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DDS — Ref-85 Garbage_collection_of_disposed_instances

  • Key: DDS-145
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6855
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    In the current specification, the applications are fully responsible
    for the resource usage. Applications have means to detect when
    lifecycles end and resources can be freed. However even if
    applications are to be written correctly not all cases are covered and
    some situations potential produce garbage, that is memory that remains
    in use and never reclaimed.

    The following are potential scenarios:

    Instances become disposed but the application does not 'take' the
    sample and therefore does not allow the middleware to end the
    lifecycle and remove the state regarding the instance

    Instances that no longer have any "active" writers and consequently
    get no more samples.

    Even if the application 'takes' the disposed instance or instances
    with no writers it is not always possible for the middleware to
    reclaim the resources. This can occur in two cases; in case of the
    service keeping Transient and Persistent data and in case of
    incomplete MultiTopic samples. In both cases an immediate removal of
    samples is not desirable but eventually the samples should be removed

    On the one hand deleting the instances immediately will potentially
    cause problems since late coming readers may require the disposed
    instances, e.g. reallocating consumers requiring disposed instances to
    finish interrupted cleanup actions or MultiTopics joining Topics with
    different lifecycles.

    On the other hand the disposed instances cannot be kept
    indefinitely. Doing this will eventually flood the system, especially
    for Topics with increasing key-values.

    The solution is to keep them for a certain duration and then reclaim
    the resources the question is how long this duration should be?

    Note that, in general, just because a sample has been disposed the
    middleware cannot reclaim all the resources on it either on the writer
    side or on the reader side. For the middleware to reclaim resources it
    is necessary that the instance is also unregistered; otherwise
    disposing would automatically relinquish ownership which is not the
    desired behavior.

    This applies both to the writer side, the reader side, and/or the
    transient/persistent durability service.

    On the writer side it is therefore clear. Resources are only fully
    reclaimed when the instance is unregistered.

    So the tricky issue is how to handle the case where an instance has no
    writers, whether it had been disposed or not, whether there are
    samples in the queue or not. Nominally we notify the application of
    this event by some means (see Issue #84). The application should then
    take the samples.

    One approach would be for the middleware to keep some resources around
    for a certain duration (DISPOSE_LIFESPAN) in case this was just a
    transient situation and the instance appears again. This treats the


    Add a new QoS on the DataReader called NO_WRITERS_LIFESPAN with a
    single Duration_t field "duration". It is mutable with a default
    value equal to DURATION_INFINITY. This represents the duration for
    which the DataReader should keep the knowledge of an instance once it
    detects it has NO_WRITERS.

    After the instance has no writers the middleware is not required to
    keep the information about the instance any longer than the
    NO_WRITERS_LIFESPAN. The implication is that if an instance becomes
    DISPOSED_NO_WRITERS and the application does not take the instance for
    a time that exceeds the NO_WRITERS LIFESPAN the application could miss
    the fact that the instance has DISPOSED and has no writers.

  • Reported: DDS 1.0b1 — Tue, 23 Dec 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DDS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT