fairly basic errors in some of your example flows
Key: BPMN21-440
Status: open
Source: Ealing Council ( Louise McDonagh)
I have just started going through the 'Business Process Model and Notation, v2.0' document and come across some fairly basic errors in some of your example flows. On the one hand BPMN is very prescriptive, yet in the execution of the examples it is extremely lax and erroneous. I have not got very far into the document yet as it very heavy going, but 2 cases in point where your examples are poor: figure 7.1, 'Approve or Reject Policy' should be two mutually exclusive processes, one to reject and the other to approve, which should have 2 separate outcomes. If you are wishing just to show a high level articulation of this dependency, then the process should be phrased as 'Make Policy Application [Request] Decison'. The other process that jumps out as logically unsound is figure 7.3, example of collaboration process. There are 2 swimlanes, one for patient and one for doctor surgery. 'receive medicine request' is a 'pharmacy' function so should be in a '!
pharmacy' pool. The way this process flows, there is no point in issuing a prescription request to the patient whose only duty is to present it back to the same surgery. Prescriptions requests have to go to a pharmacy, not the doctor. If the notation is being so prescriptive and requiring accurate conformance, the the examples need to be sensible, clear and error-free or there can be no confidence in the notation. -
Reported: BPMN 2.0.1 — Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:02 GMT
Updated: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:06 GMT