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  1. OMG Issue

UAF14 — Missing Traceability and Evidence to Support Claim of Implementation of DMM by the UAFP (UAFML)

  • Key: UAF14-167
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Eclectica Systems Ltd ( Nic Plum)
  • Summary:

    1.1 states:- 'UAF Modeling Language (UAFML) (this document formal/22-07-05) provides the modeling language specification for implementing the UAF DMM using UML/SysML'

    and 'The UAFML defines a set of stereotypes and model elements and relationships to satisfy the requirements of the UPDM 3.0 RFP and the UAF DMM.'

    1) There is no evidence provided wrt how each DMM AD element is implemented i.e. for each DMM AD element what UML or SysML stereotype has been chosen to implement the DMM AD element. A traceability table is needed for the UAFML specifically that a) shows matched (traced elements) and b) shows unmatched SysML/UML stereotypes which might be added for other reasons, for example to add wanted tool behaviours, but which have nothing to do with DMM AD element conformance. Such a traceability table must be required in any case to verify against the DMM and trap potential implementation errors.

    2) As the UAFML is an implementation I would expect class inheritcance hierarchies separate from view content. It's almost impossible to use this specification where there are tiny fragments of what must be a unifying model (somewhere)

    3) The statement is made 'The UAFML defines a set of stereotypes and model elements and relationships ....'. Given that a UML profile defines a set of UML/SysML stereotypes what then are 'model elements and relationships' - don't the UAFML stereotypes define node and relationship elements? If not what are these other elements, why do they exist? This might be explained or justified by the traceability table in 1) but it's an odd statement that suggests that something is missing. A relationship is a model element i.e. not just nodes.

  • Reported: UAF 1.2 — Fri, 12 Apr 2024 09:41 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:57 GMT