Create a RaiseAlertWithDynamicData operation
Add operation RaiseAlertWithDynamicData to class ALMASProducer in the Management PIM package - see updated diagram attached
7.3.5 p17 change first two sentences of paragraph 2 from
"Three mechanisms by which alerts can be raised are provided by the ALMASProducer interface class. Two variants RaiseAlertFromTemplate and RaiseAlertFromOverrides allow the system to raise an alert by simply specifying the alert ID, template ID and their own ProducerID, one of these also allows the over-ride of any placeholders that may be present in the ‘Message’ attribute of the alert data class associated with that template."
"Four mechanisms by which alerts can be raised are provided by the ALMASProducer interface class. Three variants RaiseAlertFromTemplate, RaiseAlertWithDynamicData and RaiseAlertFromOverrides allow the system to raise an alert by simply specifying the alert ID, template ID and their own ProducerID; with dynamic data allows the specification of the intentionally variable data to supplement the template alert definition; from overrides also allows the over-ride of any placeholders that may be present in the ‘Message’ attribute of the alert data class associated with that template." p18 insert a new 3rd row to the table
Name: RaiseAlertWithDynamicData(String, int, int, StringSet)
Type: public CallStatus[Parameters]ProducerID: String,TemplateID: int,out AlertID: int, DynamicMessageDataSet: StringSet,
Summary: This will cause an alert based on a known alert template
to be created and raised, whilst only specifying the dynamic data content that differs from the template definition. All parameters are mandatory. Return parameter indicates success or failure reason.
9.4 p45
insert after declaration of RaiseAlertFromOverrides
ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_CallStatus RaiseAlertFromOverrides (
in string ProducerID,
in ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_TemplateIDType TemplateID,
in ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_DynamicMessageDataTypeSet DynamicMessageData,
out ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_AlertIDType AlertID);
10.3.2 p53
insert after declaration of RaiseAlertFromOverrides
struct ALMAS_RaiseAlertWithDynamicData
long request_id;
string ProducerID;
ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_TemplateIDType TemplateID;
ALMAS_DataModel:: ALMAS_DynamicMessageDataType; }
#pragma keylist ALMAS_RaiseAlertWithDynamicData request_id
10.4.2 p58
insert after declaration of RaiseAlertFromOverrides
ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_CallStatus RaiseAlertFromOverrides (
in string ProducerID,
in ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_TemplateIDType TemplateID,
in ALMAS_DataModel:: ALMAS_DynamicMessageDataType,
out ALMAS_DataModel::ALMAS_AlertIDType AlertID);
11.4 p67
insert after declaration of RaiseAlertFromOverrides
HRESULT RaiseAlertFromOverrides (
[out] ALMAS_AlertIDType *AlertID,
[in] BSTR ProducerID,
[in] ALMAS_TemplateIDType TemplateID,
[in] SAFEARRAY(ALMAS_DynamicMessageDataType) DynamicMessageData,
[out] ALMAS_CallStatus *CallStatus);