a) Section 10. Page 151.
Table 10.1. Row “processType”.
It says
“The processType attribute Provides additional information
It should say
“The processType attribute provides additional information
“Provides” should be replaced by “provides”.
b) Section 10.2. Page 157.
Table 10.3. Row “completionQuantity”.
It says
“This number of tokens will be sent done ...”
It should say
“This number of tokens will be sent down ...”
“sent done” should be replaced by “sent down ”
c) Section 10.2.3. Page 161.
The words “marker” and “Marked” are nor used consistently throughout the text. For example:
On p. 161:
“The loop Marker MAY be used in combination with the compensation marker.”
On p. 197:
“The loop Marker MAY be used in combination with the Compensation Marker.”
On p.198:
“The Multi-Instance marker MAY be used in combination with the Compensation marker.”
d) Section 10.2.4. Page 170.
It says
“Manual Tasks and User Tasks have a Icons to indicate ...”
It should say
“Manual Tasks and User Tasks have icons to indicate ...”
“a Icons” should be replaced by “icons”
e) Section 10.3.1. Page 224.
It says
the payloard within the Message will not flow out of the Receive Task and into the Process.”
It should say
the payload within the Message will not flow out of the Receive Task and into the Process.”
“payloard” should be replaced by “payload”
f) Section 10.3.1. Page 231.
It says
a DataOutput contained within an ACTIVITY with any ItemAwareElement accessible
It should say
a DataOutput contained within an Activity with any ItemAwareElement accessible
“ACTIVITY” should be replaced by “Activity”
g) Section 10.3.1. Page 231.
It says
one from a item-aware element
to a item-aware element
It should say
one from an item-aware element
to an item-aware element
“a item-aware” should be replaced (twice) by “an item-aware”
h) Section 10.4.2. Page 248.
Table 10.84. Row “Multiple”
It says
“(a pentagonsee the upper figure to the right)”
It should say
“(a pentagonsee figure to the right)”
“see the upper figure” should be replaced by “see figure”
i) Section 10.4.4. Page 263.
Table 10.90. Row “Compensation”.
It says
“Note that the interrupting a non-interrupting aspect of ...”
It should say
“Note that the interrupting and non-interrupting aspect of ...”
“a non-interrupting” should be replaced by “and non-interrupting”
j) Section 10.4.5. Page 273.
“The ConditionalEventDefinition element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5) through its relationship to the EventDefinition element (see page 268). Table 10.95 presents the additional model associations of the ConditionalEventDefinition element:”
It is repeated twice. The first one should be removed.
k) Section 10.4.5. Page 275.
It says
“When used to “throw” to the target Link, the Event marker will be filled (see Figure 10.84: upper: lower Left).”
It should say
“When used to “throw” to the target Link, the Event marker will be filled (see Figure 10.84: lower left).”
“upper: lower Left” should be replaced by “lower left”