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  1. OMG Issue

DMNFTF — In the metamodel XMI file I found the following with the help of the NIST Validator

  • Key: DMNFTF-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18967
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Pete Rivett)
  • Summary:

    There is the unsatisfied href to 08-11-13.xmi. If you really want to extend BMM it should use the proper OMG URI for Objective within BMM. This is just completing BMM 1.2

    • DecisionTable::aggregation has no datatype: I assume it should be BuiltInAggregator
    • DecisionTable::aggregation property’s default value of COLLECT is not validly specified. Easy once you set the type
    • The default value of DecisionTable::hitPolicy of UNIQUE is differently but also not validly specified. In MD I was easily able to delete the Opaque Expression by right-clicking the default value; and then it gave me the correct list from the enumeration
    • The association outputClause2outputEntry has an owned constraint with body of “ordered”. Ordering should be specified at the property level (which is what you have done) so the constraint should just be deleted. BTW by convention association names should start with a capital.
    • The association DecisionTable2rule has an owned constraint with body of “ordered”. Ordering should be specified at the property level (which is what you have done) so the constraint should just be deleted. BTW by convention association names should start with a capital.
    • There is an association end property on class Import of type Definitions that is not named
    • There should be a MOF Tag for the namespace Prefix (and optionally the nsURI)
  • Reported: DMN 1.0b1 — Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DMN 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    XMI has been corrected of the errors listed in the issue, and modified to account for the resolutions of other issues when relevant. The final XMI document passes NIST validator (except for the references to the BMM and BPMN metamodels, wihch ar enot loaded in the validator).

  • Updated: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:19 GMT
  • Attachments: