DDSI-RTPS 2.5 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

DDSIRTP25 — Editorial corrections

  • Key: DDSIRTP25-17
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    7.6 enumerated list 5th bullet

    • The transport will drop m essages if incomplete or corrupted during transfer

    -> messages


    Table 8.6 - RTPS Entity Attribues

    -> Attributes


    Table 8.9 - RTPS Endpoint configuration attribues

    -> attributes 'Logical Interpretation' enumerated list 1st bullet ( after revisions to the spec)

    • If the DataFlag [...], the serializedPayload element is interpreted as
      the value of the dtat- object.

    -> data-object 'Content' ( after revisions) Table 8.42 (8.48 after revisions) 2nd row 3rd column (meaning)

    Indicates the protocol used for subsequent Sudmessages.

    -> Submessages 'Readers must respond eventually after receiving a HEARTBEAT that indicates a sample is missing' 1st para 2nd sentence

    This requirement only applies if the Reader
    can accomodate these missing samples in its cache [...]

    -> accommodate

    Replace "bandwith" with "bandwidth" in section 8.4.2, and (2 times total).

    8.6.2 enumerated list 3rd bullet

    * The meaning of submessageIds cannot be modfied.

    -> modified 1st sentence

    Implementations may optimize bandwith usage by applying a time-based filter on the Writer side.

    -> bandwidth

    8.7.4 4th para 1st sentence

    When RTPS sends a Data Submessge to communicate instance state changes it may include only the Key of

    -> Submessage

    8.7.4 6th para numbered list

    1. If the previous update to the instance passed the filter, [...]
    that either includes the data value, or else indicates the IntanceState is ALIVE_FILTERED.

    -> InstanceState

    8.7.9 3rd para

    The RTPS protocol suports this forwarding of messages by including information of the original writer.

    -> supports

    9.1 enumerated list 4th bullet

    • [...]; this allows multiple RTPS endpoints to
      share a single operat- ing-system UDP resource (socket/port) while

    -> operating system Mapping of the EntityId_t

    typedef octet OctetArray3[3]; struct {
    OctetArray3 entityKey; octet entityKind;


    typedef octet OctetArray3[3]; 
    struct EntityId_t {
        OctetArray3 entityKey; 
        octet entityKind;
   Flags in the Submessage Header

    Reference to (


    The MulticastFlag is [...]. M=1 means the InfoReplyIp4 also includes a

    -> multicastLocator 1st sentence

    The port number expresssions use the following parameters:

    -> expressions, 7th para

    The DisposeedFlag is represented with the literal 'D.'

    -> DisposedFlag

  • Reported: DDSI-RTPS 2.3 — Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:05 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDSI-RTPS 2.5
  • Disposition Summary:

    Apply the typo corrections specified in the issue description

    Perform the suggested corrections.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 12:54 GMT