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  1. OMG Specification

Decision Model and Notation — Closed Issues

  • Acronym: DMN
  • Issues Count: 738
  • Description: Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board
Closed All
Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board

Issues Summary

Key Issue Reported Fixed Disposition Status
DMN16-212 ONNX not mentioned in one sentence DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-208 Single-parameter number() function is needed DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-91 Binary operators should not return null DMN 1.5 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-117 Returning null is not enough for reporting/handling errors DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-135 Copyright section needs update DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-93 Rounding functions introduced in DMN 1.4 should have single parameter version DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-132 Outdated reference to machine readable files DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-90 Allow ONNX as well as PMML functions DMN 1.5 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-71 Friendly enough cohersion to string DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN16-105 number(from) function does not accept number as input DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-134 External Function Definitions should be optional DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-85 Grammar rule does not match with the one proposal - typo DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-128 Examples use typeRef for BKMs incorrectly DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-205 New Namespace URIs needed DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-137 Acknowledgements for DMN 1.6 contributors needed DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-64 Clarification on syntax of DMNReference needed DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-68 No Mapping of FEEL to JSON DMN 1.4 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-37 Knowledge Package Model and Notation (KPMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-48 Figure 8-20 shows wrong parent for UnaryTests DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-61 Change to the "at literal" in FEEL DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-28 Collect decision tables DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-73 Incorrect names for parameters DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-11 Introduce a new property "value" for type date, date and time, time, years and months duration, days and time duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-16 Lexical representation of time string has ambiguous definitions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-104 Missing paragraph break and new constraintType DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-94 Filter and Iterator in attribute should not require a collection DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-5 XSD: global context DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-55 No way to tell that a Decision iterates over a collection DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-18 More Generic Ways to Define Decision Table Properties DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-4 Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-2 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN16-13 Improve description of built-in function string() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-12 Clarification needed if null is passed as value for optional parameter of built in function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-1 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-72 FEEL descendants operator DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-50 Missing semantics for multiple imports DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-82 Behaviour when decimal is provided but integer expected DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-81 Range of scale for number is open to interpretation DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-24 Rule 51.c doesn't support FEEL syntax of list with squary brackets as shown on page 122 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN16-92 Inconsistent capitalization of datatypes names DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Resolved closed
DMN16-3 italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-10 No adjustment for last day in month if duration is added/subtracted to date and time value DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-7 Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-9 Should encapsulated decisions of a decision service include output decisions? DMN 1.0 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-8 Figure 6.15 shows incorrect multiplicity for Decision Service Output Decisions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-6 Include Test Cases in Decision Model DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-19 Scope of decision table input/output entries is not well defined in the specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-15 Add two new concrete numeric types, make number abstract DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-20 How to get FEEL type if evaluation is not an option? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-17 FEEL grammar readability DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-25 Semantic domain mapping for simple expressions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-21 Can an expression in user defined function body reference a name outside of it's scope? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-14 Can the same Definitions/namespace be used by more than one model? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-35 inconsistent date comparisons make unavoidavle paradoxes DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-22 Should name declarations in same context fail or overwrite? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-23 Missing FEEL semantic mapping for grammar rule 2.i - simple positive unary test DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-31 notion of arbitrary order conflicts with lack of an unordered collection data type DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-34 DMN Models need a default timezone DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-32 Unspecified conclusion is not supported DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-33 Fix interchange of links to objects in BPMN/BMM DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-26 Requested additional built-in functions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-42 Support for recursive calls by Business Knowledge Models DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-36 Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-46 "instance of" not possible with some built-in functions DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-47 Figure 10.17 defines DMN Expressions and lists its specializations, but it does not list Unary Tests. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-38 Temporal precision inconsistencies DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-39 Provide better spec and examples for Equality, Identity, and Equivalence DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-40 Friendlier handling of null values DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-30 need set operations and equality in FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-27 Metamodel constraints & validation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-29 In section 7.3.1 Expression Meta-Model: there is no table to display the typeRef attribute added by Expression to DMNElement DMN 1.1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-41 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists in FEEL DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-45 Inconsistency DMNv1.2 dropping [a]=a and get entries example DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-49 Add an itemKind property to ItemDefinition DMN 1.3b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-56 P0D == P0Y in SFEEL, but it is unclear if P0D == P0Y in FEEL DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-57 the operation of is() function is not well specified DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-44 properly define type(e) DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-43 Clarification on DMN case sensitivity of timezones DMN 1.2 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-51 Spec does not mandate that all user-defined function parameters are utilised DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-59 FunctionItem `parameters` array attribute is plural, not singular in name DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-54 No way to show relative multiplicity of decisions and their information requirements DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-52 Spec does not mandate that all formal parameters are utilised. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-58 Ambiguous named params for before() and after() range functions DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-112 XML serialization is not human friendly DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-53 DRG requirements only state am unused knowledge requirement is illegal DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-69 Importing libraries of functions is not business friendly DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-60 Allow for partial temporal values DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-63 Allow input data to be of type Interval DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-62 Adding a new interval built-in function DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-66 Missing InformationItem Association? DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-70 Interchanging models that use external libraries of functions is complicated DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-67 Functions cannot invoke external services DMN 1.4 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-65 Links with other standards DMN 1.3 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-125 ambiguity for collections DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-77 No way to show dependencies of a grey-box decision service DMN 1.5 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-123 Clarification on the FEEL sort function with the precedes function DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-119 Knowledge Sources are not fit for ML or AI purposes DMN 1.5 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-106 Duplicated names and labels DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-79 Relation conforms to and equivalent do not cover functions with variable arguments DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-78 It is not possible to assign a default value to a data type DMN 1.4 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-101 No binding to Python functions DMN 1.5 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN16-130 Frequently changing Namespace URIs cause market fragmentation DMN 1.5b1 DMN 1.6b1 Deferred closed
DMN11-26 DecisionRule, InputClause & OutputClause should have ID and label for referencing in execution logs DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN12-133 DRD elements must be labeled with their name DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-89 Label versus name attribute DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN15-159 New Namespace URIs needed DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-74 Incorrect typeRef for variables associated to BKMs DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-104 Acknowledgements for DMN 1.4 and 1.5 contributors needed DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-155 Superfluous spaces after "1" DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-157 Copyright section needs update DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-153 Multiple empty imports using the order as a precedence is not allowed DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-119 Incorrect function name in example DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-118 Typo in Table 66 DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-56 Typos in meta model DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-135 Precision on Allowed Values UnaryTests DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-65 spec places unrealistic constraints on decision expressions and BKM parameter bindings DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-44 Clarification regarding equivalence of date vs date and time DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-6 Depiction of Input Data is not harmonized with BPMN and CMMN DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-121 It is not possible to use a range of Dates as an iteration context DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-143 Missing FEEL function to replace items in a list DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-125 Lists and filters section does not provide a dot accessor "." example with null DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-27 Improvement of Semantic Domains Specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Closed; No Change closed
DMN15-42 data equivalence with date and time DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-76 The "schemaLocation" relative URLs are broken DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Closed; No Change closed
DMN15-120 Wording in section above does not match the rule 35 in grammar DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-98 DMN 1.4 updated XMI references external file DMN14.mdxml DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Closed; No Change closed
DMN15-36 No way to represent a black-box or incompletely defined Decision Service DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-142 Misprint in DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-149 Typo - "duraion" DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-45 Clean up example xml files DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Closed; No Change closed
DMN15-108 Positive unary tests lack equality operators DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-88 UNused Requirements are considered invalid DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-78 Underspecified when ranges may include a qualified name for the endpoint, which resolves to null DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-99 No built-in function to support Range conversion DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-86 Table 62 limited to "negative numbers" DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-94 Typo in " Grammar rules" 3rd bulletpoint in the bottom DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-107 No support for numbers in scientific notation DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-137 Allowed Values for collection item definitions DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-131 Another False, or at least ignored statement by most vendors DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-130 False, or at least ignored statement by most if not all vendors DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-13 Clarification needed if null is passed as value for optional parameter of built in function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-12 Introduce a new property "value" for type date, date and time, time, years and months duration, days and time duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-4 Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-2 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-5 XSD: global context DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-7 Include Test Cases in Decision Model DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-3 italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-96 Gaps: Range as input, mapping to JSON, evaluation of non-FEEL expression languages DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-83 Typo in 6.3.7 Decision metamodel DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-18 Enumerations can only be defined as strings DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN15-109 There are questions regarding precedence of operator between negation and exponation DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-81 Typo in 8.3.1 Decision Table metamodel "DecsionTable" DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-1 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-106 Incorrect reference to FEEL rule DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN15-79 Typo in the DMN 1.4 XSD schema (complexType tFilter) DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Closed; No Change closed
DMN15-31 Collect decision tables DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-23 Can an expression in user defined function body reference a name outside of it's scope? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-30 Metamodel constraints & validation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-15 Can the same Definitions/namespace be used by more than one model? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-26 Rule 51.c doesn't support FEEL syntax of list with squary brackets as shown on page 122 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-24 Should name declarations in same context fail or overwrite? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-25 Missing FEEL semantic mapping for grammar rule 2.i - simple positive unary test DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-28 Semantic domain mapping for simple expressions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-11 No adjustment for last day in month if duration is added/subtracted to date and time value DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-8 Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-16 Add two new concrete numeric types, make number abstract DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-17 Lexical representation of time string has ambiguous definitons DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-10 Should encapsulated decisions of a decision service include output decisions? DMN 1.0 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-22 How to get FEEL type if evaluation is not an option? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-20 More Generic Ways to Define Decision Table Properties DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-19 FEEL grammar readability DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-32 In section 7.3.1 Expression Meta-Model: there is no table to display the typeRef attribute added by Expression to DMNElement DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-21 Scope of decision table input/output entries is not well defined in the specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-14 Improve description of built-in function string() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-9 Figure 6.15 shows incorrect multiplicity for Decision Service Output Decisions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-39 inconsistent date comparisons make unavoidavle paradoxes DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-29 Requested additional built-in functions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-52 Inconsistency DMNv1.2 dropping [a]=a and get entries example DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-57 Add an itemKind property to ItemDefinition DMN 1.3b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-55 Figure 8-20 shows UnaryTests as being a specialization of DMNElement when it has been changed to be a specialization of Expression DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-33 need set operations and equality in FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-34 notion of arbitrary order conflicts with lack of an unordered collection data type DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-38 DMN Models need a default timezone DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-40 Situational Data Model and Notation (SDMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-35 Unspecified conclusion is not supported DMN 1.1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-37 Fix interchange of links to objects in BPMN/BMM DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-48 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists in FEEL DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-49 Support for recursive calls by Business Knowledge Models DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-51 properly define type(e) DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-41 Knowledge Package Model and Notation (KPMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-50 Clarification on DMN case sensitivity of timezones DMN 1.2 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-53 "instance of" not possible with some built-in functions DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-54 Figure 10.17 defines DMN Expressions and lists its specializations, but it does not list Unary Tests. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-43 Temporal precision inconsistencies DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-46 Provide better spec and examples for Equality, Identity, and Equivalence DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-47 Friendlier handling of null values DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-58 Missing semantics for multiple imports DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-61 DRG requirements only state am unused knowledge requirement is illegal DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-59 Spec does not mandate that all user-defined function parameters are utilised DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-62 No way to show relative multiplicity of decisions and their information requirements DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-60 Spec does not mandate that all formal parameters are utilised. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-63 No way to tell that a Decision iterates over a collection DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-64 P0D == P0Y in SFEEL, but it is unclear if P0D == P0Y in FEEL DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-66 the operation of is() function is not well specified DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-69 Allow for partial temporal values DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-68 FunctionItem `parameters` array attribute is plural, not singular in name DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-72 Allow input data to be of type Interval DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-67 Ambiguous named params for before() and after() range functions DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-70 Change to the "at literal" in FEEL DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-71 Adding a new interval built-in function DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-75 Links with other standards DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-101 No Mapping of FEEL to JSON DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-73 Clarification on syntax of DMNReference DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-77 Missing InformationItem Association? DMN 1.3 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-91 Functions cannot invoke external services DMN 1.4 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-139 Import into default namespace is undefined DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Resolved closed
DMN15-151 Friendly enough cohersion to string DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-123 Importing libraries of functions is not business friendly DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN15-124 Interchanging models that use external libraries of functions is complicated DMN 1.4b1 DMN 1.5 Deferred closed
DMN14-197 Underspecified when ranges may include a qualified name for the endpoint, which resolves to null DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-182 New built-in function to merge/concatenate two or more contexts DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN14-183 New built-in function to create a new context DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN14-181 No function to add an entry to a context DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-166 New XML Namespace needed DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-194 Missing boxed expression for iterator expression DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-192 Missing boxed expression for filter expression DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-190 Missing boxed expression for conditional statement DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-196 Typo Table55 row 7 DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-178 Are the names of boxed context entries unique in a given context ? DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-55 Incorrect example in Table 40: Examples of equivalence and conformance relations DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-164 More examples of replace() function needed DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-117 typo - incorrect indexing DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-185 Incorrect figure reference DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-87 Wrong and Incomplete FEEL grammar rule 52 DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-156 the word 'decision' is misspelt. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-126 Missing functions for rounding DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-167 Sub-decisions are referenced but not defined DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-150 Collections are not shown on diagrams DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-143 instance of grammar does not support range , or context, or function DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-142 DMNDiagram 'Size' attribute has capital 'S' in schema definition DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-141 The result of product([]) is not defined DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-74 DMNv1.3 fix DMN example files issues DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-42 There is no way to identify current date and time, e.g. now() & today() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-11 Expressions cannot be used as "end points" DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-8 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists in DRD DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-6 LiteralExpression and textual expression seem to mean the same thing, need to use the same term DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-61 Support for function types in metamodel and XSD DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-56 Spec does not clarify meaning of hex value DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-125 Definitions of overlaps functions DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-45 Convenience documents DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-137 Typo in horizontal alignment label DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-86 Wrong example for is() built-in function DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-85 Wrong example for distinct values() built-in function DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-93 Wrong XSD for tDecisionService DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-88 First (and priority) hit policy are unpredictable with partial input DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-136 Extend endpoints to support expressions DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN14-52 Clarify method signature syntax for Java Function Definition DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-116 DMN string join built-in function proposal DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-36 FEEL ambiguity DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-20 Wrong character in expression for PMT function definition DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-1 BigDecimal is not the only mapping of number to Java DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-46 DMN 1.3 Metamodel DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Closed; No Change closed
DMN14-73 Wrong example for 10.6.1 Context Figure 10.18: Example context DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-72 Wrong example for substring() builtin funciton DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-75 Wrong example snippet in Examples DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Resolved closed
DMN14-23 Enumerations can only be defined as strings DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-22 Lexical representation of time string has ambiguous definitons DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-21 Add two new concrete numeric types, make number abstract DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-19 Can the same Definitions/namespace be used by more than one model? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-18 Improve description of built-in function string() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-17 Clarification needed if null is passed as value for optional parameter of built in function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-16 Introduce a new property "value" for type date, date and time, time, years and months duration, days and time duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-14 Should encapsulated decisions of a decision service include output decisions? DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-13 Figure 6.15 shows incorrect multiplicity for Decision Service Output Decisions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-12 Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-10 Include Test Cases in Decision Model DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-9 Change depiction of Input to be harmonized with BPMN and CMMN DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-7 XSD: global context DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-5 Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-4 italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-3 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-2 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-48 inconsistent date comparisons make unavoidavle paradoxes DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-44 Fix interchange of links to objects in BPMN/BMM DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-43 Now way to represent a black-box or incompletely defined Decision Service DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-41 Unspecified conclusion is not supported DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-40 notion of arbitrary order conflicts with lack of an unordered collection data type DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-39 need set operations and equality in FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-38 In section 7.3.1 Expression Meta-Model: there is no table to display the typeRef attribute added by Expression to DMNElement DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-37 Collect decision tables DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-35 Metamodel constraints & validation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-34 Requested additional built-in functions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-33 Semantic domain mapping for simple expressions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-32 Improvement of Semantic Domains Specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-31 Rule 51.c doesn't support FEEL syntax of list with squary brackets as shown on page 122 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-30 Missing FEEL semantic mapping for grammar rule 2.i - simple positive unary test DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-29 Should name declarations in same context fail or overwrite? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-28 Can an expression in user defined function body reference a name outside of it's scope? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-27 How to get FEEL type if evaluation is not an option? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-26 Scope of decision table input/output entries is not well defined in the specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-25 More Generic Ways to Define Decision Table Properties DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-24 FEEL grammar readbility DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-15 No adjustment for last day in month if duration is added/subtracted to date and time value DMN 1.1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-53 Temporal precision inconsistencies DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-54 Clarification regarding equivalence of date vs date and time DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-62 Support for recursive calls by Business Knowledge Models DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-63 Clarification on DMN case sensitivity of timezones DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-60 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists in FEEL DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-66 "instance of" not possible with some built-in functions DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-57 Clean up example xml files DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-58 Provide better spec and examples for Equality, Identity, and Equivalence DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-51 data equivalence with date and time DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-59 Friendlier handling of null values DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-69 Figure 10.17 defines DMN Expressions and lists its specializations, but it does not list Unary Tests. DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-70 Figure 8-20 shows UnaryTests as being a specialization of DMNElement when it has been changed to be a specialization of Expression DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-71 Typos in the XMI files DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-47 DMN Models need a default timezone DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-49 Situational Data Model and Notation (SDMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-50 Knowledge Package Model and Notation (KPMN) DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-65 Inconsistency DMNv1.2 dropping [a]=a and get entries example DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-64 properly define type(e) DMN 1.2 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN14-153 No way to show relative multiplicity of decisions and their information requirements DMN 1.3 DMN 1.4 Deferred closed
DMN12-27 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN13-127 Incorrect claim about the Unicode character range and EBNF character expressions DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-143 Should add a new unicode escape syntax DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-109 Ambiguty for the source/target of DMNEdge when there is multiple depictions of its source and target DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-244 Incorrect figure 6.10 DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-181 PMML invocation output value in the case of single prediction DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-175 A signature for the time() built in function is missing from table 66 DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-2 Decision Logic Examples DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-125 Disambiguation for Modulo / Remainder function DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-139 Add built-in functions to support Allen's interval algebra DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-140 Incorrect grammar rule references and missing UnaryTests section in MM DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-141 Allegedly bug in Table Table 40 Examples of equivalence and conformance relations DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-132 type conversions are too spread out in Ch 10 DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-111 Remove the limitation that the second operand of exponentiation be an integer DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-156 Decision Requirement Metadata Examples DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-163 Decision Service output value in the case of single output Decision DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-188 New FEEL URI needed DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-178 Functions resolution DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-242 Update the copyright section DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-195 New acknowledgments needed DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-191 New XML Namespace needed DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-21 DMN v1.2 specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-19 ranges do not map to the semantic domain DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-7 No item definition for function definition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-6 Need group artifact in DRD, metamodel, and XSD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-29 mix up of list and non-list in filter expression example DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-59 FEEL does not support named ranges DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-35 Equality for date, date and time, time and inequality for date doesn't use the value function, which make the <= and >= operations useless and = operation behaves differently as < and > DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-34 Imprecise result for example calculation of function PMT and may be typo or rounding issue DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-56 string built-in underspecified DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-75 Case-aware and case-insensitive DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN13-124 Disambiguation for Modulo / Remainder function DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-144 instance of clarification DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-131 Make explicit reference to sample standard deviation DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-133 Wrong example in chapter "" DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-106 Remove reference to SQL and PMML three value logic to eliminate misinterpretation DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-126 Built-in functions only described in chapter " Context", and not described in the "10.3.4 Built-in functions" DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-122 "get value" and "get entries" function not in built-in functions list DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-121 example shows literal inline function definition whereas grammar says function definitions only in boxed expressions. DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-120 Minor typos in the FEEL grammar DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-98 Example: Applicant Data.Monthly.Income and Applicant Data.Monthly.Expenses values inverted DMN 1.2b1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-40 Need additional FEEL Types DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-41 Ambiguity between qualified name and path operation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-37 Specification of type for instance of operator misses information DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-45 Missing semantic specification for FEEL for and quantified expression DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-53 Can listed input data option be used in encapsulated decisions of decision service? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-13 Expressions in Input Entries DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-66 Missing "date" FEEL type in some enumerations DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-67 Broken HTTP links DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-72 Description of Table 44 is out of place DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Resolved closed
DMN13-23 Remove rule#32 additional name symbols from BNF DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN13-62 Missing FEEL namespace in the header of the xml sample DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-61 Typo in the sample xml DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-64 Broken HTTP links DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN13-57 Additional name symbols DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN13-60 SFEEL grammar readbility DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-63 Naming inconsistency DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-77 Figure 70 does not correspond to example file DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-42 Is really only name allowed in a FEEL path? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-49 FEEL grammar is ambiguous for grammar rule 2.i simple positive unary test when no operator is specified for an endpoint DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-51 Page 71 states that a DT can have 0 inputs. I believe this to be incorrect DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-54 Bug in specification of the ‘Any’ Hit Policy DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-1 BigDecimal is not the only mapping of number to Java DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-14 FEEL operators in names DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN13-11 Decisions can be used for many things, do we need a taxonomy? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-5 italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-4 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-3 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-58 Spaces and additional characters in names / identifiers DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN13-70 null is not defined in the S-FEEL grammar DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-74 Semantics of variable in decision table input entry DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Closed; No Change closed
DMN13-26 Clarification needed if null is passed as value for optional parameter of built in function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-25 Introduce a new property "value" for type date, date and time, time, years and months duration, days and time duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-24 No adjustment for last day in month if duration is added/subtracted to date and time value DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-27 Improve description of built-in function string() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-36 FEEL grammar readbility DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-32 Lexical representation of time string has ambiguous definitons DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-38 More Generic Ways to Define Decision Table Properties DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-39 Scope of decision table input/output entries is not well defined in the specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-43 How to get FEEL type if evaluation is not an option? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-18 Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-17 Enhancement suggestion: allow for expressions to be used as "end points" DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-16 Include Test Cases in Decision Model DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-15 Change depiction of Input to be harmonized with BPMN and CMMN DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-12 Lack of visual notation for processing of / iteration over lists in DRD DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-10 XSD: global context DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-9 LiteralExpression and textual expression seem to mean the same thing, need to use the same term DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-8 Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-28 Can the same Definitions/namespace be used by more than one model? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-31 Add two new concrete numeric types, make number abstract DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-33 Formally define enumerations and use throughout DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-20 Figure 6.15 shows incorrect multiplicity for Decision Service Output Decisions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-22 Should encapsulated decisions of a decision service include output decisions? DMN 1.0 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-30 Wrong character in expression for PMT function definition DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-55 Requested additional built-in functions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-69 Collect decision tables DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-68 FEEL ambiguity DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-71 In section 7.3.1 Expression Meta-Model: there is no table to display the typeRef attribute added by Expression to DMNElement DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-73 need set operations and equality in FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-76 notion of arbitrary order conflicts with lack of an unordered collection data type DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-78 Unspecified conclusion DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-79 We need a way to identify current date and time. I propose Now() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-91 Fix interchange of links to objects in BPMN/BMM DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-90 Allow representation of black-box Decision Service DMN 1.2 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-44 Can an expression in user defined function body reference a name outside of it's scope? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-46 Should name declarations in same context fail or overwrite? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-47 Missing FEEL semantic mapping for grammar rule 2.i - simple positive unary test DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-48 Rule 51.c doesn't support FEEL syntax of list with squary brackets as shown on page 122 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-50 Improvement of Semantic Domains Specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-52 Semantic domain mapping for simple expressions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN13-65 Metamodel constraints & validation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.3 Deferred closed
DMN12-29 Generalized Unary Tests DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-188 semantics of import is unspecified DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-131 Execution Semantics of Decision Services does not explain imported elements DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-216 Confusing semantics of ItemDefinitons DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-250 Formatting problems in Ballot 15 convenience doc DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-183 Missing type names in FEEL functions (user and external) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-119 Support for function calls in unary tests DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-280 Missing RuleAnnotation attributes and model associations table DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-223 Limitations of FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-18 add richer variety of DT examples in Ch 11 DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-79 Typo in sublist() function example DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-41 FEEL + operator semantics operand-dependent DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN12-40 Spaces in FEEL builtin functions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN12-70 Chapter 11 example serialization has many errors DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-155 Supporting text about Expression lists non-existing name attribute DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-143 Inconsistencies between metamodel and xsd schema DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-210 Expected behavior for list/sort built-in functions in combination with singleton lists DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-9 Typo error on Business Knowledge Model DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-248 Missing attribute isExpanded for DecisionService DI DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-229 Chapter 11 example in specification does not match file ch11example.xml and ch11example.xml contains errors DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-186 Wrong length range check for built-in function sublist() and substring() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-46 Wrong numbering in S-FEEL syntax DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-45 Remove tight coupling with BPMN and BMM DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; Out Of Scope closed
DMN12-20 Add Diagram Interchange to DMN DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-55 Attributes in tables 29a and 29b do not correspond to metamodel Fig 51 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-23 typeRef from tables 10 and 15 not in figures 20 and 23 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-176 Decision Table hit policies C and C# should not return null when there are no matches DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-286 FEEL versions cannot be distinguished DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-190 DMN built-in functions are missing to ensure business friendliness DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-231 Import is lacking extension capability DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-94 Problem with QName usage in typeRef DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-74 Issues with Table 61 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-282 Missing annotation in Decision Table in DMN XSD DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-203 Wrong chapter reference for date and time / date and time subtraction DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-201 Type should be specified for date, time and duration properties DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-10 While BKMs enable re-use, the options for re-use are restricted to single pieces of decision logic DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-38 Show diagram elements with hidden links DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-272 Allow DMN DI to provide an alternative notation for Input Data (DMN 1.2) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-126 Chapter 11 example decision tables are incomplete DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-262 Please clarify what is the result of a filter with non-boolean expressions (null) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-246 Lost formatting in Equality, Identity, and Equivalence DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-217 add weekday property to date, date and time DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-184 Semantic mapping for XML syntactical artifacts DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-121 Releation between Definitions and DecisionService does not specified in XSD DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-14 Useful to denote which info requirements are unconditional DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-59 Need attribute for human and external decisions DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-58 Space in FEEL names is not well-specified DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-37 Dynamic invocation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-39 Show implied Information Requirements DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-28 Graphical representation of Context - "sub-DRDs" DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-5 Consider date and time datatype in S-FEEL DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-1 cannot interchange input data style DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-47 FEEL 'instance of' operator is underspecified DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-48 SFEEL makes too few people happy DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-226 Missing support for escape sequences in string literals DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-129 Would like to use duplicate shapes/names in diagram to avoid multiple requirement line crossings DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-12 definition of expression in glossary omits CL3 expressions DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-206 Invalid example for date and time property access DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-78 Impossible to invoke functions and() and or() DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-6 alternative indication of reusable logic in DRD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-88 Label of Input in decision table DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-60 FEEL path expression has same precedence as filter and invocation DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-136 Decision Service Cannot be Shown in DRD DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-225 Transitive information requirements maybe inferred from the spec text DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-101 Requirements don't have an ID (needed for DI) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-43 Drg element labels DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-21 Eliminate () from FEEL and S-FEEL DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-134 Add id to context entry DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-68 DMN 1.1 XML schema starts with ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE (U+FEFF) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-33 Scope of Variables in Context Boxed Expression DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-87 some/every ... satisfies not defined for empty list DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-211 Table 45 does not provide the semantic of addition and subtraction between elements of type Date and Duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-162 FEEL precedence for function definition DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-160 Metamodel is missing the "kind" attribute on function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-124 Return All Annotations for All Hit Policies DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-195 Parameter names of built-in function date and time(date, time) are not allowed by name rules DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-189 Table 45 does not provide the semantic of addition and subtraction between two elements of type date DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-141 Unclear meaning of unique name constraint for ItemDefinitions and DRGElements DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-187 Parameter domain for built-in function years and months duration() is wrong DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-84 Decision table is not a good example of a builtin function DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-83 X and TBD are undefined in Table 35 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-86 grammar rule 56 missing comma DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-175 Different definition of hit policy collect aggregations in FEEL and DMN DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-137 clarify format of time literals / resolve inconsistency DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-148 decision table structure in 8.1 does not agree with MM DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-149 Output Order hit policy on pg 85 is incorrect DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-144 Add specification for DMN diagrams layout DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-138 Duplicate definition of BKM/@variable in Table 14 DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-127 Missign Comma in Grammar Rule 48 (some/every...) DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-103 singular helping verb used with plural subject DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-36 Alternative DRD representation of BKM DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-32 Expressions in Input Entries DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-31 Collection Operators DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN12-24 Table 47 should specify duration/duration rather than number/duration DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-53 Missing comma to split “in” in quantified expression in FEEL syntax DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Resolved closed
DMN12-8 Wrong DecisionTable class diagram (metamodel) DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-22 DMN XSD 1.0 invalid path DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Closed; No Change closed
DMN12-16 Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-15 No item definition for function definition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-17 LiteralExpression and textual expression seem to mean the same thing, need to use the same term DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-42 FEEL operators in names DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-30 Expressions in Input Entries DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-4 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-3 Examples DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-2 BigDecimal is not the only mapping of number to Java DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-13 Need group artifact in DRD, metamodel, and XSD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-7 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-11 italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-260 ranges do not map to the semantic domain DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-19 XSD: global context DMN 1.0 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-80 Enhancement suggestion: allow for expressions to be used as "end points" DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-49 Include Test Cases in Decision Model DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-44 Change depiction of Input to be harmonized with BPMN and CMMN DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-25 Decisions can be used for many things, do we need a taxonomy? DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-81 Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN12-77 DMN v1.2 specification DMN 1.1 DMN 1.2 Deferred closed
DMN11-81 extra level of indirection in decision table serialization is undesirable DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-45 Define decision service DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-176 DecisionService has no defined execution semantics, and decision model semantics in 10.4 is hard to understand DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-164 use refs in XSD only to substitution groups DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-155 DMN needs to provide a standard way for vendors to serialize extensions (Vendor Extensions) DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-146 DMN XSD, MM, Attribute/Association Tables, and spec text are not consistent DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-145 8.3.3. still speaks of condition and conclusion - supposedly removed by DMN11-81 DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-122 DMN 1.1 Beta documents DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-12 Reference to BMM::Objective, BPMN::Process and BPMN::Task in XMI DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-91 dmn.xsd and dmn3.xsd should be merged and list of machine readable files corrected DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-89 Remove parameters from BKM MM - these belong at logic level DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-64 'In DMN 1.0' now not only tedious but wrong DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-47 Add association connector (artifact) with text label to represent conditional decision DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-99 Need for annotations and comments in DRD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-92 Need to clarify which DMNElements must and must not have names DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-73 XSD: modify Import in tLiteralExpression DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-69 inputVariable and itemDefinition are redundant in Expression metamodel DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-58 Decision table default output DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-54 XSD itemDefinition/typeRef and typeDefinition are underspecified and incorrect DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-56 XSD; modify tItemDefinition by changing tItemComponent DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-50 Question on boxed invocation format DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-175 typos for DMN 1.1 RTF final report DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-166 Information item name on DTs not correct in some figures DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-139 Decision table MM and xsd need output label attribute DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-137 Need InformationItem for the FunctionDefinition of a BKM DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-127 would like to annotate Expression with typeRef DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-123 Decision, InputData, and other containers of InformationItem do not ref ItemDefinition directly DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-120 Knowledge Source metamodel diagram missing DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-25 Definitions/@namespace has no purpose DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-24 Constraints on Decision Table elements unclear DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-22 Expression defined as resulting in single value, but Decision may have multiple values DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-21 input expression example 'age<25' is not legal in SFEEL grammar DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-65 In metamodel, 'variable' should move from Information Requirement to Decision / Input Data DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-32 Decision table completeness undefined, Complete code conflicts with Collect DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-35 Dangling reference DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-34 extraneous asterisks (*) DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-60 Beta2 XSDs are broken DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-52 authorityRequirement in XSD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-44 Remove attribute DecisionTable/@isConsistent DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-43 change "output expression" to "output name" DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-30 add Definitions optional attributes exporter, exporterVersion DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-13 DMN 1.1 RTF Issue: Negative numerics in decision tables DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-147 Nested ItemDefinition doesn't work DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-130 Clarify defaults for decision table outputs DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-7 DMN issue: date syntax in table 29 DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-6 DMN Issue: typo in 3rd well-formed requirement of KnowledgeRequirement DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-4 DMN issue: typo in introduction of "Relating Logic to Decision Requirements" DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-9 XSD internally inconsistent, does not match the spec DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-3 XMI issues from Pete Rivett DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-23 S-FEEL "expression" undefined DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-27 XSD: DecisionTable/rule/condition should be IDREF not IDREFS DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-109 need to add UnaryTests to MM and XSD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-102 XSD: change type of LiteralExpression/text, ItemDefinition/typeDefinition, and (new) textAnnotation/text to xsd:string DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-84 Decision Table metamodel and XSD should restrict input entries, input values, and output values to unary tests, and LiteralExpression for input expressions and output entries DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-88 8.2.10 calls crosstab tables "rules as columns" DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-80 XSD: make @id optional in tExpression DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-62 FEEL/S-FEEL names DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-33 list variables in decision tables DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-76 XSD: Relation and List DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-57 Xsd typeRef and itemDefinitionRef DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-55 XSD: add optional @name to inputVariable DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-53 FEEL concatenate function DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-48 dmn3.xsd DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-42 output data symbol & comment symbol missing in DRDs DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-39 Clarify Decision/outputDefinition, DecisionTable/clause/outputDefinition, DecisionTable/@name, clause/@name DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-29 Examples DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-152 not all references in DMN are by ID DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Resolved closed
DMN11-8 DMN Issue: Boxed context example of XML data is wrong DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-1 Change Tracking Document DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-5 DMN issue: InformationItem is not a specialization of Expression DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMN11-2 Incorporate AB feedback into the FTF Report, the marked-up specification, and the clean specification DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.1 Closed; No Change closed
DMN11-11 BigDecimal is not the only mapping of number to Java DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-10 cannot interchange input data style DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-66 No notation for ItemDefinition DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-46 Consider date and time datatype in S-FEEL DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-51 alternative indication of reusable logic in DRD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-31 Business Context links go both ways DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMN11-116 Need group artifact in DRD, metamodel, and XSD DMN 1.0 DMN 1.1 Deferred closed
DMNFTF-201 Normative text for external functions DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-205 calculation BKMs must have parameter lists DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-198 Add max to Collect operators DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-196 BigDecimal is not the only mapping of number to Java DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Deferred closed
DMNFTF-200 Incomplete text in DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-192 support for 'duration' DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-226 Reference to BMM::Objective, BPMN::Process and BPMN::Task in XMI DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Deferred closed
DMNFTF-225 usingProcess and usingTask missing in MM, inconsistent usage DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-216 Errors in date/time arithmetic DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-219 Beta 4 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-221 Additional constraints on input domains should be after the table that refers to them DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-186 The text mentions valueDefinition attribute that is never defined DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-191 need answer for clause 11 example DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-188 Intended use of "type" attribute of "KnowledgeSource" should be explained DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-177 Decision table metamodel needs be updated after resolution of issues 73 and 77 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-181 names of DRGElements must be unique (within a DRG) DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-182 Beta 3 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-149 missing aggregation: BuiltinAggregator attribute type on figure DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-2 In the metamodel XMI file I found the following with the help of the NIST Validator DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-1 13-08-03.xsd file: DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-4 Stick with own definition of terms in all cases DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-3 Authority Requirement DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-144 We need a beta 2 spec to consolidate Ballots 1-4 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-143 use round brackets instead of square for IN DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-15 metamodel for structured ItemDefinitions doesn't work DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-14 Improve FEEL specification of decision tables in Chapter 10 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-13 boxed (tabular) expressions should be encouraged DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-6 boxed function examples lack mandatory parameter lists DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-5 Figure 67 is ambiguous DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-17 some examples of null handling in section are wrong DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-16 Extend Priority hit policy to multiple-output tables DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-19 Need floor and ceiling builtins DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-18 Add extended timezone specification, as forshadowed in DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-12 Propose to change OrganizationalUnit to OrganizationUnit DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-11 No way to write a date/time literal in simple FEEL DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-8 locationURI, in Import MUST be in URI format DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-7 Figure 2 is misleading DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-10 Propose to remove "type" from KnowledgeSource DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-9 What is DMN namespace? DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-239 8.3.2 accidentally mandates horizontal orientation DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-238 Editorial corrections followup to Issue 99 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-233 Minor issues DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-232 Beta 5 with attachments DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-228 remove brackets and question mark DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-54 Decision Table Clause metamodel needs clarification DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-53 Shorthand notation for vertical tables needs clarification/correction DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-55 Decision Table input and output values not labeled consistently and should not be italicized DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-58 7.1 contains mistaken reference to 8.3 DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-56 The tables in - need heading row as in DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-25 Semantics of equality should be clarified DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-24 No builtin or operator for string concatenation. DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-27 Definition of Authority Requirement DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-26 MM in figure 26 does not share InformationItems for shared InputData and Decisions DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-34 variable should be optional in InformationRequirement DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-36 inconsistent use of term 'average' and 'mean' DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-35 No way to associate to a Decision the ItemDefinition of its outcome without defining decisionLogic DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-29 FEEL filter should not result in singleton list DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-28 Tools may support only a subset of hit policies DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-31 cannot interchange input data style DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Deferred closed
DMNFTF-32 Beta 1 specification DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-30 Unary builtins with a list argument (e.g. minimum) should be n-ary. DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-61 RFC-2119 language DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-60 Normative References section incomplete DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-49 FEEL grammar should define precedence of boxed expressions DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-52 unary test is not a legal standalone FEEL expression DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-51 remove "smartquotes" from grammar rule 17 b,c DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-50 Grammar rule 51c should require parentheses around multiple tests DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-40 Does DMN support DRDs, Decision Tables, and Expressions independently or in combination? DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-37 All tables and figures should be numbered DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-41 cannot parse date/time/duration ranges DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-21 Revise Level 1 Conformance DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-20 lexical structure of FEEL is underspecified DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-23 give execution semantics to InputData DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-22 in the DMN Example in 11.3, Application Risk Score is poorly named and pre/post bureau risk category logic is implausible DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-89 No Knowledge Sources in example DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-88 All Decisions have BKMs though this is not necessary DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-74 Overlapping input entries DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-73 Hit policy summarised in one character DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-72 "Evaluation of the expressions in a decision table does not produce side-effects." DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-78 preferedOrientation behaviour DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-77 Aggregation DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-82 Interval rules DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-81 Exponentiation rule DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-76 Output priorities DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-75 Meaning of "same" DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-84 Only comparing named dates - why? DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-83 Grammar rule 9 reference DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-85 Sum weights of recent credit history example DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-80 "as many time" Typo DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-79 S-FEEL open interval syntax DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-71 "Should not conflict with FEEL Syntax" DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-70 "HC" meaning DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-69 Rule numbering DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-68 Decision table example figures DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-67 Decision table introduction DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-66 Decision table examples DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-62 Section 5.2 & 5.3 order DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-65 "value expression of type invocation" point unclear DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-64 "HIGH DECLINE" example DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-63 Dottedness of dotted lines DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-99 Reference to DMN elements in XML files may be ambiguous DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-102 Decisions are said to have "inputs" and "outputs", however only the "inputs" are shown in the diagrams DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Closed; No Change closed
DMNFTF-101 DMN Example should not be limited to automated decisions DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-92 Clarify Authority Requirement notation DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-91 DRD connection rules have no graphical key DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-94 Data Input notation specification and useage DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-93 Boxed Invocation has sparse references after definition DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-95 Can decision tables have zero inputs? DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Duplicate or Merged closed
DMNFTF-248 Some editorial changes DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Resolved closed
DMNFTF-247 Change Tracking Document DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Deferred closed
DMNFTF-245 Incorporate AB feedback into the FTF Report, the marked-up specification, and the clean specification DMN 1.0b1 DMN 1.0 Deferred closed

Issues Descriptions

ONNX not mentioned in one sentence

  • Key: DMN16-212
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Falko Menge)
  • Summary:

    This is an oversight in DMN16-100 which should have added ONNX to the list in the first paragraph of section " Mapping between FEEL and other domains":

    Some kinds of values can be passed between FEEL and external Java methods, between FEEL and external PMML models

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 7 May 2024 17:29 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add ONNX to the list

    Add ONNX to the list

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Single-parameter number() function is needed

  • Key: DMN16-208
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Falko Menge)
  • Summary:

    A single-parameter version of the FEEL number() function is needed by users and for conversion in B-FEEL.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 7 May 2024 16:52 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add single-parameter version of number function

    Add a single-parameter version of the number function and reuse the existing semantics of passing in null for the second and third parameters.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Binary operators should not return null

  • Key: DMN16-91
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Denis Gagne)
  • Summary:

    Here, I am considering the following operators: =, <, >, not(), and, or, in, between

    When considering FEEL for low-codes applications, we should expect these binary operators to always return true or false. Currently, when there is typing error, it returns null.

    "a" = 1 => null
    false and "a" => null
    "a" in [0..100] => null

  • Reported: DMN 1.5 — Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:57 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Alternative B-FEEL dialect with a single definition of null

    In FEEL, the null value is used to both represent missing data or an execution error. We are proposing that null should be used only to represent missing data. All operations and built-in functions that return null in FEEL when an error occurs have their semantic modified to return a non-null value.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT
  • Attachments:

Returning null is not enough for reporting/handling errors

  • Key: DMN16-117
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Falko Menge)
  • Summary:

    Abusing null as an error indicator is not enough for reporting/handling errors.
    In particular, it does not solve the need for users to:

    • know exactly what the root cause of an error was
    • control the reaction to errors

    The specification already mentions error reporting but is neither a strict requirement nor consequently used:

    When a built-in function encounters input that is outside its defined domain, the function SHOULD report or log diagnostic information if appropriate and SHALL return null.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add strict mode

    Improve de specification of error handling by adding two modes lenient and strict, with the lenient mode, the current one, the default one.

    The idea is to configure the execution engine with the error handling mode when the models are executed.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Copyright section needs update

  • Key: DMN16-135
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Denis Gagne)
  • Summary:

    The Copyright section needs an update to reflect the DMN 1.6 RTF membership

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update copyright section

    Update Copyright. Add Softeam that has been left out.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Rounding functions introduced in DMN 1.4 should have single parameter version

  • Key: DMN16-93
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Simon Ringuette)
  • Summary:

    Currently the 4 rounding methods: round up, round down, round half up, round half down only have signatures with 2 numeric arguments (n and scale).

    However, pre-existing rounding functions: floor and ceiling have both a single numeric argument version and a 2 numeric argument function (n and scale).

    The single numeric argument is backward compatible with DMN 1.3 (and before). It assumes a scale of 0.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Thu, 19 Oct 2023 21:52 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add single parameter versions of all rounding functions

    Add single parameter versions of all rounding functions and adjust the examples to use them.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Outdated reference to machine readable files

  • Key: DMN16-132
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Falko Menge)
  • Summary:

    Section "12.2 Machine Readable Files" refers to dtc/15-11-12 as a source for XMI and XSDs. This is wrong in several ways:

    • The file is from DMN 1.1
    • It is the ancillary .zip file of the RTF report, which contains a mix of normative files but also internal files of various RTF discussions
    • Therefore, it is restricted to OMG members only
  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:48 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update reference to machine-readable files

    Use a link to the OMG website and update the list of provided files.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Allow ONNX as well as PMML functions

  • Key: DMN16-90
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Decision Management Solutions ( Mr. James Taylor)
  • Summary:

    ONNX is an open format for ML models that supports some model types, especially neural networks, better than PMML. DMN should consider allow ONNX functions as it does PMML functions.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5 — Fri, 6 Oct 2023 21:56 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Support ONNX as an alternative to PMML

    ONNX is an alternative to PMML for interchanging ML and AI models. This proposal extends the Kind of functions to include the ONNX Kind. It uses a similar approach to the existing Java and PMML Kinds so that a function can be defined as the execution of an ONNX model.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT
  • Attachments:

Friendly enough cohersion to string

  • Key: DMN16-71
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ( Mr. Nico Rehwaldt [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    Currently concatenating strings is not intuitive to users, as I always have to convert non string values to strings using the built-in `string` function.


    "Today is " + now() = null

    In order to yield the actual string you explicitly convert `now()` to its string representation:

    "Today is " + string(now()) = "Today is 2021-12-12"

    A more user friendly behavior would be to coherse the second argument to string if the first argument is already a string. This always yields a string representation of the thing. If it is not what I desire I can use custom stringification mechanisms explicitly.

    We'd need to amend the Table 57 (page 128, to support such cohersion.

    Additional details on this case can be found in (DMN TCK issue on this topic).

  • Reported: DMN 1.4b1 — Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:50 GMT
  • Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Addressed in B-FEEL via DMN16-109

    Addressed in B-FEEL via DMN16-109

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

number(from) function does not accept number as input

  • Key: DMN16-105
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Maciej Barelkowski)
  • Summary:

    Currently, `string(string_variable) = string_variable`, but `number(number_variable) = null`.
    This leads to surprising results like `number(5) = null` but `number("5") = 5`.
    Let's add a function `number(from)` which would accept `number` as the parameter.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 7 Nov 2023 14:46 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add number(from: number)

    Add a version of the number(from) function that accepts a number as an input and returns it, which is in line with the behavior of other conversion functions, e.g. string(from), and helps in situations where expressions produce, e.g. a string or a number.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

External Function Definitions should be optional

  • Key: DMN16-134
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Decision Management Solutions ( Mr. James Taylor)
  • Summary:

    The specification lists for 1.6 will list three external function types - Java, PMML and ONNX. It is not reasonable to insist on support for these to be conformant.
    2.1 Conformance Levels should be amended such that Conformance Level 3 excludes the need to support any function Kind other than FEEL - support for Java, PMML and ONNX is not required..

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 23 Apr 2024 17:26 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Make Java, PMML & ONNX optional

    Make Java, PMML & ONNX optional

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Grammar rule does not match with the one proposal - typo

  • Key: DMN16-85
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    Grammar rule does not match to the one in proposal

    35. numeric literal = [ "" ] , ( digits , [ ".", digits ] | "." , digits, [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ "+" | "" ] , digits ] ) ;

    should be

    35. numeric literal = [ "" ] , ( digits , [ ".", digits ] | "." , digits) , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ "+" | "" ] , digits ] ;

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:43 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Typo already fixed in formal edit of DMN 1.5

    Typo originated during edit of the convenience document. Michelle Seaver applied the revised text correctly in smsc/24-04-02 leaving no issue to be addressed in DMN 1.6.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Examples use typeRef for BKMs incorrectly

  • Key: DMN16-128
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Camunda Services GmbH ( Mr. Falko Menge)
  • Summary:

    There are a few other DMN example files with the same error as in DMN15-74. Also the typeRef, has to move into the body of the BKM not the encapsulatedLogic as this one is the same with BKM.typeRef.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:15 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Correct the typeRef for BKMs in examples

    Move typeRef from variable and/or encapsulatedLogic into the body of the BKM (is the type returned by the BKM)

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

New Namespace URIs needed

Acknowledgements for DMN 1.6 contributors needed

  • Key: DMN16-137
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Denis Gagne)
  • Summary:

    Section 4.1 Acknowledgement needs to be updated with DMN 1.6 RTF contributors.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:32 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add acknowledgements for DMN 1.6 contributors

    Add paragraphs to acknowledge the DMN 1.6 contributors to section "4.1 Acknowledgements" based on taskforce membership

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Clarification on syntax of DMNReference needed

No Mapping of FEEL to JSON

  • Key: DMN16-68
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Red Hat ( Matteo Mortari)
  • Summary:

    Current DMN Specification v1.4 does not define a mapping of FEEL to JSON, while it already provides mapping for Java, XML, PMML in chapter " Mapping between FEEL and other domains"

    This capability can be useful in other use-cases beyond mapping itself. For example, but not limiting to: the need for external REST-based invocation of externally defined (stateless, side-effect-free) decision services.

  • Reported: DMN 1.4 — Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:22 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    *Add mapping between FEEL and JSON *

    Add relevant entries in chapter in order to introduce mapping of FEEL to JSON, in addition to existing mappings.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT
  • Attachments:

Knowledge Package Model and Notation (KPMN)

  • Key: DMN16-37
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BPM Advantage Consulting ( Dr. Stephen White)
  • Summary:

    A Knowledge Package is mechanism for packaging and distributing a set of BPM+ models (the knowledge)
    A Knowledge Package references separate, but connected BPM+ models (BPMN Processes, CMMN Cases, and DMN Decision Services)
    KPMN is focused solely on the BMI behavioral standards
    A Knowledge Package also contains a Data Item library for the data that will be used by the BPM+ models
    A Situational Data Model and Notation (SDMN) is also being proposed as a potential BMI standard to be added to the BPM+ stack (see separate presentation on this topic)
    A Knowledge Package also contains metadata about the topic of the package to aid in understanding the content and to find appropriate Knowledge Packages
    We are still exploring the relationships between KPMN and Provenance and Pedigree
    KPMN includes a diagram to illustrate the scope of the Knowledge Package’s content (a Knowledge Model Diagram)

  • Reported: DMN 1.2b1 — Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:59 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Close because KPMN cancelled

    The KPMN 1.0 FTF decided in January 2024 to not submit a report and therefore the specification got dropped by OMG.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT
  • Attachments:

Figure 8-20 shows wrong parent for UnaryTests

Change to the "at literal" in FEEL

  • Key: DMN16-61
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Denis Gagne)
  • Summary:

    Currently the at literal = "@", string literal
    Rather than a string following the @ symbol we would use the ISO 8601 format.
    For date : @YYYY-MM-DD e.g. @2019-09-17
    For time : @THH:MM:SS e.g. @T09:55:00
    For date and time : @YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. @2019-09-17T09:55:00
    For duration : @P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S where [n] is a number
    e.g. @P18M, @P365D, PT48H

  • Reported: DMN 1.3 — Tue, 26 Jan 2021 22:11 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    The expected benefit of user friendliness does not warrant a change of grammar.

    While it would be friendlier to drop the quotes in the At-literals, it would require a change of grammar. We do not expect any ambiguities to occur, but believe that such a change does not present sufficient benefit.
    The issues does not seem to get much attention as it is open since DMN 1.3.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Collect decision tables

  • Key: DMN16-28
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: FICO ( Dr. Alan Fish)
  • Summary:

    (1) The spec says "Collect: returns all hits in arbitrary order. An operator (‘+’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘#’) can be added to apply a simple function to the outputs. If no operator is present, the result is the list of all the output entries.". This is confusing - as I understand it if an operator is present a collect hit policy does not return all hits, only the result of the operation.

    (2) The spec should state clearly what result is returned by Collect decision tables when no rules fire. In particular the result of a C+ decision table is not clear, because the result of sum([]) is undefined. I think a case could be made (based on a recursive definition) that the sum of an empty list is zero, which would be a much more useful result from the decision table than null. In general, section restricts the semantics of all list functions to non-empty lists, although some functions have natural and useful results for the empty list e.g. count([])=0, sum([])=0, sublist([],x,y)=[], append([],items)=[items], concatenate([],items)=items, reverse([])=[], union([],items)=[], distinct values([])=[], flatten([])=[].

    (3) Why is the result of C+ defined as "sum of all the distinct outputs" rather than just "sum of all the outputs"? I would say that if three rules fire proposing the value 5, the C+ result should be 15, not 5.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Thu, 13 Oct 2016 08:25 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarify description of Collect hit policy

    The issue raises three points. As discussed in the comments of DMN15-31:

    • Point 2 has been fixed in DMN 1.4 with wording on page 118 (PDF 134).
    • Point 3 has been fixed in DMN12-175

    This proposal therefore only addresses Point 1 by providing revised wording for the description of the Collect hit policy.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Incorrect names for parameters

  • Key: DMN16-73
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    The names of the number() function in note 1 at the end of Table 72

  • Reported: DMN 1.4b1 — Tue, 31 Jan 2023 18:50 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Correct footnote of table 72 (page 139)

    In table 72 on page 138, the cell of the 9th line and 2nd column refers to a footnote 1, which can be found on page 139.
    The footnote intends to mention the parameters specified in the cell of the 9th line and 1st column of the table, but does not refer to them with correct names:

    • grouping separator is incorrectly referred to as grouping
    • decimal separator is incorrectly referred to as decimal
      In addition, the footnote reference 1 in column 2 should rather be placed at the end of string, string, sting instead of after the first string.
  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Introduce a new property "value" for type date, date and time, time, years and months duration, days and time duration

  • Key: DMN16-11
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    Chapter time, date, date-time, days and time duration and chapter years and months duration defines each a value function. For date time arithmetic operations it would be useful to have this value available in the FEEL semantic domain. Therefore we suggest to add a new property value that is directly available for values of this type. Return type of the value if always a number.

    Table 53 should be adjusted accordingly.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Tue, 10 Oct 2017 09:57 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Introduce new property 'value'

    Expose value functions for each semantic domain as a property

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Lexical representation of time string has ambiguous definitions

  • Key: DMN16-16
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    A lexical time string is defined o page 131 by XML Schema Part 2 Datatypes (for local times and offset times) and by ISO 8601 with the extended form of a local time (for zoned times).

    Unfortunately XML Schema Part 2 and ISO 8601 has different definitions. Therefore it is unclear which of them to use. Or are both of them valid?

    Additionally the user should not have different lexical time string formats for a local time, an offset time or a zoned time.

    The list of ambiguities:

    • ISO 8601 allows a leading "T" character prefix. XML Schema Part 2 does not.
    • ISO 8601 allows optional seconds. In XML Schema Part 2, the seconds are mandatory.
    • ISO 8601 allows decimal fraction for seconds and minutes. XML Schema Part does not allow this.
    • ISO 8601 allows 00:00:00 and 24:00:00 for midnight. XML Schema Part 2 only allows 00:00:00.
    • ISO 8601 allows time offset of hours only. Minutes are optional. XML Schema Part 2 always requires minutes.

    Therefore clarification is needed. Which definitions are valid for FEEL? The stricter XML Schema Part 2 or the more user friendly ISO 8601 spec?

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Mon, 13 Nov 2017 15:24 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Deprecate IANA time zone use in time strings

    • Remove the XML Schema Part 2 from the specification as the ISO 8601 covers it.
    • Deprecate usage of IANA IDs for time literals
    • Add new function to allow migration of deprecated use cases.
  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Missing paragraph break and new constraintType

  • Key: DMN16-104
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    The below text was a separate paragraph in DMN 1.4. In DMN 1.5 is a part of the previous paragraph. Also, the new typeConstraint property is missing.

    An alternative way to define an instance of ItemDefinition is as a composition of ItemDefinition elements. An instance of ItemDefinition may contain zero or more itemComponent, which are themselves ItemDefinitions. Each itemComponent in turn may be defined by either a typeRef and allowedValues or a nested itemComponent. In this way, complex types may be defined within DMN. The name of an itemComponent (nested ItemDefinition) must be unique within its containing ItemDefinition or itemComponent.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Thu, 2 Nov 2023 11:42 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Split paragraphs again

    Split accidentally merged paragraphs and complete the list of options

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Filter and Iterator in attribute should not require a collection

  • Key: DMN16-94
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Simon Ringuette)
  • Summary:

    Currently the in parameter is defined as: This attribute holds the expression that is evaluated as the collection to be processed.

    The intention was to align with the FEEL version of filter and iterators and therefore apply the the Type conversions rule: to singleton list: When the type of the expression is T and the target type is List<T> the expression is converted to a singleton list.

    The definition of the in parameter needs to be updated to properly reflect this.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Thu, 19 Oct 2023 21:59 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarify that implicit conversion applies to Filter and Iterator

    Clarify that implicit conversion to singleton list applies

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

XSD: global context

  • Key: DMN16-5
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Bruce Silver Associates ( Mr. Bruce Silver)
  • Summary: says "The global context is a context provided for convenience and 'pre-compilation'. Any number of expressions can be named and represented in a FEEL context m. The syntactic description m of this context can be evaluated once, that is, mapped to the FEEL domain as m, and then re-used to evaluate many expressions." For example, you might want to put a Relation used as a multi-dimensional constant in the global context. Or you might want to put a reusable function definition in the global context. Currently the xsd does not have globals. All expressions are bound to a specific drgElement, not global. The Import element probably needs to be modified to support this also.

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Sun, 31 May 2015 16:35 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Issue does not relate to current spec wording

    The paragraph referred to in the issue has been reworded significantly in later versions.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

No way to tell that a Decision iterates over a collection

  • Key: DMN16-55
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Decision Management Solutions ( James Taylor [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    There is no visual way to show that a decision iterates over a collection at the top level.

  • Reported: DMN 1.3 — Wed, 24 Feb 2021 05:31 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Issue has mostly been addressed

    A marker for Data Input collections has been added in DMN14-151. Adding a marker for decisions iterating over them would attempt to reveal part of the decision's logic, which is not the purpose of a DRD.
    DMN14-195 already added the boxed iterator expression.
    So there is very little left to add to a DRD and DMN14-151 has already used the icon that would be natural from a BPMN perspective.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

More Generic Ways to Define Decision Table Properties

Business Knowledge Model can have Information Requirements

  • Key: DMN16-4
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    FEEL function definitions are defined as lexical closures, which simply means that names in the function body must be in scope, and that scope includes the function parameters and, just like any other decision logic, it includes the information requirements and the knowledge requirements. This is very handy. For example, it allows the logic of a BKM to reference 100 Input Data items by name, without requiring that each invocation pass in 100 parameter bindings.

    In order for this to work, the BKM would model 100 Information Requirements on the 100 Input Data items, instead of modeling them as parameters. The boxed invocations would not have 100 rows of repetitive binding information. We must extend the MM and Table 2 to allow a BKM to have information requirements.

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Thu, 23 Jul 2015 23:30 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Issue rendered redundant by introduction if Invocable

    This issue was raised before the introduction of invocables and decision services. Not considered necessary now.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

No notation for ItemDefinition

  • Key: DMN16-2
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    The notion of a 'type' or ItemDefinition is in the metamodel (with some pending issues) and in the semantics and concepts, but little is in the notation. Thus, we have notation that allows you to execute an expression with actual arguments, but no notation to allow validation based on type information without actual values.

    We have most of the pieces, so it should not be difficult. E.g., individual values can be number, string, date and time, etc. We can allow numeric ranges using our unary tests, e.g. '>0', '[10..30)', etc. We can allow LOVs using "abc", "def", "ghi". These can be 'simple items', and we can also define structures using something similar to boxed contexts.

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Thu, 4 Jun 2015 06:28 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; Out Of Scope — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No requirement for item definition notation

    Notation for Item Definition is being addressed in SDMN

    • out of scope for DMN
  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Improve description of built-in function string()

  • Key: DMN16-13
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    The expected output of the built-in function string() should be defined for each type. Otherwise it is unclear what the result for a value, for example of type time, is. Is it the string literal or the full expression with built-in function time()?

    // which FEEL expression is valid?
    string(time("11:00:00")) = "11:00:00"
    string(time("11:00:00")) = "time("11:00:00")"

    Recommendation: Introduce a new table that lists example outputs for all types:

    • null -> null
    • boolean -> "true" or "false"
    • string -> "This is a string"
    • number -> "-1.234"
    • date -> "2017-10-11"
    • time -> "11:00:00.123" or "11:00:00.123+02:00" or "11:00:00.123@Europe/Paris"
    • date and time -> "2017-10-11T11:00:00.123" or "2017-10-11T11:00:00.123+02:00" or "2017-10-11T11:00:00.123@Europe/Paris"
    • days and time duration -> "P2DT3H4M5.123S"
    • years and months duration -> "P2Y3M"
    • list -> "[1,2,3]"
    • context -> "{a: true, b: false}"
    • range -> "[1..100]"
    • unary test -> "> 10"
    • function -> null
  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 11 Oct 2017 09:02 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Clarification needed if null is passed as value for optional parameter of built in function

  • Key: DMN16-12
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    Some built-in functions has optional parameters. Chapter 10.3.4 describes "Whenever a parameter is outside its domain, the result of the built-in is null."

    Should the following call to a built-in function result to null?

    replace("This is a string", "[a-z]", "#", null)

    The optional parameter "flags" of the built-in function replace() is null. Parameter domain is string as stated in table 60 on page 133. Null is not in the domain of type string.

    This topic was already discussed in the DMN TCK. We think that the behavior should be the same as the function is called without the optional parameter:

    replace("This is a string", "[a-z]", "#", null) = replace("This is a string", "[a-z]", "#")

    Clarification in the specification is appreciated.

    May be we can change the sentence in chapter 10.3.4 on page 130 to: "Whenever a parameter is outside its domain, the result of the built-in is null. If null is passed as value to an optional parameter, the built-in behaves like no value is passed."

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:32 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Business Context links go both ways

  • Key: DMN16-1
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Bruce Silver Associates ( Mr. Bruce Silver)
  • Summary:

    In XSD, business context pointers are duplicated in both directions. E.g. decisionOwner and decisionMaker point to organizationalUnit, which in turns has pointers back the other way. This duplication adds no new information, just potential for internal inconsistency. I suggest omitting one of these directions; the other one is easily extracted from the serialization by XPATH.

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:30 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

FEEL descendants operator

  • Key: DMN16-72
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Bruce Silver Associates ( Mr. Bruce Silver)
  • Summary:

    In some decision models, the input data must conform to an industry-standard xml schema in which elements of interest are many levels deep. Converting such a schema directly to a FEEL item definition requires very long path references. The xpath language has a descendants operator that significantly shortens the path expression. I propose a similar operator (or, less ideally, a function) for FEEL.

    An example is MISMO from the Mortgage Bankers Association. In home appraisals, one item of interest is the Appraiser. To reference the Appraiser from the FEEL item definition generated from the xsd requires this:

    In xpath, omitting namespace prefixes, the descendants operator // simplifies this considerably:

    If // were used as a FEEL descendants operator, you would need only

    To get the Appraiser's name, instead of

    you would need only


  • Reported: DMN 1.4b1 — Tue, 14 Mar 2023 19:38 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add a descendent operator to the FEEL grammar

    Add a descendant operator in the FEEL grammar that is similar to a path expression but uses 3 dots (...) instead of one.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Missing semantics for multiple imports

  • Key: DMN16-50
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    The semantics of Import is not fully specified.

    In certain use cases the same DMN element (e.g. ItemDefinition or DRGElement) can be imported multiple times (e.g. transitive imports).

    Lets consider the following use case:

    • Model A contains the definition of an InputData for a Person (e.g. name, age etc)
    • Model B imports model A. Model B contains a decisions DB that uses the Person as input
    • Model C imports models A and B. Model C contains a decision DC that uses Person and DB as input

    In this situation model C imports Person twice due to transitive import.

    In order to evaluate DC the Person InputData has to be bound to a value. The question is how many values is the user going to provide, lets say in a Web form? A single value or one value for each import path (in this case 2)?

    I am inclining towards the first option - one single value per input data. Here is my rationale:

    • InputDatas / DRGElements are uniquely identified by model namespace and
    • InputDatas own one single variable (see 6.3. Metamodel). The semnatics for InputData.variable is in Table 18:
      The instance of InformationItem that stores the result of this InputData.
    • Consistency with the import of other DMN Elements: it does not make any sense for ItemDefinitions, BKMs and DSs to have multiple variables / values when imported several times.
    • If we choose the second option and the model is refactored (e.g. models are merged), but the logic does not change, the user has to fill-in different input forms. It is not very user friendly.
    • I am not aware of any PL/DSL that uses the second option

    Lets discuss.

  • Reported: DMN 1.3 — Tue, 30 Mar 2021 08:28 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Define semantics for multiple imports

    Define semantics for multiple imports of the same input data

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Behaviour when decimal is provided but integer expected

  • Key: DMN16-82
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    In the DMN spec the only supported number type is decimal.

    However, there are a few places (e.g. scale in round functions and list access) when an integer is needed.

    What is the expected behavior when an integer is expected but a decimal number is provided? For example 'decimal(123, 5.6)' or ''remove([1, 2], 1.5).

    Is this an error or the engine recovers from the error and uses only the integer part of the number?

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:34 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Define type conversion from decimal to integer

    Define type conversion from decimal to integer

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Range of scale for number is open to interpretation

  • Key: DMN16-81
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    According to the DMN spec ( number) a number is equivalent to "Java BigDecimal with MathContext DECIMAL 128.".

    The Java doc states, " A BigDecimal consists of an arbitrary precision integer unscaled value and a 32-bit integer scale.".

    However, the DMN spec de scale is in range range [−6111..6176].

    The question is what is the correct range for scale?

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:23 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarify definition of number as based on IEEE 754-2008 Decimal128

    Remove misleading sentence from the definition of FEEL numbers as it lead people to believe that the definition was based on Java. The sentence was just a hint for implementers and that is already covered elsewhere in the spec.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Rule 51.c doesn't support FEEL syntax of list with squary brackets as shown on page 122

  • Key: DMN16-24
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    on page 122 in table 43 in row 2 and 3: "e1 in [e2, e3, ...]"
    on page 109 grammar rule 51.c: expression "in" positive unary test
    on page 109 grammar rule 51.c: expression "in" "(" positive unary tests ")"

    The syntax with square brackets is not allowed by the grammar rules 51.c. Either table 43 or grammar definition should be changed.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2017 08:58 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Already possible

    The issue was raised a long time ago. In the meantime, the grammar has changed. Currently, a positive unary test can be any feel expression, hence the second operand can be a list.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Inconsistent capitalization of datatypes names

  • Key: DMN16-92
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Simon Ringuette)
  • Summary:

    In section Literals, data types, built-in functions, there is an enumeration of FEEL datatypes.

    The first 3 starts with uppercase letters (Number, String, Boolean) while the other starts with lowercase letters.

    Number, String and Boolean should be number, string, boolean like presented in the Figure 10-26: FEEL lattice type on page 112.

  • Reported: DMN 1.5b1 — Tue, 17 Oct 2023 15:16 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Correct capitalisation in 10.3

    In Section, correct the capitalization of the first three items in the list.

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

italics and bold used for both typographic literal notation and FEEL semantic exposition

  • Key: DMN16-3
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    in typographic literals, italics are strings and bold italics are date literals, but in 10.3, italics are feel syntactic elements and bold are semantic elements. Better to have different notations

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Thu, 3 Sep 2015 15:58 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

No adjustment for last day in month if duration is added/subtracted to date and time value

  • Key: DMN16-10
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    The specification says that the addition/subtraction of a date and time and a years and months duration value is defined as:

    date and time (
       date(e1.year +/– e2.years + floor((e1.month+/– e2.months)/12),
       e1.month +/– e2.months – floor((e1.month +/– e2.months)/12) * 12,, 

    If you apply this expression to the following two values:

    • date and time("2017-08-30T11:00:00Z")
    • duration("P18M")
      you would expect the following results:
    date and time("2017-08-30T11:00:00Z") + duration("P18M")  --> result should be date and time("2019-02-28T11:00:00Z")
    date and time("2017-08-30T11:00:00Z") - duration("P18M")  --> result should be date and time("2016-02-29T11:00:00Z")

    If you apply the values to the defined formula, you get:

    date and time (
       date(2017 +/– 1 + floor((8 +/– 6)/12),
       8 +/– 6 – floor((8 +/– 6)/12) * 12,

    which results for addition into:

    date and time (
       date(2018 + floor(1,1667),
       14 – floor(1,1667) * 12,

    which is:

    date and time (date(2019, 2, 30), time("11:00:00Z"))

    The adjustment to the last valid day in a month is missing. 30th February is invalid, since February has only 28/29 days.

    which results for subtraction into:

    date and time (
       date(2016 + floor(0,1667),
       2 – floor(0,1667) * 12,

    which is:

    date and time (date(2016, 2, 30), time("11:00:00Z"))

    The adjustment to the last valid day in a month is missing. 30th February is invalid, since February has only 28/29 days.

    Adjustment to last valid day in month must be added to spec.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Mon, 2 Oct 2017 12:41 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Enhancement suggestion: make unary tests first class citizens of the FEEL language

  • Key: DMN16-7
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Red Hat Inc ( Edson Tirelli)
  • Summary:

    This is a suggestion for future versions of the spec:

    Add support for Unary Tests as first class citizens of the FEEL language, in a similar way as ranges and functions already are.

    A unary test is really a “predicate”: a single parameter function that returns a boolean. It is syntax sugar on:

    function ( x ) x in <unary_test>

    FEEL already supports functions as first class citizens, so it makes sense to support Unary Tests. The following two syntaxes would then be equivalent:

    is minor : < 18
    is minor : function( age ) age in < 18

    Invoking unary tests explicitly would be like invoking a function:

    Bob is minor : is minor( bob.age )

    More importantly, it would allow the implementation to actually support passing unary tests as parameters to functions and make the example on page 115 viable:

    decision table (
    outputs: "Applicant Risk Rating",
    input expression list: [Applicant Age, Medical History],
    rule list: [
    [ >60, "good", "Medium" ],
    [ >60, "bad", "High" ],
    [ [25..60], -, "Medium" ],
    [ <25, "good", "Low" ],
    [ <25, "bad", "Medium" ]
    hit policy: "Unique"

    Unary test syntax is not ambiguous, so supporting it would mean to basically change rule 2 in the grammar to include rules 14 and 17 as possible options. The semantic mapping table on page 116 would also need to include a new FEEL value type: "unary test".

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Tue, 23 Aug 2016 01:41 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Should encapsulated decisions of a decision service include output decisions?

  • Key: DMN16-9
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    Figure 10 on page 25 with text "The encapsulated decisions are therefore

    {Decision 1, Decision 2}


    Figure 11 on page 26 with text "The encapsulated decisions for this services are

    {Decision 1}


    Table 20 on page 56:

    • "outputDecisions: This attribute lists the instances of Decision required to be output by this DecisionService".
    • "encapsulatedDecisions: If present, this attribute lists the instances of Decision to be encapsulated in this DecisionService".

    For us it is unclear what decisions should be stored in the DMN model as encapsulated decisions. Must the output decisions also be included in the list of encapsulated decisions (as stated on page 25, 26)? Or does the list of encapsulated decisions only hold the decisions contained in the lower compartment of a decision service (as mentioned on 56 since encapsulatedDecisions seems to be optional)?

  • Reported: DMN 1.0 — Tue, 20 Mar 2018 14:49 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Figure 6.15 shows incorrect multiplicity for Decision Service Output Decisions

  • Key: DMN16-8
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BPM Advantage Consulting ( Dr. Stephen White)
  • Summary:

    In Figure 6.15 the multiplicity of output decisions for a decision service is shown as zero to many (0..), but the text below and Table 16 says the that multiplicity is one to many (1..). The figure should be correct to match the text and table.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Fri, 3 Aug 2018 21:19 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Include Test Cases in Decision Model

  • Key: DMN16-6
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    For interchange of test cases along with a decision model, it would be convenient to define metamodel and xsd elements for a suite of test cases, where a test case contains values for input data and expected values output decisions.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Sat, 28 May 2016 16:25 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT
  • Attachments:

Scope of decision table input/output entries is not well defined in the specification

  • Key: DMN16-19
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Mr. Denis Gagne)
  • Summary:

    While the scope of context entry specifically says to include the previous context entry (section 7.3.1), there is no mention for the scope of input and output entries of decision tables.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Mon, 15 May 2017 17:59 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Add two new concrete numeric types, make number abstract

  • Key: DMN16-15
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    Currently S-FEEL / FEEL contains only one single numeric type called number that matches the semantics defined in IEEE 754-2008.

    This can lead to some strange constructions, such as
    substring("footbar", 3.67)
    perfect valid in FEEL.

    It also has impact on the performance of the execution (speed).

    Here is my proposal:

    • keep number as an abstract type to backwards compatibility
    • add a new concrete type real/float/decimal that matches the semantics of defined in IEEE 754-2008
    • add a new concrete type integer
    • change the signature of all built-in functions to restrict number to integer when it makes sense (e.g. index in a string and list, length of string. size of list)
    • add a separate paragraph to specify the implicit conversions performed by the FEEL processor when required (e.g. function resolution). For example,
      2 + 4.5 leads to a promotion 2 -> 2.0 that adding it 4.5.

    If we agree in principal all start working on it.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:44 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

How to get FEEL type if evaluation is not an option?

  • Key: DMN16-20
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    in chapter "Sometimes we do not want to evalutate a FEEL expression e, we just want to know the type of e."

    in table 54: column Applicability defines which row in the table to use, depending on the type of a FEEL expression.

    Table 54 only makes sense if it is not allowed to pre-evaluate the expression e2, since even for a pre-evaluation context entries (for example: "item") must be declared in scope.

    How do we know the type of a FEEL expression if it is not allowed to evaluate it?


    • [1,2,3][min(3,2,1)]
    • {a:function() external {java: {class: "clazz", method signature: "method()"}}, b:[1,2,3][a()]}.b
    • {a: 1, b: a instance of number, c: [1,2,3][b] }
  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2017 14:56 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

FEEL grammar readability

  • Key: DMN16-17
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    The grammar contains several sub-grammars each one with its own start non-terminal: expression, simple expressions, unary tests.

    The grammar should be broken in several grammars, and common part to make things more obvious. It will help the CL3 implementation.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Sun, 30 Oct 2016 11:37 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Semantic domain mapping for simple expressions

  • Key: DMN16-25
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Goldman Sachs ( Dr. Octavian Patrascoiu)
  • Summary:

    The FEEL grammar contains simple expressions as starting terminal

    page 107 6. simple expressions = simple expression ,

    { "," , simple expression }


    I could not find a mapping to a semantics domain for it. What is the type / domain of "simple expressions"? A list with element type Any or a Tuple Type with several element types?

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Fri, 17 Mar 2017 14:42 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Can an expression in user defined function body reference a name outside of it's scope?

  • Key: DMN16-21
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    If an expression in a user defined function body references a name outside of it's scope (for example a parent scope), this scope must be available also during invocation of the function.


    • {f:function() a, a:1, i:f()}

      possible, since name a is still available in local context (scope) during invocation

    • {b:1,f:function() b}

      .f() impossible, since name b is not available outside of the context.

    It would be nice if the semantic mapping and the differentiation between function definition and invocation is clearly specified in the spec. What names can be referenced? Must the scopes also be available during invocation?

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2017 15:24 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Can the same Definitions/namespace be used by more than one model?

  • Key: DMN16-14
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Red Hat ( Edson Tirelli)
  • Summary:

    Please clarify if it is possible to have multiple models on the same namespace. For instance:

    <definitions namespace="" name="Model A" ...

    <definitions namespace="" name="Model B" ...

    The current text of the specification does not say anything explicitly one way or another, so please clarify that.

    In addition to this, if multiple models can use the same namespace, then the <import> element will require an additional attribute (for instance: modelName) in order to uniquely identify which model should be imported.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Thu, 8 Mar 2018 16:20 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

inconsistent date comparisons make unavoidavle paradoxes

  • Key: DMN16-35
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: fujitsu america ( keith swenson)
  • Summary:

    Date "=" is defined to include the time zone, and "<" and ">" does not. This causes a bunch of problems.


    Suggestion is simple: define date equality to be (date1 - date2 == 0) Eliminate the need to compare the "timezone" of the dates.

    My experience with the group is that most suggestions are ignored, so I don't really want to waste any time making a more detailed proposal, but if you have questions about this problem you can contact me.

  • Reported: DMN 1.2 — Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:01 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Should name declarations in same context fail or overwrite?

  • Key: DMN16-22
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    As I see the spec doesn't define what should happen if in a context a name should be declared that already exists in the current context. Sample FEEL expression: "for i in [1,2,3], i in [4,5,6] return i * i" Does the second definition of i overwrite the first one or should we return null for the complete "for" expression?

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2017 09:25 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Missing FEEL semantic mapping for grammar rule 2.i - simple positive unary test

  • Key: DMN16-23
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ACTICO ( Daniel Thanner)
  • Summary:

    For simple positive unary test(s) there are extra entry points in the FEEL grammar. Therefore why do we need simple positive unary test in grammar rule 2.i. What is the semantic mapping?

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2017 09:11 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

notion of arbitrary order conflicts with lack of an unordered collection data type

  • Key: DMN16-31
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Signavio GmbH ( Dr. Bastian Steinert)
  • Summary:

    Section "8.2.11 Hit policy" describes that hit policy "Collect: returns all hits in arbitrary order". This implies that the order of the results does not have to be deterministic and can also vary among different implementations. However, the standard only supports the notion of 'lists', which do have an order. The comparison of lists is also specified in a way that the order of elements is significant. The issue might get more clear when thinking about testing the interface of decisions. Strictly speaking, it is currently not feasible to define a test against a decision table with hit policy 'collect'. The expected result can only be defined using a list, whose elements do have an order. The operator to compare the 'expected' and the 'actual' result will also take order into account.

    The issue could easily be resolved by replacing 'arbitrary order' with 'rule order'.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Sun, 26 Jun 2016 10:11 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

DMN Models need a default timezone

  • Key: DMN16-34
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: fujitsu america ( keith swenson)
  • Summary:

    All date expressions, if the timezone is not explicitly mentioned, are interpreted as being in the timezone of the computer running the code. This means you can design a model that runs correctly in one timezone,a nd incorrectly in a different one.

    Imagine you have a development team in Bangalore which makes a DMN model that runs correctly and passes all the tests. Then it is installed into the company server in London, and it fails.
    Does anyone think this is a good idea?

    The solution is simple: the model should have a default timezone. All date expressions that don't mention the timezone are interpreted according to this default time zone, and NOT according the timezone of the machine you are running on. Then, models will run exactly the same way no matter where it is run. That is a good idea, right?

    See this:

  • Reported: DMN 1.2 — Wed, 18 Sep 2019 09:55 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Unspecified conclusion is not supported

  • Key: DMN16-32
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Decision Management Solutions ( James Taylor [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    I remember discussions about allowing "-" in conclusions to mark an unspecified conclusion in a decision table. This would allow some of the conclusions in a multiple output decision table to be marked as "unspecified" where there was no output relevant for that conclusion for a specific rule and to allow rules in multi-hit tables to show that a particular combination of conditions had been considered but did not result in anything being added to the result set.
    However the standard as written says that an output entry must adhere to the literal expression grammar, and '-' is not allowed. You have to return some FEEL value, e.g. 0, false, "N/A", null, etc.

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Mon, 13 Jun 2016 21:41 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Fix interchange of links to objects in BPMN/BMM

  • Key: DMN16-33
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Decision Management Solutions ( James Taylor [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    The current spec uses objects from BMM and BPMN. However it is not at all clear how links to these objects, and the objects at the end of the links, should be interchanged. Does the DMN file contain a snippet of BPMN? Should a separate BPMN file be generated and then referenced? If we are going to have these links then we need to show/explain how to interchange them both with tools that only support DMN (and so only have a few BPMN or BMM objects) and with those that support DMN/BPMN/BMM.

  • Reported: DMN 1.2 — Thu, 27 Sep 2018 01:07 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Requested additional built-in functions

  • Key: DMN16-26
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    (from Bruce)
    a. String-join(stringList, separatorString)

    b. Format-number(value, formatString), where formatString (to be negotiated) generally follows Excel or xpath, maybe not all the features.

    c. Format-date(value, formatString), format-dateTime(value, formatString)

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Mon, 2 Jan 2017 20:43 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Support for recursive calls by Business Knowledge Models

  • Key: DMN16-42
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Montera Pty Ltd ( Greg McCreath)
  • Summary:

    The definition of "well formed" for a BusinessKnowledgeModel excludes the notion of the encapulatedLogic of a BusinessKnowledgeModel being able to invoke itself to permit recursion. There is no means to define a 'self' relationship via knowledgeRequirements - the spec forbids it.

    However, vendors are currently supporting BusinessKnowledgeModel recursion simply by permitting a BusinessKnowledgeModel's encapulatedLogic to invoke the contained BusinessKnowledgeModel as a function using the contained BusinessKnowledgeModel's name. I propose we formalise this in the spec.

    I propose that after the definition of well-formed on page 56/57 (repeated below):

    "An instance of BusinessKnowledgeModel is said to be well-formed if and only if, either it does not have any knowledgeRequirement, or all of its knowledgeRequirement elements are well-formed. That condition
    entails, in particular, that the requirement subgraph of a BusinessKnowledgeModel element SHALL be acyclic, that is, that a BusinessKnowledgeModel element SHALL not require itself, directly or indirectly. "

    The following paragraph is added:

    "However, the encapsulatedLogic within a BusinessKnowledgeModel may invoke itself in a recursive manner by using the name of the containing BusinessKnowledgeModel as an invokable name."

  • Reported: DMN 1.2 — Sat, 6 Apr 2019 02:38 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Defer to DMN 1.7

    Defer to DMN 1.7

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:16 GMT

Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN)

  • Key: DMN16-36
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BPM Advantage Consulting ( Dr. Stephen White)
  • Summary:

    Situational Data is the set of Data Items and their structures that are needed for the performance and understanding of a Knowledge Package Model.
    The details of the Data Items will usually be a subset of the “official” complexity of those items in the environment of the Knowledge Package Model.
    For example, the official definition of the Data Item for Blood Pressure (in healthcare) includes more than 50 properties. A Data Item in a Situational Data Model may need only 2 of those properties for execution of the Processes, Cases, and or Decision Services.
    Semantic References can be added to link the Data Item to the “official” details.
    Uses of the Data Items in BPM+ models that determine the scope of Situational Data include:
    Data required for DMN Decisions
    Data required for BPMN Gateways transitions
    Data required to be passed to/from services invoked by BPMN and CMMN
    Data required to trigger Sentries in CMMN

  • Reported: DMN 1.2b1 — Tue, 10 Sep 2019 18:04 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.6b1
  • Disposition Summary: