PPMN_-75 |
Refactor PPMN XSDs based updated method of translating from UML Metamodel Diagrams |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-145 |
Figure 11 Occurrence Kinds not needed |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-164 |
Update PPMN-related Machine Readable Files to reference the latest SCE Machine Readable Files |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-166 |
Rename PM to Parties |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-94 |
The BKPMN language is referenced in the spec, but it is not an official language yet |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-79 |
DateTimeValue and tDateTimeValue defined Twice PPMN and SCE Sematics |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-78 |
IntegerValue and tIntegerValue defined in SCE and PPMN XSD |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-77 |
StringValue and tStringValue defined in both PPMN and SCE XSD |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-76 |
tImport and Import defined in both SCE and PPMN xsd |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-63 |
Packages in metamodel are missing URIs and ns prefixes |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-47 |
Locations are independent of Parties |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-56 |
Metamodel diagram for AcquisitionKind does not show SCE inhteritance |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-39 |
No capability to distinguish creation/generation from output |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-53 |
InterestedParty could be better defined and related to other Roles |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-62 |
Ontology needs revamping to make it usable |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-60 |
In the metamodel all comments seem to start with a single space |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-57 |
DerivedFrom::role should use a Kind not a String |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-70 |
Clarify constraints on PPMN Import inherited from SCE Import |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-66 |
Section 6.2 Typographical and Linguistic Conventions and Style are not consistently implemented in the document |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-59 |
Unclear semantics of sequence in occurrenceHistory |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-37 |
Specializes mentioned but not modeled |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-49 |
Unclear difference between Output and Product OccurrenceDependencyKinds |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-42 |
Definition unnecessarily excludes a person being an Entity. |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-40 |
Confusion between OccurrenceRelationship and OccurrenceDependency |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-52 |
OccurrenceChain should be a subclass of Occurrence |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-55 |
(Structural) split out types from instance modeling |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-38 |
Missing OccurrenceDependencyKind for Guide |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-43 |
Need more precise definition of Custody |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-46 |
The Parties model is missing typical identification and contact information |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-48 |
Grammar error in definition of Input |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-51 |
Unclear semantics of OccurrenceDependency::time |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-41 |
Mentions of non-existent class ActivityType |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-25 |
At line 993, Table 6 the text refers to a .formatRegistry which is not defined anywhere. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-10 |
Line 969 Figure 3 attribute CreationDate is specified for EntitySnapshot when it already exists in its parent class Entity. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-33 |
EntitySnapshotType is redundant |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-17 |
The statement in line 959, "Entities may represent some other thing of interest through EntityURI property," is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-11 |
Line 2356 shows UUID as a PPMN primitive. From observations, it does not appear to be used anywhere in the document |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-14 |
EntityTypeSnapshot class in Fig. 3 Entities and Entity Types UML diagram is incorrectly named EntitySnapshotType |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-21 |
EntityComposition and EntityTypeComposition relationships are not defined |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-15 |
Lines 961, 963, 965, and 1016 all refer to an "EntityComposition" relationship which is not defined. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-16 |
Line 991, link to "SemanticReference" is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-22 |
*EntitySnapshot* property creationDate at line 1021 Table 9 already exists in parent class *Entity* |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-32 |
Line 1103 refers to inherited property OccurenceRole which does not exist |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-31 |
Line 1074 to 1077 are repeated at lines 1081 to 1084. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-44 |
AttributedTo could be useful when Occurrences are known |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-50 |
The word derivee means the opposite from its usage in DerivedFrom |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-23 |
Line 969, Fig 3 Entities and EntityTypes UML diagram, the name of the association end owned by EntityType, snapshotType, is incorrectly named. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-24 |
At line 1015, sentence starting wtih "Additonally, ..." wording is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-26 |
Line 1006 specifies that EntityRelationshipType inherits a property from ElementRelationship. There is no such inheritance. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-58 |
No Vocabulary Terms in the PPMN Library have a conceptURI |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-54 |
Should provide a Library of common EntityFormats |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-64 |
Package Imports not reflected in the metamodel |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-4 |
The content of 8.1 Entities lines 955 to 966 overlap with the content of 8.1.1 Entity |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-65 |
PMN should support Org Chart notation |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-61 |
No formal mapping to PROV-O ontology |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-20 |
Line 1006 refers to a class "EntityTypeRelationship" which is not defined. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
PPMN_-18 |
At line 3574, bookmark link "RelationshipKinds" is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-12 |
Sections 7 and 8 (opening paragraphs) are redundant |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-8 |
PPMN Elements Specialize SCERootElement not BaseElement |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-9 |
Line 908/909 are incorrect. The SEC Metamodel has neither BaseElement nor NamedElement |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-69 |
Line 855 Table 3 specifications for class colors and borders are not consistent within the table and with the diagrams in the document. This issue also addresses other topics with Table 3. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-73 |
Occurrence Aggregation |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-2 |
Section 6.5 Abbreviations, Table 4 Acronyms contains unused or incorrect entries |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-68 |
No Graphical Notation for Properties |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-6 |
Figures 1 and 2 should be more consistent |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-7 |
Line 906 uses "number of packages" which may not be the intended meaning |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-3 |
Section 6.6 is a copy/paste of the same section in SDMN dtc/22-01-03 |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-71 |
Line 984 Table 5 Description of attribute part is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-27 |
Line 1006 refers to a class that does not exist. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-67 |
Line 1042 Table 11 description of attribute part is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-35 |
Inconsistent and redundant model for DerivedFrom |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-30 |
Line 1105 refers to property outputEntities (plural). The property is singular output Entity and represents a collection |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-34 |
Unclear how to use EntitySnapshot and whether it includes EntityRelationships |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-45 |
isUnique properties need more explanation |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN_-36 |
Documentation for AlternateOf lacks how the properties are used |
PPMN 1.0b1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-74 |
Annotation and tAnnotation is defined in both PPMN and SCE Sematics XSD. |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN_-5 |
Section 6.6 is a copy/paste of the same section in SDMN dtc/22-01-03 |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Duplicate or Merged |
closed |
PPMN_-13 |
Lines 960/961 imply that SCEElements have an attribute URI. It does not exist in the SCE Metamodel |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-1 |
In section 8.7 Extensions, Adornment Value and Annotation links are circular |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-72 |
AdornmentValue and tAdornmentValue defined in both SCE and PPMN |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-28 |
Update PPMN to Reflect SCE's Moving from Vocabularies to KindSets |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-29 |
Update PMN to Reflect SCE's Moving from Vocabularies to KindSets |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
PPMN_-19 |
Remove Section 12 (SCE Metamodel) and Section 13 (SCE Library) from the specification |
PPMN 1.0a1
PPMN 1.0b2
Resolved |
closed |
SCE-46 |
Fundamental problem - cannot represent the properties/characteristics of an Element |
PPMN 1.0b1
SCE 1.0b2
Closed; No Change |
closed |
PPMN-21 |
Line 908/909 are incorrect. The SEC Metamodel has neither BaseElement nor NamedElement |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-2 |
Section 6.6 is a copy/paste of the same section in SDMN dtc/22-01-03 |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-9 |
In section 8.7 Extensions, Adornment Value and Annotation links are circular |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-7 |
Figures 1 and 2 should be more consistent |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-3 |
Section 6.5 Abbreviations, Table 4 Acronyms contains unused or incorrect entries |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-20 |
Line 906 uses "number of packages" which may not be the intended meaning |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-27 |
The content of 8.1 Entities lines 955 to 966 overlap with the content of 8.1.1 Entity |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-8 |
Sections 7 and 8 (opening paragraphs) are redundant |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-6 |
PPMN Elements Specialize SCERootElement not BaseElement |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-1 |
Section 6.6 is a copy/paste of the same section in SDMN dtc/22-01-03 |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-23 |
Lines 960/961 imply that SCEElements have an attribute URI. It does not exist in the SCE Metamodel |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-35 |
Remove Section 12 (SCE Metamodel) and Section 13 (SCE Library) from the specification |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-49 |
Line 1006 refers to a class "EntityTypeRelationship" which is not defined. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-44 |
Line 969, Fig 3 Entities and EntityTypes UML diagram, the name of the association end owned by EntityType, snapshotType, is incorrectly named. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-68 |
At line 1015, sentence starting wtih "Additonally, ..." wording is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-26 |
EntityComposition and EntityTypeComposition relationships are not defined |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-25 |
The statement in line 959, "Entities may represent some other thing of interest through EntityURI property," is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-43 |
EntityTypeSnapshot class in Fig. 3 Entities and Entity Types UML diagram is incorrectly named EntitySnapshotType |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-48 |
Lines 961, 963, 965, and 1016 all refer to an "EntityComposition" relationship which is not defined. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-45 |
Line 991, link to "SemanticReference" is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-28 |
Line 969 Figure 3 attribute CreationDate is specified for EntitySnapshot when it already exists in its parent class Entity. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-34 |
At line 3574, bookmark link "RelationshipKinds" is incorrect. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-59 |
*EntitySnapshot* property creationDate at line 1021 Table 9 already exists in parent class *Entity* |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-24 |
Line 2356 shows UUID as a PPMN primitive. From observations, it does not appear to be used anywhere in the document |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-66 |
Line 1006 specifies that EntityRelationshipType inherits a property from ElementRelationship. There is no such inheritance. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-65 |
At line 993, Table 6 the text refers to a .formatRegistry which is not defined anywhere. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-67 |
Line 1006 refers to a class that does not exist. |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-4 |
Update PPMN to Reflect SCE's Moving from Vocabularies to KindSets |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-5 |
Update PMN to Reflect SCE's Moving from Vocabularies to KindSets |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-29 |
Line 984 Table 5 Description of attribute part is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-56 |
Section 6.2 Typographical and Linguistic Conventions and Style are not consistently implemented in the document |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |
PPMN-57 |
Line 1042 Table 11 description of attribute part is ambiguous |
PPMN 1.0a1
Deferred |
closed |