UAF 1.4b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UAF14 — Figure 9:129 ArchitecturalDescription - Multiplicities Incorrect

  • Key: UAF14-184
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Eclectica Systems Ltd ( Nic Plum)
  • Summary:

    Inconsistent name wrt ISO 42010 and with its own definition - ArchitecturalDescription vs Architecture Description.

    The multiplicities aren't correct. For example we have on Architecture to ArchitecturalDescription we have * on both ends which means that an Architecture has no existance independently of its ArchitectureDescriptions (plural as there have to be many of them). Should be 0..* on ArchitecturalDescription. Similarly with View it ought to be 1..* View and 0..* Viewpoint (otherwise an ArchitecturalDescription is required to include multiple Viewpoints which doesn't allow for a central set of 'library' viewpoints in ISO 42010 terminology).

    The relationships with View, Viewpoint, Architecture need to be named.

    'expresses' looks like a role but cannot be. If it is a role it needs to qualify the target element e.g. 'describedArchitecture' not the relationship.

    Why does ArchitectureMetadata have a multiplicity of 1 on ArchitecturalDescription - is each piece of metadata unique to every ArchitecturalDescription?

    What is an ArchitecturalReference? This looks like a relationship. What then is the point of adding a role name to a relationship? Isn't this just 'UAFElement traces to ArchitecturalDescription?

  • Reported: UAF 1.2b1 — Thu, 4 Apr 2024 14:11 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:57 GMT