The property SemanticElement::datatype has no type itself in the metamodel or UML diagram. According to 8.3.4 (property 4) it should be MDMIDatatype so this is arguably an editorial change.
Likewise MDMIBusinessElementReference::referenceDatatype has the same problem (missing from the model but documented as Property 5 of 8.5.3.)
However it is a fundamental problem with use of the normative metamodel and should be fixed as an urgent issue.
Figures 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.8 also need updating.
Oddly Figure 8.5 is OK (indicating that it is out of date with the metamodel so may be missing other changes. E.g. the property ToBusinessElement::description is missing its datatype of String).
Likewise 8.6 is OK in that respect but is out of date with respect to the metamodel: datatypes of int and bool are shown instead of Integer and Boolean correctly used in the metamodel