-37 Misnamed Listener Helper DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMCF2-2 ReaderState: the class name does not reflect the intent of the class DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSPSMCF2-1 The Status API, e.g. sample_rejected_status, deadline_missed_status, etc., are missing from the DataReader DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSPSMCF2-3 Useless ReaderQuery on DataReader read/take DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSPSMCF2-4 Assignment Rule for Container Types DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-28 Get rid of the EntityQos Class DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-27 QoS DSL Needed DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-23 RxO QoS Policies should be Comparable (idem for QoS) DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-22 Getting rid of the Bootstrap Object DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-26 Large Number of Spurious Import DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-25 Constant Values SHALL be defined by the standard DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-24 Qos Policies ID class vs. numeric ID DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-21 Superfluous "QoSPolicy" Suffix on Policy Types DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-29 Entity class allows for breaking invariants DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-11 Exception safety guarantees for the DataReader API DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-10 Portable exception-safety guarantees for DDS C++ PSM DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-3 Union/array/bounded types lacking DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-2 factory methods on the "parents" (e.g. create_topic, create_data_writer, etc.) DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-5 Compilation errors on Visual Studio 2008/2010 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-4 Dividing a scalar in Duration and Time classes DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-1 XML-Based QoS Policy Settings (DDS-PSM-Cxx/DDS-PSM-Java) DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-7 Fixing bugs and improving usability of the InstanceHandle class DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-9 Use traits for topic/datareader/datawriter DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-8 Inheritance via dominance warning on Visual Studio DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-6 Improving usability of Reference class DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-12 General Exception Safety Considerations DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-20 Modifiable Types should be removed and replaced by values (e.g. immutable types). DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-19 QosPolicy.Id enumeration is redundant DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-15 Remove unnecessary DataWriter.write overloads DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-14 Improve polymorphic sample creation DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-6 Improve usability of “bucket” accessors DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-5 Missing -behavioural- descriptions of the interface DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-8 Entity.setListener is missing listener mask DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-7 Update specification to reflect DDS-XTypes FTF1 issue resolutions DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-12 DynamicDataFactory.createData missing a parameter DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-11 Too many read/take overloads DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-18 DataReader.createReadCondition() is useless DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-17 Parent accessors should be uniform across Entities and Conditions DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-10 Incorrect topic type specification in DomainParticipant.createMultiTopic DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-9 Unclear blocking behavior for WaitSet.waitForConditions overloads that donÂ’t specify timeout DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-13 Logically ordered types should implement java.lang.Comparable DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-16 copyFromTopicQos signatures are not correct DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-1 XML-Based QoS Policy Settings (DDS-PSM-Cxx/DDS-PSM-Java) DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-23 read/take consistency for loaned and non-loaned samples DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-20 The tdds namespace should be merged into the dds namespace DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-22 Getter/Setter for member arrays DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-21 Expected use of AnyDataReader::get and its implication on AnyDataReader's template constructor DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-4 Data access from DataReader using java.util.List DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-3 duplicate put definition resulting in a name clash DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-14 Supporting automatic conversion from value types to delegate types DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-13 Improving usability of EntityQoS API DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVA-2 formal description of how topic types are mapped to Java classes needed DDS-Java 1.0b1 DDS-Java 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-17 RadarTrack uses anonymous types DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-16 Typos in Value.hpp, Exception.hpp DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-19 IDL mapping for non-trivial struct fields DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-18 optional support DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSPSMC-15 Make parameter passing same for native/type parameters DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b1 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-3 Implement Java5 Closeable interface DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-2 Obsolete EntityQos interface name DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-1 Class for Query Expression DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-6 Implement in Sample.Iterator DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-4 Update specification for final DDS-XTypes DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-7 Redundant "QosPolicy" suffix on Policy Types DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSPSMCF2-5 Update specification for final DDS-XTypes DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0b2 DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSJAVAF2-5 Improve compile-time type safety of EntityQos DDS-Java 1.0b2 DDS-Java 1.0 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-29 Different applications in the same domain may associate the same Topic with different types DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-28 DDS-XTypes @Key annotation Issue DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-8 CanÂ’t initialize TypeId from TypeKind DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-9 Identifiers TypeId and Module collide with IDL keywords DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-23 DonÂ’t require CORBA namespace for primitive types in Plain Language Binding DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-22 Allow more flexible type consistency enforcement DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-21 Typographical errors DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-20 Mutable structures with an empty intersection should not be considered assignable DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-19 XML representations should define namespaces DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-25 Provide minimal backwards-compatible conformance point DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-24 Provide formal grammar for new IDL Type Representation constructs DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-27 Improve support for shared data DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-26 Reduce size of DynamicData API DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-16 Incorrect FooDataWriter overloads for built-in types DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-15 Missing definitions of TypeSupport specializations for built-in types DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-18 Allow IDL compatibility pragma declarations to nest DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-17 Consolidate IDL built-in annotations in machine-readable file DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-14 Updated QoS definitions should be provided DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-13 Extensibility kinds of new QoS policies are not specified in a consistent way DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-11 Unclear member names when programming language doesnÂ’t support typedef DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-10 Definition of built-in IDL annotation @Shared is missing DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDSXTY-12 Definition of type “Parameters” inadvertently missing DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 Resolved closed
DDS4CCM11-12 Move generic interaction support (GIS) to the CCM specification DDS4CCM 1.0 DDS4CCM 1.1 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-5 Clarify Writer liveliness mechanism DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-4 Change structure of (Nokey)DataFrag DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-7 Add SerializedDataFragment as Submessage Element DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-6 Version number should be 2.0 DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-3 Remove length field in encapsulation chapter DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-2 Provide default timing parameters DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-25 DDS DURABILITY Persistent QoS DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-24 ChangeKind Has DDS Relationship DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-23 Clarify GAP usage DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-26 TOPICNAME parameter appears in PSM but not in PIM DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-22 Elaborate on Necessity and Usage of In-line QoS DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-21 Clarify Data Encapsulation Schemes DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-12 Clarify implementing Count submessage element DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-11 Reclaiming finite resources from inactive readers DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-17 Supporting Inline QoS by Stateful Readers DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-16 Add Directed Write Parameter Id DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-9 Clarify interoperability requirement DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-8 Clarify interoperability requirement DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-15 Interpreting Liveliness Heartbeats DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-14 Clarify Writer Response to ACKNACK DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-20 Add Max Sample Size Serialized Parameter Id DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-19 Add Property List Parameter Id DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-10 Define default multicast Reader behavior DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-13 Reader-side Heartbeat response suppression DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDSIRTP2-18 Add Entity Name Parameter Id DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 DDSI-RTPS 2.0 Resolved closed
DDS11-123 R#182) Clarify mapping of PIM 'out' to PSM 'inout' DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-122 (R#181) Clarify listener and mask behavior with respect to built-in entitie DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-121 R#180) Clarify which entities appear as instances to built-in readers DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-120 R#179) Built-in DataReaders should have TRANSIENT_LOCAL durability DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-118 (R#150) Ambiguous description of create_topic behavior DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-117 (R#144) Default value for DataWriter RELIABILITY QoS DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-119 R#178) Unclear behavior of coherent changes when communication interrupted DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-124 (T#6) Inconsistent name: StatusKindMask DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-125 Page: 2-8 DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-62 (R#124) Clarification on the behavior of dispose DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-61 Need an extra return code: ILLEGAL_OPERATION DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-58 (R#119) Need lookup_instance method on reader and writer DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-57 TransportPriority QoS range does not specify high/low priority values DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-60 (R#122) Missing QoS dependencies in table DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-59 (R#120) Clarify use of DATAREADER_QOS_USE_TOPIC_QOS DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-56 R#115) Destination order missing from PublicationBuiltinTopicData DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-55 R#114) Operations should not return void DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-64 (R#127) Improve PSM mapping of BuiltinTopicKey_t DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-63 (R#125) Additional operations that can return RETCODE_TIMEOUT DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-66 (R#130) Unspecified behavior of delete_datareader with outstanding loans DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-65 Unspecified behavior of DataReader/DataWriter creation w/t mismatched Topic DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-68 Incorrect reference to LIVELINESS_CHANGED in DataWriter::unregister DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-67 (R#131) Clarify behavior of get_status_changes DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-53 Incorrect field name for USER_DATA, TOPIC_DATA, and GROUP_DATA DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-52 (R#109) Unused types in IDL DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-54 R#112) Incorrect SampleRejectedStatusKind constants DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-72 (R#142) OWNERSHIP QoS policy should concern DataWriter and DataReader DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-71 (R#139) Rename *MatchStatus to *MatchedStatus DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-70 (R#138) Add instance handle to LivelinessChangedStatus DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-69 (R#135) Add fields to PublicationMatchStatus and SubscriptionMatchStatus DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-73 (R#145,146) Inconsistent description of Topic module in PIM DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-77 (R#154) Undefined behavior if resume_publications is never called DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-76 (R#153) Ambiguous SampleRejectedStatus::last_reason field DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-75 (R#152) Extraneous WaitSet::wakeup DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-74 (R#147) Inconsistent error code list in description of TypeSupport::registe DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-83 ReadOnly exception on clone operations DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-82 Bad cardinality on figure 3-4 DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-81 Naming inconsistencies (IDL PSM vs. PIM) for Cache operation DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-80 Naming inconsistencies (IDL PSM vs. PIM) for ObjectHome operations DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-78 DTD Error (mainTopic DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-79 get_all-topic_names operation missing on figure 3-4 DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-92 Inconsistent naming for status parameters in DataReader operations. DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-91 Behavior of DataReaderListener::on_data_available DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-97 (T#46) History when DataWriter is deleted DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-96 (T#38) request-offered behavior for LATENCY_BUDGET DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-90 Remove operations badly put on implied classes DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-89 Attach_Listener and detach_listener operations on ObjectHome are untyped DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-93 (T#23) Syntax of partition strings DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-95 (T#37) Clarification on the value of LENGTH_UNLIMITED constant DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-94 Clarification of order preservation on reliable data reception DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-86 templateDef explanation contains some mistakes DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-85 Typo CacheUsage instead of CacheAccess DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-98 (T#47) Should a topic returned by lookup_topicdescription be deleted DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-84 Wrong definition for FooListener DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-88 Parameter wrongly named "object" in implied IDL DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-87 DlrlOid instead of DLRLOid in implied IDL DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-44 (T#52) Allow to explicitly refer to the default QoS DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-43 (T#45) Clarification of syntax of char constants within query expressions DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-46 (T#55) Modification to how enumeration values are indicated in expressions DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-45 (T#54) Performance improvement to WaitSet DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-48 (T#57) Enable status when creating DomainParticipant DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-47 (T#56) Return values of Waitset::detach_condition DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-42 Explicit mention of static DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance operation DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-41 (T#42) Behavior when condition is attached to WaitSet multiple times DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-51 (R#107) Missing Topic operations in IDL PSM DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-50 (R#106b) Parameter passing convention of Subscriber::get_datareaders DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-49 Add autopurge_disposed_samples_delay to READER_DATA_LIFECYCLE QoS DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-40 (T#41) Default value for RELIABILITY max_blocking_time DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-39 Missing description of DomainParticipant::get_domain_id DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-37 Confusing description of behavior of Publisher::set_default_datawriter_qos DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-38 (T#33) Clarification in use of set_listener operation DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-114 Clarify meaning of LivelinessChangedStatus fields and LIVELINESS le DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-113 (R#126) Correction to DataWriter blocking behavior DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-112 (R#117) No way to access Participant and Topic built-in topic data DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-111 (R#115b) Incorrect description of QoS for built-in readers DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-106 (T#65) Missing get_current_time() function DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-105 (T#62, R#141) Unspecified TOPIC semantics DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-116 (R#136) Additional operations allowed on disabled entities DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-115 (R#133) Clarify meaning of LivelinessLost and DeadlineMissed DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-104 (T#61) Restrictive Handle definition DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-103 (T#60) Asynchronous write DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-108 (T#69) Notification of unsupported QoS policies DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-107 Read or take next instance, and others with an illegal instance_handle DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-100 (T#53) Cannot set listener mask when creating an entity DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-99 (T#51) Identification of the writer of a sample DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-110 (R#104) Inconsistent naming of QueryCondition::get_query_arguments DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-109 O#7966) Confusing terminology: "plain data structures" DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-102 (T#59) Deletion of disabled entities DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-101 (T#53) Cannot set listener mask when creating an entity DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS-146 Ref-112 Value_of_data_for_DISPOSED_state DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-145 Ref-85 Garbage_collection_of_disposed_instances DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-144 DDS ISSUE# 53] Refactor lifecycle state DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-143 DDS ISSUE# 52] Provide for zero copy access to data DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-149 Ref-231 Provide_a_way_to_limit_count_returned_samples DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-148 DDS ISSUE# 54] Refactor or extend API used to access samples DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-147 Ref-113 Meta_sample_accounting_towards_resource_limits DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-161 Mapping DCPS-DLRL DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-160 New definition for ObjectFilter DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-159 clean_modified (in ObjectRoot, Relations...) DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-142 DDS ISSUE# 49] Behavior_of_register_type DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-141 Rename DataType interface to TypeSupport DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-140 DDS ISSUE# 46] Use of RETCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-139 DDS ISSUE# 45] Is OMG IDL PSM more correct than CORBA PSM? DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-138 DDS ISSUE# 44] Errors in figures DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-137 Ref-139 Bad_reference_to filter_expression DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-151 DDS ISSUE# 56] Missing fields in builtin topics DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-150 DDS ISSUE# 55] Rename DataType interface to TypeSupport DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-155 ObjectHome index and name DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-154 ref-1032: User-provided oid DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-136 DDS ISSUE# 43] Bad references DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-135 DDS ISSUE# 42] Clarify how counts in the status accumulate DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-134 DDS ISSUE# 41] Inconsistent use of instance in datawriter api DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-158 Naming of the private members DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-157 New structure for DLRLOid DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-156 ObjectRoot::is_modified (clarification) DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-153 DDS ISSUE# 57] Clarify creation of waitset and conditions DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-152 Ref-224 Built_in_topics_not_in_PSM DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS11-23 Operation DataWriter::register DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-22 Spelling inconsistencies between the PIM and IDL PSM DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-24 (T#4) Typo in section (write) and section (dispose) DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-34 (T#29) Missing operations to Topic class DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-33 (T#28) Typographical and grammatical errors DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-31 Missing operations on DomainParticipantFactory DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-30 Spell fully the names for the DataReader operations DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-26 Default value for READER_DATA_LIFECYCLE DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-25 Typo in section DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-28 No mention of DESTINATION_ORDER on DataWriterQos DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-27 Incorrect reference to USER_DATA on TopicQos DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-35 Formal parameter name change in operations of ContentFilteredTopic DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-29 Formal parameter name improvement in IDL DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-32 T#18,24,) Missing operations and attributes DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS-163 Several instead one listener DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-162 clone + deref DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-165 New definition for ObjectListener DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-164 delete clone DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-67 Ref-37 Entity_ specialization_set_get_listener_in_idl DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-66 Ref-34 Incorrect_guard_condition_enabled_statuses DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-70 Ref-48 FooDataWriter_unregister_instance DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-69 Ref-46 ContentFilteredTopic_related_topic DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-65 Ref-28 IDL_entity_get_statuscondition DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-68 Ref-42 DomainParticipantListener_on_requested DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS11-21 Typographical and grammatical errors DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-20 DDS 04-04-12 para. Format and conventions DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-16 no specific mention of interoperability in DDS 04-04-12 standard proposal DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-17 DDS: DCPS generated interface FooTypeSupport DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-19 WRITER_DATA_LIFECYCLE, itemized list, first bullet DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS11-18 DDS: DCPS - define the term "plain data structures" DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS-131 DDS ISSUE# 38] Allow application to install a clock DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-130 DDS ISSUE# 37] SAMPLE_LOST_STATUS on DataReader DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-121 Ref-106 Desc_of_Inconsistent_topic_status::total_count_change DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-120 Ref-156 Clarify_TIME_BASED_FILTER DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-119 Ref-104 Coupling_bwn_TIME_BASED_FILTER_and_RELIABILITY DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-116 DDS ISSUE# 36] QoS clarifications DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-115 Inconsistency on what operations may return NOT_ENABLED DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-114 DDS ISSUE# 34] Initial data when DataWriter appears DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-133 DDS ISSUE# 40] Expression syntax is missing enumeration DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-132 DDS ISSUE# 39] Combine module names DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-129 Ref-162 Separate_transient_into_two_kinds DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-128 Ref-142 Confusing_description_of_manual_by_participant DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-123 Ref-109 Destination_order_should_be_request_offered DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-122 Ref-108 Ownership_interaction_with_deadline DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-125 Ref-144 Wrong_description_of_compatible_DURABILITY DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-124 Ref-111 Default_values_for_qos DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-118 Ref-212 Qos_Coupling_TimeBasedFilter_deadline DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-117 Ref-210 Clarification_of_responsibility_of_RxO_qos DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-127 Ref-144 User_data_on_topic DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-126 Ref-165 Make_USER_DATA_changeable DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS11-36 (T#30) Ambiguous description of TOPIC_DATA DDS 1.0 DDS 1.1 Resolved closed
DDS-92 Ref-118 Introduce_TIME_INVALID_constant DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-91 DDS ISSUE# 14] Helper addition to the IDL DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-90 Ref-31 Reason_and_use_of_enabled DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-89 Reason and use of enable DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-86 Duplicate use of domainId DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-85 Ref-02 Data_Available_status_transition DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-88 Ref-40 Name_and_return_type_of_lookup_topic DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-87 Use of Topic versus TopicDescription DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed
DDS-80 Ref-126 Inconsistent_parameter_order_to_get_datareaders DDS 1.0b1 DDS 1.0 Resolved closed