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DDS — DDS ISSUE# 33] Initialization of resources needed

  • Key: DDS-113
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6819
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    ] Initialization of resources needed to implement

    ***Ref-91 Configuration_of_the_transient_and_persistent_service

    The DDS specification does not provide a clear model of the behavior
    of the service when the DURABILITY QoS is set to TRANSIENT or

    Moreover for the application needs to be able to specify the QoS
    parameters and resources that the implementation is allowed to use
    when implementing this service.


    Add the following explanation to section

    For the purpose of implementing the the DURABILITY QoS settings of
    TRANSIENT, PERSISTENT the service behaves "as if" it had a "built-in
    DataReader and DataWriter" for each Topic that is configured to have
    said DURABILITY kind. In other words, it is "as if" somewhere in the
    system (possibly on a remote node) there was a "built-in durability"
    DataReader that subscribed to that Topic and a "built-in durability"
    DataWriter that published that Topic as needed for the new subscribers
    that join the system.

    For each Topic, the built-in "persistence service"
    datareader/datawriter has its QoS configured from the Topic QoS for
    that Topic as described in Issue Topic_qos_refactor (Issue #86). In
    otherwords, it is as-if the service first did a
    "Participant::lookup_topic" for that Topic, and then used the QoS on
    the Topic to configure the built-in entities.

    As a consequence of this model, the transient or persistence serviced
    can be configured by means of setting the proper QoS on the Topic.

    For a given Topic, the usual request/offered semantics apply to the
    matching between any DataWriter in the system that writes the Topic
    and the built-in transient/persistent DataReader for that
    Topic. Similarly for the builtin transient/persistent DataWriter for
    the Topic and any DataReader for the Topic. As a consequence, a
    DataWriter that has an incompatible QoS with respect to what the Topic
    specified for the built-in transient/persistent DataReader will not
    send its data to the transient/persistent service, and a DataReader
    that has incompatible QoS with respect to the specified in the Topic
    for the transient/persistent DataWriter will not get data from it.

    Incompatibilities between local DataReader/DataWriter entities and the
    corresponding builtin transient/persistent entities cause the
    "incompatible qos" listener to be invoked as they would with any other

  • Reported: DDS 1.0b1 — Tue, 23 Dec 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT