MARTE 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

MARTE — Section: HRM

  • Key: MARTE-72
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11817
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: THALES ( Laurent Rioux)
  • Summary:

    Some stereotype in the HRM profile do not have icons. And the icons proposed in the specification need to be improved to clarify the understanding of the model. possible solution: change icons on HRM and add icons on stereotype do not have yet

  • Reported: MARTE 1.0b1 — Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    I (Sébastien Gérard) have asked to the source of the issue what kind of
    improvement he was requiring or if he had some better proposition of
    iconographical representation, and he answered he had no proposals of
    improvement. I decided then without more feedback on graphical improvement to
    close with no change this issue.
    Disposition: Closed, no change

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT