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DMN12 — Enhancement suggestion: allow for expressions to be used as "end points"

  • Key: DMN12-80
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Red Hat Inc ( Edson Tirelli)
  • Summary:

    This is a suggestion for future revisions of the specification:

    Change the grammar to allow expressions to be used as "end points" on ranges and unary tests. E.g.:

    { Thanksgiving holiday: [ date(“2016-11-24”) .. date(“2016-11-27”) ] }

    This is extremely useful for users that no longer have to create dummy variables in order to use expressions as "end points".

  • Reported: DMN 1.1 — Tue, 23 Aug 2016 01:32 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — DMN 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    closed by submitter

    relevant but out of time

  • Updated: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 14:17 GMT