OMG Specifications

  • Specifications Count: 200

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Active Specifications

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Title Name Open Issues
Action Language for Foundational UML ALF 9
Alert Management Service ALMAS 13
Application Management and System Monitoring AMSM 5
APIs for Knowledge Platforms API4KP 6
Application Instrumentation APP-INST 0
Automated Source Code CISQ Maintainability Measure ASCMM 2
Automated Source Code CISQ Performance Efficiency Measure ASCPEM 0
Automated Source Code Quality Measures ASCQM 0
Automated Source Code CISQ Reliability Measure ASCRM 0
Automated Source Code CISQ Security Measure ASCSM 0
Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel ASTM 0
Automated Technical Debt Measure ATDM 1
Authorization Token Layer Acquisition Service ATLAS 0
Audio/Video Streams AVSTR 20
Business Architecture Core Metamodel BACM 38
Business Process Definition Metamodel BPDM 38
Business Process Maturity Model BPMM 2
UML Profile for BPMN Processes BPMNProfile 0
Bibliographic Query Service BQS 1
Biomolecular Sequence Analysis BSA 0
C Language Mapping C 952
Command and Control Interface for Navigation Systems C2INAV 4
CORBA to WSDL/SOAP Interworking C2WSDL 1
Computer Aided Design Services CAD 17
UML Profile for CORBA and CORBA Components CCCMP 9
CORBA Component Model CCM 8
UML Profile for CORBA Components CCMP 6
Clinical Decision Support Service CDSS 0
Case Management Model and Notation CMMN 10
Clinical Observation Access Service COAS 6
COBOL Language Mapping COBOL 3
Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA 435
CORBA Embedded CORBAe 2
UML Profile for CORBA CORP 4
C++ Language Mapping CPP 86
IDL to C++11 Language Mapping CPP11 13
Chemical Structure and Access Representation CSAR 1
Common Secure Interoperability CSIv2 0
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile CSRM 3
Common Terminology Services 2 CTS2 13
Currency Service CURR 23
Common Warehouse Metamodel CWM 78
Commons Ontology Library Commons 1
Dependability Assurance Framework For Safety-Sensitive Consumer Devices DAF 3
Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems DAIS 1
Diagram Definition DD 473
DDS Consolidated JSON Syntax DDS-JSON 1
Java 5 Language PSM for DDS DDS-Java 18
ISO/IEC C++ 2003 Language DDS PSM DDS-PSM-Cxx 83
Web-Enabled DDS DDS-WEB 3
DDS For Extremely Resource Constrained Environments DDS-XRCE 3
Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS DDS-XTypes 66
DDS For Lightweight CCM DDS4CCM 13
Deployment and Configuration of component-based Distributed Applications DEPL 80
Decision Model and Notation DMN 169
Distributed Ontology, Model, and Specification Language DOL 2
Data Parallel Processing DPP 7
Digital Receipt API DRAPI 0
Distributed Simulation Systems DSS 1
UML Profile for Enterprise Application Integration EAI 11
FIBO Business Entities EDMC-FIBO/BE 3
FIBO Financial Business And Commerce EDMC-FIBO/FBC 13
FIBO Foundations EDMC-FIBO/FND 4
FIBO Indices And Indicators EDMC-FIBO/IND 0
UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing EDOC 41
Event Service EVNT 5
Enhanced View of Time EVoT 0
Express Metamodel EXPRESS 2
Financial Instrument Global Identifier® FIGI 4
Finite State Machine Component for RTC FSM4RTC 0
Fault Tolerant CORBA® FT 3
CORBA FTAM/FTP Interworking FTAM 0
Federal Transition Framework FTF 1
Ground Equipment Monitoring Service GEMS 30
Gene Expression GENE 0
Genomic Maps GMAPS 0
Historical Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems HDAIS 1
UML Human-Usable Textual Notation HUTN 4
OMG HData RESTful Transport Hdata 2
IDL to Java Language Mapping I2JAV 10
IEF Reference Architecture IEF-RA 0
Information Exchange Packaging Policy Vocabulary IEPPV 0
Interaction Flow Modeling Language IFML 3
Implementation Pattern Metamodel for Software Systems IPMSS 0
IT Portfolio Management Facility ITPMF 0
Identity Cross Reference Service IXS 1
Java to IDL Language Mapping JAV2I 4
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel KDM 17
Kernel Modeling Language KerML 264
Languages, Countries And Codes LCC 6
Laboratory Equipment Control Interface LECIS 0
Life Sciences Identifiers LIS 0
Lexicon Query Service LQS 1
Lightweight Fault Tolerance LWFT 0
Lightweight Load Balancing Service LtLOAD 1
Lightweight Log Service LtLOG 31
Lightweight Services LtSVC 2
Macromolecular Structure MACSTR 0
UML Profile for MARTE MARTE 2
Model Driven Message Interoperability MDMI 65
Management of Event Domains MED 3
CWM Metadata Interchange Patterns MIPS 0
Meta Object Facility MOF 129
MOF to IDL Mapping MOF2I 0
MOF 2.0 Facility And Object Lifecycle Specification MOFFOL 9
MOF Model to Text Transformation Language MOFM2T 20
MOF2 Versioning and Development Lifecycle MOFVD 3
Model for Performance-driven Government MPG 1
Multiple Vocabulary Facility MVF 15
Negotiation Facility NEG 51
UML Profile for NIEM NIEM-UML 0
Notification Service NOT 12
Notification/JMS Interworking Service NOTJMS 1
Object Constraint Language OCL 224
Ontology Definition Metamodel ODM 102
Online Upgrades ONUP 0
Additional Structuring Mechanisms for OTS OTS 36
Phenotype and Genotype Object Model PAGE-OM 0
Party Management Facility PARTY 21
P & C Data Model For Property And Casualty Insurance PC 1
Product Data Management Enablers PDME 104
Person Identification Service PIDS 30
Public Key Infrastructure PKI 6
PL/1 Language Mapping PL1 0
Product Lifecycle Management Services PLM 8
Property Service PROP 4
Persistent State Service PSS 53
Precise Semantics of UML State Machines PSSM 25
Precise Semantics for Uncertainty Modeling PSUM 0
Python Language Mapping PYTH 3
UML Profile for Modeling QoS and FT QFTP 17
Quality of Service for CCM QOSCCM 8
MOF Query/View/Transformation QVT 61
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language RAAML 3
Resource Access Decision RAD 2
Reusable Asset RAS 14
RUBY CORBA Language Mapping RCLM 1
Relationship Service REL 7
CORBA Reflection RFLEC 0
Robotic Localization Service RLS 4
Records Management Service RMS 49
Real-time CORBA RT 20
Robotic Technology Component RTC 10
Requirements Interchange Format ReqIF 5
Robotic Interaction Service RoIS 0
CORBA Scripting Language SCRPT 0
Shared Data Model and Notation SDMN 10
Super Distributed Object SDO 37
Software Radio Components SDRP 17
Security Service SEC 54
Simplified Electronic Notation for Sensor Reporting SENSR 0
Software Fault Pattern Metamodel SFPM 0
Smart Transducers SMART 0
Structured Metrics Metamodel SMM 0
MOF Support for Semantic Structures SMOF 2
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNP 0
Satellite Operations Language Metamodel SOLM 8
Shared Operational Picture Exchange Services SOPES 3
Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel SPEM 8
UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, & Time SPTP 40
Smalltalk Language Mapping ST 7
Space Telecommunications Interface STI 5
Surveillance User Interface SURV 0
Services Directory ServD 1
Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language SoaML 74
SysML-Modelica Transformation SyM 9
OMG System Modeling Language SysML 802
Systems Modeling API and Services SystemsModelingAPI 103
TACSIT Controller Interface TCI 48
Tactical Decision Aids Interface TDAI 0
Interworking Between CORBA and TMN Systems TMN 4
Trading Object Service TRADE 13
Transaction Service TRANS 62
Telecom Service & Access Subscription TSAS 1
Task and Session TSKSES 9
UML Profile for Telecommunication Services TelcoML 0
Test Information Interchange Formal TestIF 27
Unified Architecture Framework UAF 203
Unified Modeling Language UML 865
UML Profile for DDS UML4DDS 33
UML Diagram Interchange UMLDI 10
Unified POS UPOS 38
UML Profile for ROSETTA UPR 2
UML Testing Profile 2 UTP2 27
Value Delivery Modeling Language VDML 4
UML Profile for Voice-based Applications VOICP 0
Wireless Access and Terminal Mobility WATM 0
Web Services for Point of Sale WS-POS 0
Workflow Management Facility WfMF 9
XML Valuetype Language Mapping XML 1
XTCE US Govt Satellite Conformance Profile XUSP 21
GIOP Compression ZIOP 12
PIM and PSM for Smart Antenna smartant 0