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  1. OMG Issue

UAF13 — Extention of UAF "Action"s from UML::CallBehaviorAction does not support usage of UAF::"Method"s in Process and Connectivity Views

  • Key: UAF13-14
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Department of Navy ( Mr. James Ciarcia)
  • Summary:

    UML has a rich diversity of Actions that are not usable within UAF because the View Specifications for Processes and Connectivity only mention UAF::*Action in the view Specification. First recommendation is that all UML::Actions are explicitly mentioned as allowed in these View Specifications.

    Second recommendation is to specifically support the use of UML::CallOperationAction.operation:>UML::Operation.method be used as an alternate to UML::CallBehaviorAction.behavior. This will allow UAF::OperationalMethod, ServiceMethod, ResourceMethod to be used in these View Specifications. Specifically, recommend elevating the UAF::*Action stereotypes from extending UML::CallBehaviorAction to either:
    1. Also extend CallOperationAction
    2. Or extend CallAction (also supports StartObjectBehaviorAction (aka classifierBehaviors))
    3, Or extend InvocationAction (also supports Send/BroadcastSignal as well as SendObjectAction).
    4. Or extend UML::ActivityNode or UML::Action (everything)

    Also, of minor concern, the constraints that an OperationalExchange must occur over an realizingActivityEdge stereotyped by OperationalActivityEdge that, at least for OperationalControlFlow, have constraints where the source and target must be OperationalActivityAction.

  • Reported: UAF 1.2 — Fri, 14 Jan 2022 20:20 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 00:59 GMT