Key: CSIV2-16
Legacy Issue Number: 4277
Status: closed
Source: International Business Machines ( Dr. Daniel T. Chang)
> Although the minor codes of the NO_PERMISSION exception have been defined
> in Table 4-7, Section 4.5, of the 7/21/2000 version of the CSIv2
> Specification, in order
> for the server to properly communicate the caused of the NO_PERMISSION
> exception
> to the client, we would like to propose the additional minor codes to the
> exception.
> ***********************************************************************
> NO_PERMISSION authentication error minor codes: range 1-100
> (Note: The following minor codes are defined in the current CSIv2 spec:
> 1 - Invalid evidence
> 2 - Invalid mechanism
> 3 - Conflicting evidence
> 4- No Context
> )
> The new proposed minor codes for NO_PERMISSION exception: The numbering
> scheme was chosen to group errors into areas of
> similarity.
> 5 - user id not defined to security system - the user may select another
> userid
> 6 - user id revoked by security system - the user may select
> another userid
> 11 - password invalid for this userid - the user may correct the password
> 12 - password expired - the user may select another userid
> 20 - credentials expired - the user may select different credentials or
> renew them(e.g. by reissuing kinit)
> 22 - credentials invalid - the user may select different
> credentials, (e.g.
> by kinit, or specifying a different PKCS certificate handle)
> 52 - new password doesn't meet installation requirements
> 60 - general authentication error - the user should resubmit his
> credentials, but not additional information as to what is in error is
> provided.
> ****** -
Reported: CSIv2 1.0b1 — Wed, 18 Apr 2001 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CSIv2 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Close issue with revised text.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT