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  1. OMG Issue

BPMN21 — Events that can be located after an Event-Based Gateway

  • Key: BPMN21-239
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15746
  • Status: open  
  • Source: craftware.net ( Eduardo Jara)
  • Summary:

    Chapter/Section 10.5.6. Page 306. It says:

    “Event-Based Gateways are configured by having outgoing Sequence Flows target an Intermediate Event or a Receive Task …”

    “If Message Intermediate Events are used in the configuration, then Receive Tasks MUST NOT …”

    “Only the following Intermediate Event triggers are valid: Message, Signal, Timer, Conditional, and Multiple (which can only include the previous triggers). Thus, the following Intermediate Event triggers are not valid: Error, Cancel, Compensation, and Link.”


    According to Table 10.93 (p. 269) Intermediate catch Events in normal flow are: message, timer, conditional, link, signal, multiple and parallel multiple.

    The Events after an Event-Based Gateway can be only catch Intermediate Events in normal flow, but two of them (Link and parallel Multiple) are not allowed.


    Then, it should say:

    “Event-Based Gateways are configured by having outgoing Sequence Flows target an Intermediate catch Event or a Receive Task …”

    “If Message Intermediate catch Events are used in the configuration, then Receive Tasks MUST NOT …”

    “Only the following Intermediate catch Event triggers in normal flow are valid: Message, Signal, Timer, Conditional, and Multiple (which can only include the previous triggers). Thus, the following Intermediate catch Event triggers in normal flow are not valid: Link, and Parallel Multiple.”

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0 — Mon, 18 Oct 2010 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT