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DDS — DDS editorial issues

  • Key: DDS-173
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6685
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    Ref-66 Misplacing_of_key_in_builtin_topic_table
    Section 2.1.5. Fields "key" with Topic DCPSPublication and DCPSSubscription are placed one row to high compared to the relating Topic. In other words, DCPSPublication and DCPSSubscription should be placed one row higher.
    The thickness of the lines between the rows might suggest some relation between fields, but is implemented inconsequent.
    Proposal: Correct table as described above.
    Ref-103 Typo_on_section_2.
    3rd paragraph Says "... prior to calling any of the sample-accessing operations, namely: … on the DataWriter"
    Should say "on the DataReader" instead of "on the DataWriter"
    Proposal: Replace "DataWriter" with "DataReader" in said paragraph
    Ref-105 Typo_on_section_2.1.3.11
    Section says "Assuming the STRENGTH policy allows it…"
    Should say "Assuming the OWNERSHIP policy allows it…"
    Proposal: Replace as stated above
    Ref-115 Typo_consistent_use_of_term_publication
    Section says "The publication to ignore"… The parallel sentence in section says the "The DataReader to ignore"…
    These two sentences should be consistent
    Proposal: Replace "publication" with DataWriter in
    Ref-143 Typo_on_RELIABILITY_description
    In Section 2.1.3, QoS table. The description of RELIABILITY in the last line it says "and whether a samples can be discarded from it." Should say "samples" instead of "a samples"
    Proposal: Replace as stated above
    Ref-145 Bad_reference_to_DCPSEntity
    Section 2.1.3 Figure 15 Says DCPSEntity instead of Entity in one of the lines
    Proposal: Replace as stated above
    Ref-147 Typo_on_section_2.1.5
    Section 2.1.5 third paragraph says: The last "r" in "get_datareader" is not using italics as it should within the sentence "The built-in DataReader objects can be retrieved by using the operation get_datareader, with the Subscriber and the topic name as parameters."
    Proposal: Make the "r" italic.
    Ref-207 Grammar_errors_on_secs_2.1.2.4_and_2.1.2.5 2nd paragraph, 1st line: "one" should be "once" according to this should be the case. 3rd paragraph, 3rd line: "....on any DataWriter" should be "....on any DataReader" Point 5, 3rd line: "....that is required that.... " should be "....that it is required that.....""
    Proposal: Fix above 3 typos as stated above
    Ref-221 Typo_on_section_2.1.4.4 First paragraph after the bullets:"... is done after
    ininitial is at ion phase..." should be "... is done after initialization phase..."
    Proposal: Fix as stated above
    Ref-228 Typo_on_2. 2nd paragraph, 4th line: "filed" should be "field"
    Proposal: Fix as stated above

  • Reported: DDS 1.0b1 — Mon, 8 Dec 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 01:53 GMT