Key: PPMN_-26
Status: open
Source: Infinity Technology Incorporated ( Mr. Yvon Lacasse)
Line 1006 reads as follows: "The kind of EntityTypeRelationship is specified by the type property inherited from ElementRelationship". There is no inheritance between these two classes.
Reported: PPMN 1.0a1 — Fri, 30 Jun 2023 18:59 GMT
Updated: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:36 GMT
PPMN_ — Line 1006 specifies that EntityRelationshipType inherits a property from ElementRelationship. There is no such inheritance.
- Key: PPMN_-26
- OMG Task Force: Pedigree and Provenance Model and Notation (PPMN) FTF 2