UAF 1.4b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UAF14 — 'Definition' Seems to be an Attribute of Any UAFElement - It Shouldn't Be a Separate Element (Inconsistent Representation of Attributes)

  • Key: UAF14-154
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Eclectica Systems Ltd ( Nic Plum)
  • Summary:

    The metamodel element Definition is defined 'A comment containing a description of an element in the architecture.' and Figure 9:119 shows that there is some unnamed relationship between UAFElement and Definition (impossible to extract any meaning from this).

    1) The definition of Definition is wrong - 'a comment containing a description' - is this Comment, Description or, as the element name says,a definition?
    2) Every UAFElement presumably has a 'description' - if Definition is an attribute of every UAFElement why not show it as such on the UAFElement (as has been done with the 'author' element of Definition - inconsistent representation of attributes). If this isn't an attribute there needs to be something in the text of the document to explain how to interpret. All relationships should be named - any unnamed relationship, excepting specialisation, is an error as it leaves the interpretation to guesswork . Role names are a bonus.
    3) The 'author' element name needs to be qualified to 'definition author' or 'comment author' to separate it from the DCMI creator tag (= author). It isn't clear in the UAF whether there is an 'element author' - the person who created the element. It would make more sense for the element creator to be captured since they presumably define the element on creation - simply capturing the definition author and not the element author makes little sense.

  • Reported: UAF 1.2 — Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:47 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:57 GMT