p 311 Fig 17.2 The name of the package should be PAM_Resources
also on the left halfway down the Fig, troughput --> throughput
p 312 line 2 resources).... end bracket is missing.
p 314 line 2 Figure 17.4
line 14 "a message transmission is defined within the UML model, but if no network is specified it is an external service". Wording clarified.
p 317 Fig 7.6 CommunicationStep inherits from PAM_Workload::PAM_Step. The attributes are inherited and can be eliminated from this figure.
p 322 line 10 "identity of the resource" spelling
p 325 sec 17.4.1 para 2 line 1 "In Figure 17.9 the blockT attribute of the LAN" corrected fig number, attribute name, plus clarification.
p 325 fig 17.10 stereotype on database should be <<PaRunTInstance>>, same as for web
p 326 first line after Fig 17.10: "In Figure 17.10 a simple sequence diagram"...wrong number
second para after Fig 17.10, delete the last sentence, it refers to something in the example that was changed.
third para, replace ExecStep by Step (two occurrences, plus another on p 327 line 1)
Figure 17.13, in the box labelled dbReq, under the label should be "12.4 ms"
p 329 last line, complette the sentence: "The behavior is shown in figure 17.15".
p 330, Fig 17.15, two annotations near the bottom have "$images" which should be just "images"
p 331 first sentence "with that a set" --> with a set" and add at the end "(with 95% probability)"
p 332 para 2 line 1, replace "Process stereotypes" by "RunTInstance stereotypes"
p 332 Fig 17.17 in the attributes of the <<GaWorkloadEvent>> stereotype the cycleTime95 variable should be preceded by "out$" (it is declared here, and it is an analysis output)
lower in Fig 17.17 the $ sign should be removed from variables acquireThreads, frameSize, blocks, storeThreads, DBThreads. (they are declared in the context)
p 333 para 2 delete the paragraph (it refers to aspects of the example that have been changed)
p 335 line 2 Figure 17.21, three instances in the para
p 336 Fig 17.21, the two <<PaProcess>> --> <<RunTInstance>>
also in the context at the top "contextParams=$messageSize"
below the figure, Figure 17.21 --> 17.22 and 17.22 --> 17.23
p 337 Figure 17.22 <<PaProcess>> --> <<RunTInstance>> twice,
also in the attributes, "runTInstance = webserver" --> "instance = webserver" (was not adapted to a change in definitions during profile development)
and similarly "runTInstance = App" --> "instance = application"
below Figure 17.23, increase Fig numbers by 1 (twice)
p 338 bottom ...Figure 17.25
p 339 line 1 Figure 17.25
line 2, add to end of sentence "Figure 17.26."
Figure 17.26 legend ends with "hierarchy of Figure 17.25" (no (b))
p 340 para 2, Figure 17.26 --> 17.27 and 17.14 --> 17.15
p 341 Figure 17.27 top: two instances of @Nusers should be $Nusers the first time, then Nusers.
p 342 para 1, add a sentence for clarification:
"The Markov Chain is solved to provide the steady state probabilities of each state, and thus of each behavior in the combined workload."