UAF14-216 |
incorrect acronym definition |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-217 |
There is a View Description for Ar-Tr , but that square of the Grid is blank |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-213 |
Personnel::States example error |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-215 |
Incorrect definition for SubOrganization |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-214 |
List of deprecated elements |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-206 |
Architecture Management Sequences |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-207 |
Incosistent terminology between profile and metamodel |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-211 |
Security Control should be a kind of Capability not a kind of Requirement |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-209 |
Information elements require better definition of relationships |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-208 |
Non-Security Risks |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-212 |
Operational Performer not linked to the Operational Performers in the model |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-210 |
Standards need to be decomposable |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-199 |
ServiceExchangeItem missing things |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-198 |
Signals should be ExchangeItems |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-204 |
EvokedBy, ambigous description |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-205 |
DataElement is mentioned |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-201 |
ClassificationAttributes all Strings are missing multiplicities |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-202 |
BillingItem wrong description |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-203 |
should have multiplicity of [0] |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-200 |
missing definition of Cost |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-190 |
The UAFML is a UML Profile Not Itself a Modelling Language - Only the One Individual Use |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-189 |
Consistency - Overlapping Concerns |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-191 |
Centre Justification of Text |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-195 |
Alignment of Terminology to 42010, Relationships Not Labelled |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-192 |
Structure of References Section is Incorrect wrt Normative Docs. It also Needs to Identify Which Normative Documents Apply to What Parts of the UAF |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-193 |
Many Normative References Are Not Sources of Requirements Against Which Conformance Assessed and Hence Not Normative |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-194 |
Issue Tracker Using Incorrect OMG Identifier? dtc/21-12-06 Required for Ticket But formal/22-07-02 on Front Cover of DMM Specification |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-196 |
Stereotype for ResourceInteractionScenario is missing |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-197 |
ResourceInteractionScenario in wrong chapter in the domain metamodel specification |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-185 |
Standards Taxonomy Missing conformsTo Element? |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-188 |
Figure 8:2 Architecture Views Does Not Conform to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 - Multiplicities, Naming, Direction [repeat - Tracker Now Using Correct OMG Identifiers] |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-184 |
Figure 9:129 ArchitecturalDescription - Multiplicities Incorrect |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-186 |
Figure 8:92, 8:93, 8:94 Do Not define the UAF Triples Needed to Address the Concerns Framed by the View Specifications::Other::BPMN View Spec |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-187 |
BPMN and Other ADLs Should Not be in the Agnostic DMM - Should be in Either UAFML or a Similar ADL-Specific Specification |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-183 |
Figure 9:134 / 8:86 Undefined DMM Elements - Refine, Trace, Refine, Verifiy, Requirement. Requirement not a UAF Element? |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-175 |
View Specifications::Summary & Overview::Summary & Overview - Missing Relationships and Triples, Concerns Not Defined |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-180 |
Figure 9:164 - ActualEnterprisePhase Class Hierarchy Incorrect & Doesn't Match Definitions of Types - An Endeavour etc Isn't a Time Period |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-178 |
UAFElement Definition Doesn't Define Concept - Is This Really 'Architecture Description Element'? |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-177 |
Metadata, ArchitectureMetadata Not Defined Correctly. ArchitectureMetadata duplicates Metadata - Both Define Metadata for an AD |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-179 |
Figure 8-14 Strategic Structure Does Not Provide Elements to match definition of View Specifications::Strategic::Structure::Strategic Structure |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-181 |
Appendix A. Traceability. Mapping Results Should Show Unmapped Elements - on UAF Side and on Target Side |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-176 |
UAFElement - Attributes Missing. URI incorrectly defined |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-182 |
UAF Elements Missing from SysML Mapping in Table 4.1 |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-173 |
View Specifications::Motivation::Motivation: Requirements - No Direction for Satisy, Refine, Verify + Duplicate Trace - Requirement Relationship |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-172 |
ServiceArchitecture Defined as AD, ServiceArchitecture Is not a Service as Stated |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-170 |
UAF View Specifications Don't Use UAF Identifiers and Depend on Package Striucture + Incorrect Traceability Doc Identifier |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-169 |
1.1 Introduction, 1.2 UAF Background Incorrectly Uses 'Architecture', 'Architectures' to Refer to Architecture Description |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-174 |
Metadata - category refers to DCMI abstract (not a category) / dublinCoreTag. DCMI Only Applies to Artefacts (Documents, Sound, Video, Text) Not any UAFElement |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-171 |
View Specifications::Motivation:Requirements Doesn't Permit Requirement traces to Requirement, Requirement refines Requirement |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-168 |
Type 1 Conformance Incorrectly Uses MODAF::Viewpoint Term as Collection of ISO42010::Architecture Viewpoiint Definitions |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-167 |
Missing Traceability and Evidence to Support Claim of Implementation of DMM by the UAFP (UAFML) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-163 |
8.1.4 View Specifications::Operational::Sequences::Operational Sequences View Specification Doesn't Provide Any Sequencing Triples to Address Its Concerns |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-166 |
8.1.1 View Specifications::Architecture Management::States::Architecture Status has Nothing to Do with 'Architecture' - It Describes the State of the Architecture Description |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-164 |
8.1.4 View Specifications::Operational::Sequences::Operational Sequences View Spec Includes UML Metaclasses |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-165 |
Operational Structure Viewpoint Identifier Should Be 'Op-Sr' Not 'Op-St' (which duplicates Operational States Viewpoint Identifier) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-156 |
View Specification - Am-Pr Architecture Development Method Name Doesn't Match Subject. Missing (No) Triples to Address Concerns |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-159 |
View Specification Am-Tr Architecture Traceability - Only 1 Relationship Element Provided, Unable to Describe Traces to External Sources |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-158 |
UAF Grid and text refers to 'Architecture Extensions' View Specification - View Specification Doesn't Exist |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-157 |
Tables Refer to a View Specification Am-Tx Architecture Extensions that Doesn't Exist + Table Numbering Error Table 1:2 |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-155 |
Figure 9:118 Caption ' ArchitectureMetadataDefinition' Includes the Following Metamodel Element Title ('Definition') |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-160 |
ActualPerson is not a Distinct Type. Inconsistent Representation of Individual vs Type/Class wrt Other Metamodel Elements (ActualXXX Elements Contradict Class Mechanism)) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-161 |
ServiceRole is Neither a Type of Nor Part of a Service |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-162 |
'Usage of + 'Whole:Part' - ProtocolLayer is Not a Distinct Metamodel Concept - It is a Reflexive Whole:Part Relationship on Protocol |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-150 |
User Guide - The User Cannot Use the UAFML - they Use a Modelling Tool with Added Behaviours. Incorrect Claims for UAFML. UAFML benefits / features unclear |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-149 |
Incorrect of the Term 'Modelling Language' As Synonym for a UML Profile |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-151 |
Incorrect Use of MODAF::Viewpoint in Grid |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-146 |
Consistency - 'ISO420:Architecture Description' vs 'UAF:ArchitecturalDescription' |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-147 |
'Reference Architecture' Should be 'Reference Architecture Description' |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-148 |
Consistency - 'Cross Cutting Viewpoints' Are Not ISO42010:Architecture Viewpoints - They're MODAF::Viewpoints - Same Word, Different Meaning |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-152 |
Incorrect Inclusion of UAF Architecture Viewpoints in an AD. Inconsistent and Incorrect Definition of 'Concern'. A StrategicPhase is Not a System |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-153 |
Inconsistent Definition of 'Architecture'. Unintelligable Note. Incorrect Reference. Step Name Should be 'Define Architecture Description Drivers and Challenges' |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-154 |
'Definition' Seems to be an Attribute of Any UAFElement - It Shouldn't Be a Separate Element (Inconsistent Representation of Attributes) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-145 |
A Repository Does Not Store Architecture - It Stores Architecture Description(s) - Differentiation of Duck vs Photo of Duck |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-144 |
The Master / Root Normative Specification to Which the EA Guide Conforms is the UAF DMM Not a UML Profile Implementation (UAFML) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-138 |
7.2 Viewpoint Interraltionships - Incorrect Termininology, Doesn't Show Any Relationships. (MODAF) Viewpoints Do Not Have any Abstraction |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-140 |
UAF Grid - Inaccurate Text. Gaps Don't Indicate Donor AF Coverage. Non- View Specification Content. Needs Donor AF to UAF Mapping in this Document |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-143 |
Consistency/Lack of Standardisation - 'stakeholder viewpoint', vs MODAF::viewpoint vs ISO 42010 Architecture Viewpoint |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-141 |
The UML Profile for the UAF Does Not Specify UAF Architecture Views or View Content - No Mechanism Within the XML |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-139 |
7.3 DMM Legend - 'External Type' Shouldn't Be Present in an Agnostic Spec (the DMM is Not a UML Profile) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-142 |
Incorrect Title '1.4 Layered Progression of Architecture Definition' - Should be 1.4 Layered Progression of Architecture Description' |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-132 |
Appendix B - Glossary - Change of ISO 42010 'Architecture Viewpoint' to 'Viewpoint'. UAF Actually 'Viewpoint' Has at Least 2 Meanings, Only 1 Defined |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-135 |
2.2 Core Principles - Compliance Levels - Doesn't Define Compliance Levels. Not Consistent With UAF DMM Conformance Types. OMG Define UML Profile ... |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-133 |
3.1 Architecture Management Concepts - 'UAF Meaning' - Any Semantic Difference from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Invalidates Any Claim of Conformance |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-134 |
Invalid Version of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 - '2021' - Correct Year is 2022 |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-131 |
mismatch Concerns |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-137 |
Am-Mv Architecture Principles View Specification Doesn't Provide the Elements to Address the Concerns Identified. No Triples Defined. |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-136 |
9.1.1 ArchitecturalReference - Incorrect Name (Not a Reference to Architecture), Not a Tuple, Incorrect Definition. Not Needed - Use a Trace |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-129 |
View Specification Op-Pr Operational Processes BPMN Semantics - Invalid Concern, Representation in an Agnostic Metamodel |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-128 |
8.1.10 View Specifications::Standards::Traceability - Sd-Tr - Incorrect Concerns. No Triples Provided to Match Concerns. Unclear Whether Trace or Conformance |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-130 |
OperationalActivityEdge is a UML (Activity Diagram) Implementation of OperationalExchange - Shouldn't be in Agnostic DMM [Not Required] |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-127 |
OperationalArchitecture - an AD by Definition Specialises OperationalAgent and Architecture? |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-126 |
View Specification Rs-Tx Resources Taxonomy - ResourceExchanges, Measurements Do Not form Part of a Resource Taxonomy |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-124 |
the two UAF Grids are different |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-125 |
Ar-Tr is missing |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-122 |
Method is wrong semantics |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-121 |
Missing metamodel for StrategicInformation |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-123 |
Sm is not defined |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-114 |
PropertySet - Incorrect Definition, Specialisation Short Circuits Metamodel - 'System PropertySetGeneralization Viewpoint' etc. Triples Not in any UAF Architecture View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-113 |
No Added Extensions |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-116 |
CompetenceToConduct in two places |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-115 |
CompetenceToConduct in two places |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-117 |
Function in some places instead of Activity |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-118 |
InteractionMessage has no metamodel |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-119 |
No Description for CapabilityRoleDependency |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-120 |
no metamodel for StrategicExchangeItem |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-112 |
Need to be specific when extending things |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-109 |
View Specification - Rs-Sr - Undefined Concerns, Missing Elements, Shouldn't Describe Function, Missing Triples - Measurement, Protocol |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-111 |
'View Specification' Rs-Sr Resources Structure - Every ResourcePerformer Requires One or More Measurements. Asset is a PropertySet Semantically Incorrect |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-105 |
Decision Nodes not a UAF element |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-106 |
For Exchanges |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-104 |
*ActivityAction |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-110 |
PropertySet should extend <> Classifier |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-107 |
Missing ServiceParameter |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-108 |
Missing Service on ServiceExchangeItem? |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-101 |
The description in Ar-Tr is misaligned with picture |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-103 |
Definition of Standard Operational Activity clarified |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-100 |
Spelling errors |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-99 |
non-named constraint |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-98 |
MilestoneDependency |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-97 |
is it Projects or Project |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-96 |
ActualService inconsistent |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-102 |
endDate in Attributes wrong |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-88 |
VersionSuccession does not tell which is the successor |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-91 |
ComparesTo is ambiguous |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-92 |
Forecast is ambigous |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-90 |
Forecast is ambigous |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-89 |
architectureFramework |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-94 |
missing Element CourseOfAction |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-93 |
ProjectSequence is ambiguous |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-95 |
ActualService is italics |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-83 |
Traceability between Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholder Concerns |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-87 |
No Statement of Before and After |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-82 |
Add Standards Processes |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-84 |
Wrong mappings between UAF and DoDAF |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-86 |
MilestoneDependency |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-85 |
Fig 3.38 |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF13-82 |
PhaseableElement - Enterprise Vision & Enterprise Goal should not be phaseable |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-79 |
PhaseableElement - Enterprise Vision & Enterprise Goal should not be phaseable |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-81 |
Motivation - MotivatedBy - Wrong AssociationEndNames |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-83 |
ConceptRole is missing in the DMN |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-78 |
Motivation - MotivatedBy - Wrong AssociationEndNames |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-77 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - Implements |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-80 |
ConceptRole is missing in the DMN |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-84 |
Achiever - production versus transformation |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-81 |
Achiever - production versus transformation |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-80 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - Implements |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-76 |
BORO Compliance - Desirer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-78 |
BORO Compliance - ActivityPerformableUnderCondition |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-79 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - PerformInContext |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-73 |
BORO Compliance - Desirer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-75 |
BORO Compliance - ActivityPerformableUnderCondition |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-76 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - PerformInContext |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-77 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - IsCapableToPerform |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-74 |
Abstract Multiplicity Issue - IsCapableToPerform |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-70 |
Structural and Behavioral Column Grouping in the Grid |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-67 |
Structural and Behavioral Column Grouping in the Grid |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-71 |
Strategic Viewpoint Designator (St --> Sg) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-68 |
Strategic Viewpoint Designator (St --> Sg) |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-75 |
Tags to relationships |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-72 |
Swap Personnel and Resources rows in UAF grid |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-72 |
Tags to relationships |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-69 |
Swap Personnel and Resources rows in UAF grid |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-73 |
Adopting ISO document structure, formatting and style |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-74 |
Alignment with ISO 42010 concepts and terminology |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-70 |
Adopting ISO document structure, formatting and style |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-71 |
Alignment with ISO 42010 concepts and terminology |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-63 |
Architectural Description Referencing |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-60 |
Architectural Description Referencing |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-64 |
Portfolio as Enduring Object |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-61 |
Portfolio as Enduring Object |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-65 |
Architecture Management Taxonomy View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-66 |
Arch Mgmt Processes View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-67 |
Arch Mgmt States View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-62 |
Architecture Management Taxonomy View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-63 |
Arch Mgmt Processes View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-64 |
Arch Mgmt States View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-69 |
Actualization Viewpoint and Views |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-68 |
Arch Mgmt Roadmaps View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-66 |
Actualization Viewpoint and Views |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-65 |
Arch Mgmt Roadmaps View |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-56 |
Location Types |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-53 |
Location Types |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-57 |
NATO Framework Guide for UAF |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-58 |
Sample Model Updates |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-59 |
EA Guide Updates |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-54 |
NATO Framework Guide for UAF |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-55 |
Sample Model Updates |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-61 |
Measurements Typical and Actual |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-58 |
Measurements Typical and Actual |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-62 |
Measurement Kinds in UAF |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-59 |
Measurement Kinds in UAF |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-60 |
Use Cases |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-56 |
EA Guide Updates |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-57 |
Use Cases |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-50 |
Capability has no agency, therefore cannot desire a state |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-51 |
Architecture is not an Agent nor a Performer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-49 |
Architecture is not an Agent nor a Performer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-48 |
Capability has no agency, therefore cannot desire a state |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-52 |
Operational Scenarios as Agents |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-54 |
Operational Nodes and Needlines |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-53 |
Trust Lines between Operational Performers |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-50 |
Operational Scenarios as Agents |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-51 |
Trust Lines between Operational Performers |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-52 |
Operational Nodes and Needlines |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-44 |
Change <> relationship source to <> element |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF13-46 |
Resource Performer implementing a Service |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-41 |
Enable a Requirement Relationship between AbstractReqirement and Capability |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-42 |
Change <> relationship source to <> element |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF13-45 |
Service Performer as special case of Service |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-43 |
Service Performer as special case of Service |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-43 |
Enable a Requirement Relationship between AbstractReqirement and Capability |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF13-48 |
Service Mitigation to perform Security Process and satisfy Security Control |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-47 |
Service implementing an Operational Agent |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-49 |
Service as Desirer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-44 |
Resource Performer implementing a Service |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-46 |
Service Mitigation to perform Security Process and satisfy Security Control |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-45 |
Service implementing an Operational Agent |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-47 |
Service as Desirer |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-37 |
'View Specification' Is Not Defined and Seems Indistinguishable in use from 'Architecture Viewpoint' |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-35 |
'View Specification' Is Not Defined and Seems Indistinguishable in use from 'Architecture Viewpoint' |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-38 |
Multiple Use of 'Viewpoint' In Different (ISO 42010 Non-Conforming) Sense with No Definition / Differentiation |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-36 |
Multiple Use of 'Viewpoint' In Different (ISO 42010 Non-Conforming) Sense with No Definition / Differentiation |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-39 |
Viewpoint Definition Incomplete, Doesn't Conform to ISO42010 and Cardinalities |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-37 |
Viewpoint Definition Incomplete, Doesn't Conform to ISO42010 and Cardinalities |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-40 |
UAFML should not redefine SysML method attribute of the Viewpoint Stereotype. |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF14-38 |
UAFML should not redefine SysML method attribute of the Viewpoint Stereotype. |
UAF 1.2b1
open |
UAF13-42 |
UAF dtc-21-12-07 issue |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-39 |
UAF dtc-21-12-07 issue |
UML 2.5.1
open |
UAF14-40 |
UAF dtc-21-12-07 issue |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-31 |
EnterprisePhase Definition Defines a State Not a Phase |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-32 |
UAF or ISO 42010 Terms Do Not Form Correspondence Rules |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-33 |
Definition of Tuple is that for a Relationship (Not a Tuple) |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-29 |
EnterprisePhase Definition Defines a State Not a Phase |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-30 |
UAF or ISO 42010 Terms Do Not Form Correspondence Rules |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-31 |
Definition of Tuple is that for a Relationship (Not a Tuple) |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-36 |
As Defined CapabilityConfiguration is More of a System than System Element Itself |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-34 |
As Defined CapabilityConfiguration is More of a System than System Element Itself |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-35 |
Claim That No New Terms is Incorrect. Any Terms Need to Be Clearly Defined with Traceability to Source / Master Definition |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-34 |
subOrganization is Neither a Type Nor a Type of Human Being |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-33 |
Claim That No New Terms is Incorrect. Any Terms Need to Be Clearly Defined with Traceability to Source / Master Definition |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-32 |
subOrganization is Neither a Type Nor a Type of Human Being |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-25 |
UAFElement.conformsTo and ProtocolImplementation.implements alignment and reification with fUML |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-23 |
UAFElement.conformsTo and ProtocolImplementation.implements alignment and reification with fUML |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-26 |
Ambiguity regarding Stakeholder role expectations |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-24 |
Ambiguity regarding Stakeholder role expectations |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-29 |
Definition of Concern is Incorrect And Doesn't Conform to ISO 42010. Relationships Don't Match ISO 42010 Conceptual Model |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-27 |
Lack of Differentiation Between 'Architecture' and 'Architecture Description' |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-28 |
ResourceArchitecture Definition is that for an Architecture Description Not Architecture |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-27 |
Definition of Concern is Incorrect And Doesn't Conform to ISO 42010. Relationships Don't Match ISO 42010 Conceptual Model |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-26 |
ResourceArchitecture Definition is that for an Architecture Description Not Architecture |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-25 |
Lack of Differentiation Between 'Architecture' and 'Architecture Description' |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-30 |
toBe Attribute is an Attribute of the Architecture Not the Architecture Description |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-28 |
toBe Attribute is an Attribute of the Architecture Not the Architecture Description |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-20 |
Refine the DMM Impliments implementation in ML |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-18 |
Refine the DMM Impliments implementation in ML |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-21 |
UAF::*Constraint can’t be used with SysML::ConstraintBlocks |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-19 |
UAF::*Constraint can’t be used with SysML::ConstraintBlocks |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-22 |
Alignment of UAF::*Method with IsCapableToPerform |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-24 |
LocationHolder.physicalLocation and requiredEnvironment as properties of Assets |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-23 |
Support UML::Property.defaultValue as part of UAF::MeasurableElement.actualMeasurementSet |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-20 |
Alignment of UAF::*Method with IsCapableToPerform |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-22 |
LocationHolder.physicalLocation and requiredEnvironment as properties of Assets |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-21 |
Support UML::Property.defaultValue as part of UAF::MeasurableElement.actualMeasurementSet |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-16 |
Support for SysML::FullPort as alternate for UAF::*Ports |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-14 |
Extention of UAF "Action"s from UML::CallBehaviorAction does not support usage of UAF::"Method"s in Process and Connectivity Views |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-15 |
Interoperability with UML and SysML elements |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-14 |
Support for SysML::FullPort as alternate for UAF::*Ports |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-12 |
Extention of UAF "Action"s from UML::CallBehaviorAction does not support usage of UAF::"Method"s in Process and Connectivity Views |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-13 |
Interoperability with UML and SysML elements |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-17 |
UAF::*ControlFlow not possible from most UML::ActivityNodes |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-15 |
UAF::*ControlFlow not possible from most UML::ActivityNodes |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-18 |
UML::Property.defaultValue has upper multiplicity of 1 even though Property is a MultiplicityElement |
UML 2.5.1
open |
UAF13-19 |
measurementSet tag derivation from actualMeasurementSets |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF14-16 |
UML::Property.defaultValue has upper multiplicity of 1 even though Property is a MultiplicityElement |
UML 2.5.1
open |
UAF14-17 |
measurementSet tag derivation from actualMeasurementSets |
UAF 1.2
open |
UAF13-6 |
Actual Resources domain name change |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-7 |
Actual Resource Relationship description incorrect |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-6 |
Actual Resources domain name change |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-7 |
Actual Resource Relationship description incorrect |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-8 |
UAF extensions of CallBehaviorAction should also support CallOperationAction |
UAF 1.1b1
open |
UAF14-8 |
UAF extensions of CallBehaviorAction should also support CallOperationAction |
UAF 1.1b1
open |
UAF13-9 |
UAF DMM PDF - Table of Contents is out-of-sync with chapter numbering |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-11 |
Reference to "Services Sequences" view in traceability tables |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-10 |
Error in table numbering |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-9 |
UAF DMM PDF - Table of Contents is out-of-sync with chapter numbering |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-11 |
Reference to "Services Sequences" view in traceability tables |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-10 |
Error in table numbering |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-2 |
Is OrganizationInEnterprise to restrained? |
UAF 1.0
open |
UAF13-3 |
ISO Date Time needs to be refactored |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-2 |
Is OrganizationInEnterprise to restrained? |
UAF 1.0
open |
UAF13-1 |
Stereotypes for flowProperties |
UAF 1.0b2
open |
UAF14-3 |
ISO Date Time needs to be refactored |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-1 |
Stereotypes for flowProperties |
UAF 1.0b2
open |
UAF13-5 |
Group architecture items into portfolios and portfolio segments |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-5 |
Group architecture items into portfolios and portfolio segments |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-4 |
Need to identify addtional concept to support Acquistion Ref Model Usage |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF14-4 |
Need to identify addtional concept to support Acquistion Ref Model Usage |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-13 |
XMI file with outdated UML 1.x version |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-12 |
Error |
UAF 1.1
open |
UAF13-55 |
Mission and Mission Threads |
UAF 1.2
open |
FACE11-11 |
Rename FACE IDLxxx Stereotypes to non-IDL names |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-8 |
Delete IDLxxxx elements removed from FACE 3.1/UDDL Standard |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-2 |
Update Standard to FACE 3.1 Data Architecture |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-6 |
Prepare MS Word Spec for Reorganization |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-1 |
Bring Constraints in machine readable and spec into Alignment |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-3 |
Separate UML-only and UAF portions of specification |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-5 |
Provide examples of the desired FACE views |
FACE 1.0
open |
FACE11-4 |
Create SysML annex for standard |
FACE 1.0
open |
UAF12-118 |
Strategic Constraint is missing from the specification |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-130 |
Update Appendix A (Traceability) document to reflect changes in the normative documents |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-132 |
Update Appendix B (Example) document to reflect changes in the normative documents |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-117 |
Value Streams Support |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-58 |
EA Process Guide for UAF |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-41 |
UAF does not comply with “model kind” as defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-51 |
Risk concept to be expanded to include more than security risks |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-54 |
Architecture Management Domain |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-11 |
Achiever cannot be the same as Desirer |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-10 |
Inconsistency between spec and implementation |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-6 |
Add the UAF Metamodel on a page |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-36 |
The diagrams are not consistent against the legend of colors |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-40 |
UAF does not simply agregate terms coming from other AF. |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-39 |
Need to have terms and definitions formally expressed. |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-37 |
Personnel Domain identifier |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-43 |
Missing Generalization Open Triangle on Association of OperationalPerformer and OperationalArchitecture at OperationalAgent in Figure 8.10 |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-47 |
Operational Interaction Scenarios view specification diagram is incorrect |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-46 |
Editorial corrections |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-52 |
Knowledge as a strategic asset with critical value to the Enterprise |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-49 |
Opportunities to pursue in moving the enterprise towards the target states |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-48 |
Desired outcomes as “targets” to achieve with enterprise transformation |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-59 |
Interaction Scenarios column name change |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-33 |
Service Modelling needs to be improved |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-29 |
UAF Profile should be identified as an Enterprise Modeling Language |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-26 |
Security Constraints and Corrective Process |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-24 |
Typos on chapter 7.2 Domain Interrelationships |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-22 |
Roadmap model kind: incomplete sentence |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-21 |
Two model kinds are addressing modeling of connections |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-16 |
Inconsistencies in view specifications |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-12 |
Should SubjectOfForecast be an Asset instead of ResourcePerformer? |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-9 |
The View definition in Annex A are missing stereotypes from the Elements list |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-5 |
Actual Risk should be captured in Security Parameters rather than Security Constraints |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-14 |
Recommended Implementation should include ibd |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-35 |
ActualResourceRelationship: The textual description does not fir the connector of the class |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-38 |
Enterprise Phase Concern |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-34 |
On behalf of the NATO ACAT group, the handling of effects is suggested to be modified |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-45 |
Change the title of this specification in order to reflect its content |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-50 |
Drivers and Challenges for the architecting effort |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-57 |
Need Operational Capability |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-56 |
Competence as a "kind of" capability |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-55 |
Feature "capability" in Resource Domain |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-31 |
The Service Structure View Diagram Should show how services are structured |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-30 |
Enterprise Modeling Language Logo |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-28 |
SecurityClassificationKind should be linked via a kind end instead of type |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-27 |
UAF DMM v1.1 has no chapter number |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-25 |
CapabilityDependency: meaning of the two types of metaclasses need clarification |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-23 |
The scope of the Strategic State view is not clear on the illustrating diagram |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-19 |
Performs in Context is confusing |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-18 |
Exchange Contract |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF12-17 |
Capability specialisations are needed |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-15 |
CapabilityForTask, is it redundant? |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Resolved |
closed |
UAF12-8 |
Stereotypes for flowProperties |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF12-7 |
Conceptual mapping between UAF DMM and Archimate elements |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-4 |
Add a 3-way Resource Traceability Matrix as a standard view |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-3 |
Increase DoDAF Conformance – PES Implementation; LFL Issue #2 (11 September 2017). |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-2 |
Provide Vendor Neutral exchange format of the UAF DMM |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; Out Of Scope |
closed |
UAF12-1 |
Add the element ResourceRoleKinds to the relevant diagrams in the UAF DMM |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-13 |
Is OrganizationInEnterprise to restrained? |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF12-42 |
Enterprise Phase Concern |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-44 |
Need to identify addtional concept to support Acquistion Ref Model Usage |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF12-53 |
Group architecture items into portfolios and portfolio segments |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF12-60 |
Actual Resources domain name change |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF12-32 |
The constraints for Implements are too strict |
UAF 1.1b1
UAF 1.2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF12-20 |
ISO Date Time needs to be refactored |
UAF 1.1
UAF 1.2
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-11 |
Add a 3-way Resource Traceability Matrix as a standard view |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-48 |
ResourceInteractionKind should really be called ResourceExchangeKind. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-276 |
Improve quality of DMM diagrams |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-294 |
modify title and text for DMM diagram legend |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-86 |
Sv-Pr implementation should be BDD and Activity diagram and table |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-82 |
Mapping for UAF views to DoDAF/MODAF Views problem |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-99 |
Sc-Tx should be mapped to BDD |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-98 |
Implementation for Sv-Tr should be tabular. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-94 |
Pr-Ct mapping should include the OV-4 Actual as a potential mapping. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-93 |
Inconsistent naming for State Diagrams |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-87 |
Ov-Ct and Sv-Ct recommended implementation should both be BDD |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-106 |
OV-1a should not be mapped as Op-Sr and SmOV |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-105 |
OV-1b should be mapped to the SmOV |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-103 |
Sd mappings are wrong in Annex B: |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-102 |
Pj mappings are wrong in Annex B |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-110 |
The changes to KnownResource don’t make any sense to me. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-107 |
OV-1c and SV-7 are better fits for Pm-Me. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-124 |
Document inconsistency between EnterprisePhase and CapableElement |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-123 |
Document inconsistency between AssetRole and SecurityProperty |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-121 |
Inconsistency between text/figure for ResponsibleRoleKind |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-128 |
Inclusion of additional CapableElements |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-53 |
InformationElements and DataElements location and constraints. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-49 |
OperationalExchange.trustlevel should be called OperationalExchange.trustLevel |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-46 |
ResponsibleFor.ResponsibleRoleKind tag wrong. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-77 |
UAFP Inheritance from SysML issues. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-76 |
Operational agent should own operational operation. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-63 |
Figure 179 for ActualProjectMilestone error |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-59 |
SubjectOfSecurityConstraint doesn’t allow you to constrain any elements from the SecurityDomain |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-57 |
SecurityControlFamily has a constraint for annotedElement |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-73 |
CapabIlityProperty should be shown with Dependencies |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-70 |
Figure 260 for Security Processes issues. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-69 |
Should have an IBD version for the Operational Taxonomy view |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-300 |
Update DMM sections on UAF grid, Domain interelatiohips and descriptions |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-298 |
Update and add sections 1 through 6.4 from UAFP and move to UAF DMM document |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-80 |
Op-Cn should be mapped to OV-2 and OV-3 |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-15 |
Required Environment needs to be individual as opposed to type |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-16 |
Security Property name change |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-21 |
Add 3D representation of domain connectivity |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-20 |
Update UAF Grid |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-30 |
UAF is not considered DoDAF 2.02 compliant |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-25 |
NAF 4 conformance |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-7 |
Proof of DoDAF Conformance – Meta Model – DM2; LFL Issue #1 (11 September 2017). |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-43 |
Figure 53 for Achiever shows AchievedEffect twice. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-39 |
EnterpriseVision.statement should be derived or removed. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-36 |
Actual Enterprise Phase: Concern.systemConcern incorrect name. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-35 |
Multiplicity wrong for Actual Enterprise Phase: forecastPeriod tag |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-33 |
Constraints [c] and [d] for Implements.supplier should be merged |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-160 |
There should be a depiction for ServiceObjectFlow and ServiceControlFlow, |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-157 |
Multiple diagrams show inconsistencies between themselves |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-85 |
There is no example of an Op-Tr. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-84 |
Worked example should have all diagrams. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-83 |
Worked example structure needs changing |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-81 |
Inconsistency between example and specification |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-100 |
Sc-Pr example doesn’t match the specification. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-92 |
Pr-Sr should be OV-4 typical |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-89 |
There’s no example of the Sv-Rm view. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-104 |
Ar-Sr should be mapped to BDD. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-111 |
OwnsProcess should be shown on Figure 76. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-114 |
ServiceOperation should be shown on Figure 89. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-112 |
ProtocolImplementation should be shown on Figure 182. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-204 |
Operational Architecture cannot own Operational Port |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-148 |
2) The ServiceFunction diagram (Figure 96) is depicted different then the Operational Activity diagram Figure 78) and the Function diagram (Figure 132) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-147 |
The UAFElement stereotype has multiple child stereotypes but none appear on the diagram. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-156 |
ActualOrganizationalResource (Figure 194) has no Metaclass |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-155 |
Text for ActualMilestoneKind refers to ActualMeasurements instead of ActualProjectMilestone |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-154 |
On Figure 186, there is no line between ActualOrganizationalResource and ActualProjectMilestone |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-153 |
ProjectRole (Figure 177) does not show as a child of ResourceRole (Figure125) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-152 |
Inconsistent depiction of VisionStatement |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-150 |
CapabilityForTask is duplicated on the Capability diagram (Figure 40) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-149 |
Diagram Consistency |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-118 |
Doc inconsistency between ActualOrganizationalResource & ActuralResponsibility |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-125 |
Dual inheritance for ActualService is confusing |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-122 |
Unclear relationship between ActualProject and ActualPropertySet |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-38 |
Figure 40 – Capability, shows CapabilityForTask twice |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-55 |
Figure 163 for Risk doesn’t show a specialization to Block |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-52 |
Figure 140 for DataModel doesn’t show an extension to a UML type. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-47 |
The ResourceRole.RoleKind tag should start with a lowercase letter. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-45 |
Figure103 for OrganizationalResource is missing some relationships. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-75 |
Figure 277 for Services Connectivity should show ServiceSpecificationRole |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-65 |
ActualService doesn’t need to directly inherit from ActualPropertySet |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-64 |
Figure 182 for Protocol should show the relationship to implementers. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-60 |
SubjectOfSecurityConstraint is specialized by Asset but not AssetRole |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-56 |
SecurityControl can't be a specialization of PropertySet and Requirement |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-74 |
Figure 277 for Services Connectivity should show provided/required interfaces |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-66 |
Figure 76 for OperationalActivity is missing OwnsProcess. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-95 |
Pr-Tx should not show structure, just generalizations. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-101 |
Tx and Sr views overlap. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-108 |
The OwnsRiskInContext has the wrong constraint text |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-5 |
Make the relationship between the definition Statemachines (currently implicitly related to UML statemachines) and the definition of ResourceStateMachines more explicit for readers of the UAF. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-3 |
Make the relationship between UML composition and aggregation (for the information model) and the use of whole/part in the UAF more explicit for readers of the UAF specification document. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-23 |
Update descriptions for MetaData row of Grid |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-13 |
Constraint uses wrong name |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-151 |
AchievedEffect is duplicated on the Achiever diagram (Figure 53) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-117 |
Identify all MeasurableElements in a comprehensive list or table |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-116 |
Provided complete list of UAF PropertySets in table |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-44 |
Figure 88 for ServiceMethod inconsistent |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-41 |
Problem with Figure 214 for Strategic Roadmap |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-40 |
Problems with Figure 49 |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-32 |
Constraint text for Figure 34 is incorrect. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-78 |
Energy should be restored to the UAF. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-62 |
ActualProject specialization wrong |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-72 |
Security Constraints inconsistency |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-71 |
Figure 262 shows an invalid relationship |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-68 |
Abstract stereotypes in the Elements list within Annex A |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-159 |
The diagram for OperationalObjectFlow does not show links to OperationalActivityAction |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-158 |
The diagram for FunctionObjectFlow does not show links to FunctionAction |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-79 |
Op-Tx should be IBD |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-97 |
Rs-Rm implementations should be matrix/tabular and BDD. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-91 |
Typo in the figure 235 text. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-90 |
Sv-Tr should be matrix/tabular and BDD. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-88 |
St-Rm should be mapped to an Object Diagram |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-109 |
XMI has ProjectActivityAction and CallBehaviourAction – shouldn’t include Activity. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-115 |
Problem with ServiceMessageHandler |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-113 |
ProvidesCompetence should also be an abstraction. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-2 |
Make the relationship between UML and the decomposition of Activity based elements more explicit for readers of the UAF specification document. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-1 |
Make the relationship between UML and BPMN for the representation the BPMN Start Event and End Event more explicit for readers of the UAF specification document. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-19 |
ResponsibleFor relationship from Actual Responsible Resource to Actual Project Milestone is missing in the Responsible For diagram |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
UAF11-18 |
Unified Architecture Framework (UAF), The Domain Metamodel document should not be marked as Appendix A for UAFP specification |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-28 |
Enteprise Phase should not be a subtype of capable element |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Resolved |
closed |
UAF11-120 |
Missing Metaclass designation in documentation |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-119 |
No diagram representation exists for some model elements |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-127 |
Inconsistency between spec and implementation |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-129 |
Capabilty generalization should be Use Case |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-42 |
Figure 51 for EnduringTask is missing inheritance to SysML::Block |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-37 |
Actual Enterprise Phase: Concern.systemConcern should be 0..1 |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-34 |
Inconsistency with Constraint [e] for Implements.supplier |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-54 |
Problem with EnhancedSecurityControl inheritance |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-51 |
Inconsistency with SecurityProcess and ProjectActivity |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-50 |
Constraints for ResourceInteractionKind.ResourceEnergyFlow don’t make sense |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-61 |
Inconsistency with Project |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-58 |
Abstract stereotypes shouldn't have extensions. |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-12 |
conformsTo is missing |
UAF 1.0b1
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-96 |
OrganizationalResources should not be on a Rs-Tx |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-14 |
Ovierview picture (UAF Grid Overview) |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Closed; Out Of Scope |
closed |
UAF11-6 |
Provide Vendor Neutral exchange format of the UAF DMM |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-4 |
Add the element ResourceRoleKinds to the relevant diagrams in the UAF DMM |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-17 |
Actual Risk should be captured in Security Parameters rather than Security Constraints |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-24 |
UAF compliance criteria for Toolvendors |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; Out Of Scope |
closed |
UAF11-22 |
Add the UAF Metamodel on a page |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-31 |
Definition of FunctionAction is too tight |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-29 |
Consumes relationship is facing wrong direction |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-27 |
Stereotypes for flowProperties |
UAF 1.0b2
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-26 |
Concpetual mapping between UAF DMM and Archimate elements |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-10 |
Interoperability and Interchange Testing; LFL Issue #4 (11 September 2017) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; Out Of Scope |
closed |
UAF11-9 |
Support Extensibility and Specialization of Architectures (Inheritance and Extension of Architectures; LFL Issue #3 (11 September 2017) |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Closed; No Change |
closed |
UAF11-8 |
Increase DoDAF Conformance – PES Implementation; LFL Issue #2 (11 September 2017). |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-67 |
The View definition in Annex A are missing stereotypes from the Elements list |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-296 |
Should SubjectOfForecast be an Asset instead of ResourcePerformer? |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-227 |
Achiever cannot be the same as Desirer |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |
UAF11-126 |
Inconsistency between spec and implementation |
UAF 1.0
UAF 1.1
Deferred |
closed |