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  1. OMG Issue

MARTE — GQAM Domain view inheritances

  • Key: MARTE-171
  • Legacy Issue Number: 12418
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Universidad de Cantabria ( Dr. Julio Medina)
  • Summary:

    In the GQAM Domain view GQAM::GQAM_Resources::CommunicationHost should inherit from GRM::ResourceTypes::CommunicationMedia, and GQAM::GQAM_Resources::ExecutionHost should inherit from GRM::ResourceTypes::ComputingResource. This said from a conceptual point of view, seems to indicate that also the corresponding elements in the profile should keep this inheritance relationship with the corresponding elements in GRM. The names of attributes should be consistent or at least related semantically to those in GRM. This may required some minor structural changes since in GQAM platform elements include semantics form various elements in GRM like for example the scheduler as well as the processing resource.

  • Reported: MARTE 1.0b1 — Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Include in GQAM::GQAM_Resources::CommunicationHost the inheritance from GRM::ResourceTypes::CommunicationMedia. And in GQAM::GQAM_Resources::ExecutionHost inheritance from GRM::ResourceTypes::ComputingResource. Correspondingly update the profile, making GQAM::GaExecHost inherit from GRM::ComputingResource, and GQAM::GaCommHost inherit from GRM::CommunicationMedia.

    According to issue 11835 already resolved in ballot 2, some attributes in GQAM::GaCommHost are now inherited from GRM::CommunicationMedia, these attributes are:
    o bandwidth: NFP_DataTxRate [0..1] capacity of the communication element when applicable.
    o packetT: NFP_Duration [0..1] time to transmit the element used as a communication quantum, usually called a packet, the size in bits of this quantum is described by the attribute elementSize.
    o blockT: NFP_Duration [0..1] time the communicationMedia is blocked and cannot transmit due to the transmission of one communication quantum.
    o transmMode: MARTE_Library::MARTE_DataTypes::TransmModeKind [0..1] defines the transmission mode, one of the following values:

    {simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex}

    The only difference is in the name of the attribute "bandwith" which is called "capacity" in GQAM. Since both of them represent the same concept one of the two should prevail; "capacity" is preferred as it is more general. As mentioned, this impact previous resolution of issue 11835, and as a duplicated also issue 11842.

    Attributes schedPolicy and isPreemptible in SaExecutionHost and SaExecHost are now redundant since they are inherited transitively from Scheduler.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT