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BPMN21 — Chapter 9. Typos

  • Key: BPMN21-132
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15504
  • Status: open  
  • Source: craftware.net ( Eduardo Jara)
  • Summary:

    a) Section 9.4. Page 125.

    9.4 Conversations

    It says
    “The Conversation diagram is particular usage of and an informal description …”

    It should say
    “The Conversation diagram is a particular usage of and an informal description …”

    “is particular usage” should be replaced by “is a particular usage”

    b) Section 9.4. Page 128.

    It says
    “Figure 9.20 shows a how the Sub-Conversation of ...”

    It should say
    “Figure 9.20 shows how the Sub-Conversation of ...”

    “a how” should be replaced by “how”

    c) Section 9.4. Page 129.

    It says
    “Figure 9.21 shows a how the Conversation of...”

    It should say
    “Figure 9.21 shows how the Conversation of...”

    “a how” should be replaced by “how”

    d) Section 9.4.4. Page 134.

    Table 9.12. Row “calledCollaborationRef”

    It says
    “Collaboratioin [0..1]

    It should say
    “Collaboration [0..1]

    “Collaboratioin” should be replaced by “Collaboration”

    e) Section 9.4.5. Page 134.

    It says
    “The GlobalConversation element inherits the attributes and model associations and Collaboration …”

    It should say
    “The GlobalConversation element inherits the attributes and model associations of Collaboration”

    “and Collaboration” should be replaced by “of Collaboration”

    f) Section 9.4.6. Page 137.

    It says
    “…on the left with a Call Conversations to a Collaboration on the right.”

    It should say
    “…on the left with a Call Conversation to a Collaboration on the right.”

    “Conversations” should be replaced by “Conversation”

    g) Section 9.4.6. Page 138.

    It says
    “For example, the Credit Agency Participants on the right corresponds …”

    It should say
    “For example, the Credit Agency Participant on the right corresponds …”

    “Participants” should be replaced by “Participant”

    h) Section 9.4.8. Page 139.

    It says
    “ … and can be defined for the Message Flows that belong to the a Conversation.”

    It should say
    “…and can be defined for the Message Flows that belong to a Conversation.”

    “to the a” should be replaced by “to a”

    i) Section 9.4.8. Page 140.

    It says
    “…if the conceptual data comprises of an order than the correlation field might be denoted …”

    It should say
    “…if the conceptual data comprises of an order then the correlation field might be denoted …”

    “than” should be replaced by “then ”

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0 — Mon, 13 Sep 2010 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT