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DDS12 — Small naming inconsistentcies between PIM and PSM

  • Key: DDS12-58
  • Legacy Issue Number: 9540
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: THALES ( Virginie Watine)
  • Summary:

    In section, the explanation for the "copy_from _topic_qos" operation mentions two parameters called "topic_qos" and "datawriter_qos_list". Both parameter names do not exist.

    In the PSM (section 2.2.3) the first two parameters for all "read()" and "take()" methods (and their variants) are consistently called "received_data" and "sample_infos". In the DataReader PIM in section, these same names are only used for the "read()" and "take()" methods. All their variants and all have a first parameter called "data_values". The FooDataReader PIM has the same issue, but even uses the name "data_values" for the read() and take() methods themselves.

    Proposed Resolution::
    Replace "topic_qos" with "a_topic_qos" and "datawriter_qos_list" with "a_datawriter_qos".

    Consistently use the parameter name "received_data" in bot the PIM and the PSM.

    We propose we either ignore the second change regarding 'data_values' or change it the other way around (from received_data to data_values). This impacts the specification less. There are a lot of places that would be affected by the change to "received_data" from "data_values"

    Proposed Revised Text::

    Section copy_from_topic_qos:
    1st paragraph, replace: "topic_qos" with "a_topic_qos"
    1st, 2nd, and 3rd paragraph, replace: "datawriter_qos_list" with "a_datawriter_qos"

    Section 2.2.3
    replace formal paramater name "received_data" with "data_value" or "data_values" depending on whether the typeis a sequence or not This affects DataReader::take* DataReader::read*, FooDataReader::take* and FooDataReader::read*

    Section DataReader Class table replace "received_data" with "data_values". This affects the operations:

    Section 2.2.3 DCPS PSM : IDL
    Change formal parameter of read/take operations from "received_data" with "data_values". This affects the operations:

  • Reported: DDS 1.1 — Mon, 3 Apr 2006 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT