Legacy Issue Number: 11036
Status: closed
Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Kenneth Brophy)
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. (Ken Brophy, ken@rti.com)
Requirement currently states "Readers can only send an ACKNACK Message in response to a HEARTBEAT message." This implies a reader may not poll for samples by unilaterally NACKing. This is true in general: the frequency and bandwidth of NACKs and associated repair messages is well maintained if controlled only by the writer. However, in the case when a Reader first finds out about a remote writer, before it receives any heartbeats, it may optionally send an ACKNACK to notify the writer. This can expedite communications between the new writer/reader pair, as the arrival time of the first heartbeat may be indeterminate.The rationale of writer-only control of NACK and associated repair messages should be incThis optimization should be noted within an implementation note.
Clarify requirement to include the special case of a Reader first discovering a Writer.
Revised Text:
ยท Change the text of Section to:In steady state, an ACKNACK Message can only be sent as a response to a HEARTBEAT Message from a Writer. ACKNACK Messages can be sent from a Reader when it first discovers a Writer as an optimization. Writers are not required to respond to these pre-emptive ACKNACK Messages.
Reported: DDSI-RTPS 2.0b1 — Wed, 23 May 2007 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — DDSI-RTPS 2.0
Disposition Summary:
see above
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
DDSIRTP2 — Clarify interoperability requirement
- Key: DDSIRTP2-8
- OMG Task Force: DDS Interoperability FTF