UAF 1.4b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UAF14 — The UAFML is a UML Profile Not Itself a Modelling Language - Only the One Individual Use

  • Key: UAF14-190
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Eclectica Systems Ltd ( Nic Plum)
  • Summary:

    The change of name from the UAFP to the UAFML is technically incorrect. The UML or SysML are modelling languages because they can be used to model many real world things and relationships - the UAFML is fixed and it only represents a particular UML (and SysML) representation of the UAF DMM. It is a UML profile as stated in the text - 'It was created by mapping the UAF concepts and relationships to corresponding stereotypes in the UAFML Profile.' So now we have a UAFML profile (aka UAFPP ...)

    There is and can only ever one example/individual use of the UAFML. It cannot be used for any other purpose. It is not, therefore, a modelling language and defining it as such does a disservice to the UML et al.

  • Reported: UAF 1.2b1 — Thu, 4 Apr 2024 12:56 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:57 GMT