DDS-XTypes 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

DDSXTY — Don’t require CORBA namespace for primitive types in Plain Language Binding

  • Key: DDSXTY-23
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15703
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: DECA ( Rick Warren)
  • Summary:

    The Plain Language Binding relies on the IDL-to-C and IDL-to-C++ language mappings to generate programming APIs for these languages. Unfortunately, these mappings prefix all primitive type names with “CORBA,” which is incorrect and confusing for DDS users. For example:
    • DDS Int32 will become CORBA_Long in C.
    • DDS Float64 will become CORBA::Double in C++.
    Update the Plain Language Binding for primitive types in C and C++ to place them in a conceptual “DDS” module instead of the current “CORBA” module. At the same time, rename them to be consistent with their names in the DDS type system—for example, “Int32” instead of “Long.” (The Plain Language Binding already makes several extensions to the IDL-to-C/C++ mapping specifications. This change would constitute one more.)
    These new primitive types must be compatible in size and representationwith the definitions in the Type System; these definitions will be provided in a table within the Plain Language Binding section. (As a side effect, they will also be compatible with to their CORBA-module counterparts, such that applications using both DDS and CORBA can assign from one to the other without type casts or loss of information.)

  • Reported: DDS-XTypes 1.0b1 — Fri, 8 Oct 2010 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS-XTypes 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update the Plain Language Binding for primitive types in C and C++ to place
    them in a conceptual “DDS” module instead of the current “CORBA” module. At
    the same time, rename them to be consistent with their names in the DDS type
    system—for example, “Int32” instead of “Long.” (The Plain Language Binding
    already makes several extensions to the IDL-to-C/C++ mapping specifications.
    This change would constitute one more.)
    These new primitive types must be compatible with the definitions in the Type
    System; these definitions will be provided in a table within the Plain Language
    Binding section. (As a side effect, they will also be compatible with their CORBAmodule
    counterparts, such that applications using both DDS and CORBA can
    assign from one to the other without type casts or loss of information.)

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT