ISL changes to break dependency on Security and SECIOP modules
Key: CSIV2-10
Legacy Issue Number: 4141
Status: closed
Source: Oracle ( Ron Monzillo)
Document: orbos/2000-08-04 CSIv2 Final Submission
Issue:Section "IDL" Contains dependencies on the IDL of the security
specification (the SECURITY, SECIOP, and SSLIOP modules)Description:
The IDL for CSIv2 is dependent on the AssociationOptions type of the
SECURITY module, and proposes some new types to be added to that module.The IDL for CSIv2 also proposes some new types to be added to the the
SECIOP module.The IDL for CSIv2 is dependent on the SSL module.
Proposed Solution:
1. Move the AssociationOptions type out of the Security Mododule into a
new base security module. (Issue for the security spec) - Make the
Security Module dependent on this base security module.2. Add new constants to AssociationOptions.
3. Add to this new base module the new types created for CSIv2 and
previosly intended to be added to the security module (with the
exception of the types related to type ScopedName, which will be the
subject of another issue).4. Move the new SECIOP ComponentId and tag structure for TAG_SECIOP
SEC_TRANS into the CSIIOP module, thus eleiminating the CSIv2 dependence
on the SECIOP module.5. move the SSLIOP module into the CSIv2 spec. Change the SSLIOP modules
dependency on the security module to a dependency on the new base
security module.6. Change All references to the SECUIRTY module in modules GSSUP,
SSLIOP. CSI, and CSIIOP to references to the base security module.7. Modify the GSSUP, CSI, and CSIIOP modules for idempotent inclusion.
Reported: CSIv2 1.0b1 — Wed, 10 Jan 2001 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CSIv2 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Close issue with revised text.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT