DDS-TSN 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

DDSTSN — Minor clarifications and enhancements

  • Key: DDSTSN-3
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Fernando Garcia-Aranda)
  • Summary:

    In Clause 7.2.2, the term "network topology description" seems odd. The text should probably refer to the deployment configuration model.

    In Table 7.19, "DataFrameSpecification Definition", the second bullet point should only refer to UDP/IP, not "TCP/IP".

    In Clause 8.2.2 should clarify that endpoints in the context of DDS entities refer to DataReaders and DataWriters, the term may confuse readers coming from different backgrounds.

    In Clause B.1.2, the clarification on manual configurations that need to calculate a schedule should probably mention they need to calculate whether the requirements can be met (schedule may be a confusing term in that context).

    In B.2.1.1, "Square Stream Configuration", the destination-mac-address in the status response should be "01-00-5E-7F-FF-01" (given the destination multicast IP address).

    In B.2.1.2, "Triangle Stream Configuration", the destination-mac-address in the status response should be "01-00-5E-7F-FF-02" (given the destination multicast IP address).

  • Reported: DDS-TSN 1.0a1 — Sun, 31 Mar 2024 19:40 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:41 GMT