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DDS — Missing operations to allow the navigation described in the PIM

  • Key: DDS-175
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6687
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    Ref-200 Figure_2_10_arrow_readcondition
    The PIM indicates by means of the arrow pointing from ReadCondition to DataReader that navigation is possible. However, the navigation is not present in the PSM (no operation, no attribute).
    Proposal: Fix by adding get_datareader() operation to the ReadCondition. This operation should take no arguments and return a DataReader
    Ref-201 Figure_2_5_arrow_statuscondition
    The PIM indicates by means of the arrow pointing from StatusCondition to Entity that navigation is possible. However, the navigation is not present in the PSM (no operation, no attribute).
    Proposal: Fix by adding get_entity() to StatusCondition. This operation should take no arguments and return a Entity.
    Ref-202 Figure_2_10_arrow_topicdescription
    The PIM indicates by means of the arrow pointing from DataReader to TopicDescription that navigation is possible. However, the navigation is not present in the PSM (no operation, no attribute).
    Proposal: Fix by adding get_topicdescription to DataReader. This operation should take no arguments and return a Topicdescription.
    Ref-203 Figure_2_9_arrow_topic
    The PIM indicates by means of the arrow pointing from DataWriter to Topic that navigation is possible. However, the navigation is not present in the PSM (no operation, no attribute).
    Proposal: Fix by adding get_topic() to DataWriter. This operation should take no arguments and return a Topic.
    Ref-227 Missing_navigation_operations
    The PIM indicates by means of the arrow pointing from DataReader to Subscriber, from DataWriter to Publisher, and from DomainEntity to Participant that navigation is possible. However, the navigation is not present in the PSM (no operation, no attribute)
    Proposal: Fix by adding DataReader::get_subscriber (no parameters, returns a Subscriber), DataWriter::get_publisher (no parameters, returns a Publisher), and the operations Publisher:: get_participant(), Subscriber::get_participant, and TopicDescription::get_participant() (these 3 operations should take no arguments and return a Participant). It is not needed to add get_participant to DataReader or DataWriter because it is possible to navigate to the subscriber/publisher and from there to the participant.

  • Reported: DDS 1.0b1 — Mon, 8 Dec 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 01:53 GMT