Key: MARTE-162
Legacy Issue Number: 12404
Status: closed
Source: THALES ( Madeleine Faugere)
Most common dispatch protocols can be modelized by the ArrivalPattern like (sporadic, aperiodcc,periodic, burst, irregular) ? The possibility to introduce other one is missing (exemple "Background).
Reported: MARTE 1.0b1 — Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.0b2
Disposition Summary:
There is a misunderstanding here. “Background” is not an arrival pattern. The
term background is related to task scheduling aspects. In MARTE, periodic
server scheduling parameters are modeled with a set of parameters including
background priority.
In MARTE, we compiled all the arrival patterns used in real-time and embedded
systems, including, periodic, aperiodic, sporadic, bursty, but also more general
arrivals like irregular patterns for arbitrary distances between event occurrences,
probability distributions, and other used in performance evaluation such as open
and closed patterns. Additional patterns can be defined by extending the libraries
of arrival patterns (Figure D.5)
We propose to close this issue with no change. -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT