UAF 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UAF11 — OV-1a should not be mapped as Op-Sr and SmOV

  • Key: UAF11-106
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: INCOSE ( Mr. Matthew Hause)
  • Summary:

    OV-1a is mapped as Op-Sr and SmOV – it should probably only be SmOV, as it’s an overview more than an operational structure.

  • Reported: UAF 1.0 — Sat, 13 Jan 2018 04:30 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UAF 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    *OV-1a should not be mapped as Op-Sr and SmOV *

    Update traceability matrix, but yes OV1-a should be mapped to SM Ov as is it can be overview of scenario

  • Updated: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 17:49 GMT