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  1. OMG Issue

CSIV2 — The encoding of GSSUP ICT's is not clearly specified

  • Key: CSIV2-20
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4308
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ron Monzillo)
  • Summary:

    Document: http://cgi.omg.org/pub/csiv2-ftf/csiv2-031401.pdf

    Isuse: The encoding of GSSUP ICT's is not clearly specified

    Para 48 states:

    [48] The format of a GSSUP initial context token shall be as defined in
    [IETF RFC 2743]
    Section 3.1, “Mechanism-Independent Token Format,” pp. 81-82. This
    GSSToken shall
    contain an ASN.1 tag followed by a token length, an authentication
    identifier, and a CDR encoded sequence of octets corresponding to a
    GSSUP inner
    context token as defined by the type GSSUP::InitialContextToken in
    Section 16.9.2,
    “Module GSSUP - Username/Password GSSAPI Token Formats,” on page 16-59
    repeated below).

    and section
    16.9.2 Module GSSUP - Username/Password GSSAPI Token Formats

    // The following structure defines the inner contents of the username
    // password initial context token. This structure is CDR encoded in a
    // sequence of octets and appended at the end of the username/password
    // GSS (initial context) Token.

    struct InitialContextToken

    { CSI::UTF8String username; CSI::UTF8String password; CSI::GSS_NT_ExportedName target_name; }


    Proposed Resolution:

    Change para 148 to the following:

    [48] The format of a GSSUP initial context token shall be as defined in
    [IETF RFC 2743]
    Section 3.1, “Mechanism-Independent Token Format,” pp. 81-82. This
    GSSToken shall
    contain an ASN.1 tag followed by a token length, an authentication
    identifier, and an encapsulation octet stream containing a CDR encoded
    GSSUP inner
    context token as defined by the type GSSUP::InitialContextToken in
    Section 16.9.2,
    “Module GSSUP - Username/Password GSSAPI Token Formats,” on page 16-59
    repeated below).

    change the relevant comment in
    16.9.2 Module GSSUP - Username/Password GSSAPI Token Formats
    to the following

    // The following structure defines the inner contents of the username
    // password initial context token. This structure is CDR encoded in an
    // encapsulation octet stream and appended at the end of the
    // GSS (initial context) Token.

  • Reported: CSIv2 1.0b1 — Tue, 15 May 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CSIv2 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Close issue with revised text.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT