Transaction Service Avatar
  1. OMG Specification

Transaction Service — All Issues

  • Acronym: TRANS
  • Issues Count: 59
  • Description: All Issues
Open Closed All
All Issues

Issues Summary

Key Issue Reported Fixed Disposition Status
TRANS14-64 The CosTransactions module on pp 10-69 to 10-72 needs small fixes TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-63 Name clashes with current in PropagationContext (02) TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-62 Name clashes with current in PropagationContext (01) TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-61 Transaction propagation and interceptors TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-60 Transactions and oneway TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS13-50 need interoperable XA support TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed
TRANS13-46 forward references in section 10.6 TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-45 minor editorial correction to CosTransaction.idl TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-44 bug with NonTxTargetPolicy TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-43 is org.omg.CosTransaction.Current object locality constrained ? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-42 NonTxTargetPolicy TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-41 OTSPolicy's should not require mandatory client-side checking TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-40 Page 10-32, first paragraphe TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-39 separate client-side behavior issue TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-38 Any in transaction context? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-37 Shared/unshared transactions? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-36 OTS 1.1 changes by Messaging spec (clarifications)--issue 2 TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-35 OTS 1.1 changes by Messaging spec (clarifications)--issue1 TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-34 Transaction policy IDL missing TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-33 IORs without policies? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-32 Policy interrogation API? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-31 TransactionalPolicyComponent definition TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-30 TranactionPolicyValue definition? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-29 CosTSInteroperation not specified TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-27 TransactionalObject remnants TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-28 Component tag definition missing TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-26 OTS-RTF issue: spelling/case of transaction policy values TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-25 Clarification - Transaction Policy TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-24 Bug in transaction spec TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-23 ots-rtf: TransactionFactory TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-22 ots-rtf: OTS and location transparency TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-21 locality constraints TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-20 IDL transparency of OTS TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-19 report_heuristics TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-18 Rollback should raise HeuristicMixed, HeuristicHazard, and HeuristicCommit TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-17 transaction service/2pc TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-16 WrongTransaction vs. WRONG_TRANSACTION TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-15 Synchronization issue? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-14 Transaction automatically marked for rollback? TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-13 WrongTransaction vs WRONG_TRANSACTION TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-12 Interposition and Synchronizations in the OTS TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-11 Inactive thrown by certain operations TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-10 Is WRONGTRANSACTION a SystemException or a UserException TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-9 Timeouts TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-8 Add get_timeout to Current TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-7 register_synchronization TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed
TRANS13-6 Modifications to the CORBA transaction service need to be addressed TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS13-5 Transaction Service Specification issue concerning TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.2 Resolved closed
TRANS14-9 ots-rtf: TSIdentification TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS13-2 OTS register_resource clarification TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed
TRANS13-1 OTS timeout TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed
TRANS13-4 Conflict in ptc/99-10-07 TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed
TRANS14-8 resume(), checking and transaction interoperation TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-7 Transaction Service: recreating a nested transaction TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-4 Subtransactions TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-6 SubtransactionAwareResource TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-3 Diagrams for OTS related to UML TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS14-5 Use of get_txcontext TRANS 1.1 open
TRANS13-3 ots-rtf: non-transactional objects TRANS 1.1 TRANS 1.3 Resolved closed

Issues Descriptions

The CosTransactions module on pp 10-69 to 10-72 needs small fixes

  • Key: TRANS14-64
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1762
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The CosTransactions module on pp 10-69 to 10-72 needs small fixes

    • struct TransIdentity use Coordinator and Terminator before the
      forward declaration of Coordinator and Terminator.

    Suggested resolution: move the 3 structs after the forward
    declarations of CosTransactions interfaces.

    • Synchronization::after_completion
      "in Status status" is not valid IDL
  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 03:20 GMT

Name clashes with current in PropagationContext (02)

  • Key: TRANS14-63
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1318
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: I noticed that the latest draft of the OTS clears up the name clashes
    with Coordinator and Terminator in TransIdentity, but hasn"t fixed the
    clash with current in PropagationContext. At present I"m having to
    rename this to currentTransaction, but this may not be "official".
    ii) I"ve been assuming that the resume operation on Current simply
    "overwrites" the current transaction in favour of any that may be
    running. So if the new transaction terminates, the client thread becomes
    associated with the null context (assuming the transaction was not
    nested.) However, it"s been pointed out to me that the spec. only says
    the new transaction is used "in place of any previous transaction", and
    that this could mean the old transaction is associated with the client
    thread once the new transaction terminates. Whether or not this was
    meant to be another implementation specific choice I think we need to
    say something more in the description of resume.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 03:20 GMT

Name clashes with current in PropagationContext (01)

  • Key: TRANS14-62
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1317
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: I noticed that the latest draft of the OTS clears up the name clashes
    with Coordinator and Terminator in TransIdentity, but hasn"t fixed the
    clash with current in PropagationContext. At present I"m having to
    rename this to currentTransaction, but this may not be "official".

    There are a few other places in the current spec. which I think may need
    slight modifications (assuming I haven"t missed the text that covers

    i) the description of Current doesn"t specify what default timeout value
    will be given to begin if set_timeout has not been called prior to begin
    for the particular client thread. This may be deliberate so as to allow
    an implementation dependant choice, or it may simply be assumed to be
    zero (no timeout). Either way, I think something should be mentioned in
    the spec.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 03:20 GMT

Transaction propagation and interceptors

  • Key: TRANS14-61
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1301
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: When the interop RTF (or some other OMG process) finishes the
    definition of the interceptor architecture, the OTS specification needs to
    be updated to embrace it. This issue is being logged as a placeholder so
    some future OTS RTF can deal with it when it is appropriate to do something
    with it.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 30 Apr 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 03:20 GMT

Transactions and oneway

  • Key: TRANS14-60
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1300
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The current version of the OTS spec seems to have lost the statement
    that the oneway keyword in IDL is not supported if transactions are used.
    Since this continues to be true, this should be reinserted by the next RTF.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 30 Apr 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 03:20 GMT

need interoperable XA support

  • Key: TRANS13-50
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3158
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Gary Hallmark)
  • Summary:

    Some OTS implementations use the X/Open DTP XA interface to coordinate
    resource managers. For example, the Oracle Application Server (OAS) contains
    such an OTS implementation.
    The OAS OTS does not implement or use the OTS Resource interface. As XA
    resource managers are enlisted in a transaction, descriptors for them are
    added to the TransactionContext::implementation_specific_data. When the
    transaction is ready to commit, the set of enlisted RMs is handed over to a
    coordinator process to drive the 2pc.

    This leads to (at least) 2 problems:

    1. the descriptors in the implementation_specific_data are not standard and
    thus 2 different OTS implementations, both of which handle XA RMs, cannot

    2. there isn't any API to register an XA RM with the Coordinator. There
    should be a method, e.g.:

    Coordinator::register_XA_RM_info(string xa_driver_id, string xa_open_args)

    This method would be called instead of Coordinator::register_resource when
    using XA based resource managers rather than OTS Resource based resource

    The xa_driver_id is like the RMID, but has global scope (the RMID is scoped
    relative to an xa_switch vector, I think). For example, given an
    xa_driver_id = "XA:ORACLE:1.0" and xa_open_args =
    "" , 2 different OTS implementations
    can expect to communicate with the same resource manager.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 18 Oct 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 06:25 GMT

forward references in section 10.6

  • Key: TRANS13-46
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4038
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ram Jeyaraman)
  • Summary:

    The TransIdentity struct references Terminator and Coordianator before
    they are declared. This is reported as an idl error when the CosTransaction.idl
    is compiled.

    To fix this, the Terminator and Coordiator types need to be declared before
    they are referenced.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 14 Nov 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

minor editorial correction to CosTransaction.idl

  • Key: TRANS13-45
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4029
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ram Jeyaraman)
  • Summary:

    Section 10.6 has this comment in the IDL file. The CosPolicyDef module is not present anymore.

    "// TransactionPolicyValue definitions are deprecated and replaced with new InvocationPolicy //
    // and OTSPolicy definitions which are defined in CosPolicyDef module. //"

    This can be replaced by

    // TransactionPolicyValue definitions are deprecated and replaced //
    // with new InvocationPolicy and OTSPolicy definitions. They are //
    // retained for backward compatibility.//

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Sat, 4 Nov 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    The comments in the IDL in section 10.6 will be changed

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

bug with NonTxTargetPolicy

  • Key: TRANS13-44
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4017
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: IONA ( Matthew Newhook)
  • Summary:

    The table in the spec that talks about the interaction of the OTS
    Policy and NonTxTargetPolicy is something like:

    > Target object Called with Called with
    > OTS policy / a transaction no transaction
    > NonTxTargetPolicy
    > -------------------------------------------------------------------
    > FORBIDS / raise dispatch request
    > FORBIDS / dispatch request dispatch request
    > PERMIT WITHOUT transaction

    Furthermore the the OTS specification defines a non-transactional object
    as one that either has a FORBIDS policy or no OTSPolicy at all.

    Consider the case of FORBIDS/PERMIT. FORBIDS says that transactional
    requests may not be invoked. PERMIT however, says that requests can be
    dispatched to non-transactional objects outside of the context of a

    There is a conflict here. In effect, the verbage in the spec says that
    PERMIT overrides FORBIDS – and that's wrong and contrary to my
    understanding of what the intent of this was.

    I think the source of the problem is this:

    "A non-transactional object has an IOR that either contains a
    TAG_OTS_POLICY component with a value of FORBIDS or does not contain a
    TAG_OTS_POLICY component at all."

    An object with FORBIDS should never receive transactional requests.
    I think more properly the PERMIT/PREVENT policy should only affect those
    objects that have no OTSPolicy at all.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Sat, 4 Nov 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

is org.omg.CosTransaction.Current object locality constrained ?

  • Key: TRANS13-43
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3988
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ram Jeyaraman)
  • Summary:

    The latest Transaction Service (00-06-28.pdf) specification reads:

    "The Current interface is designed to be supported by a pseudo
    object whose behavior depends upon and may alter the transaction
    context associated with the invoking thread. It may be shared with
    other object services (e.g., security) and is obtained by using a
    resolve initial references(TransactionCurrent ) operation on the
    CORBA::ORB interface. Current supports the following operations: ..."

    Does the above imply that the Current object is not locality-constrained and could be exported to
    other processes ? If so, this seems to contradict the CORBA Core Section 4.8 which makes a blanket
    statement about all Current objects being locality constained.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 24 Oct 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT


  • Key: TRANS13-42
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3916
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Thomas Freund)
  • Summary:

    b.) OTSPolicy checks at the server should allow for OTS1.1 client (which
    always propagate context) to OTS1.2 server interoperability by adding the
    addition of the PERMITS/PREVENTS check rather than only performing a check
    for FORBIDS and returning INVALID_TRANSACTION. (Note Ed had suggested this
    might be part of the NonTxTargetPolicy discussion. As long as that
    discussion includes both client and server side checking that's would be
    fine with me.)

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 27 Sep 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue was addressed in the proposal for Issue 3425 and is therefore closed without action

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

OTSPolicy's should not require mandatory client-side checking

  • Key: TRANS13-41
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3915
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Thomas Freund)
  • Summary:

    OTSPolicy's should not require mandatory client-side checking. The
    OTSPolicy should allow for such a client-side optimization but make the
    check optional at the client without making it a requirement.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 27 Sep 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue was addressed in the proposal for Issue 3425 and is therefore closed without action

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

Page 10-32, first paragraphe

  • Key: TRANS13-40
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3676
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Hewlett-Packard ( Malik Saheb)
  • Summary:

    2) By the way, in page 10-32, first paragraphe - first sentence, related
    to the forget
    operation, We should change

    "This operation is performed only if the resource raised a heuristic
    outcome exception
    to rollback, commit, or commit_one_phase."


    "This operation is performed only if the resource raised a heuristic
    outcome exception
    to rollback, commit, commit_one_phase or prepare."

    If no

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 8 Jun 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

separate client-side behavior issue

  • Key: TRANS13-39
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3602
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: UBS ( Hans Kneubuehl)
  • Summary:

    I can offer to write up a votable resolution proposal concerning the
    client-side behavior issue (soley). The proposal would assume nothing about the
    resolution of the absence-of-transaction-policy issue, and offer two variants
    to choose from:

    the caller can have a transaction when calling the non-transactional
    object; no need to suspend/resume
    around this call

    (ii) force the programmer to call suspend/resume if he has a current
    transaction when calling a non-transactional object

    (iii) two possible client-side behaviors (enforce or do not enforce
    suspend/resume when the caller has a transaction), selected through a
    client-side policy)

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 8 May 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue was addressed in the proposal for issue 3425

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

Any in transaction context?

  • Key: TRANS13-38
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3593
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    the PropagationContext structure contains a sequenct of parent identities,
    followed by an any "implementation_specific_data".

    This seems strange. Why do we have a single Any if we can have any number
    of parent identities, which could conceivably span vendor boundaries?

    It seems that what would really be required is something like this:

    struct ParentInfo

    { TransIdentity id; any implementation_specific_data; }

    typedef sequence<ParentInfo> ParentInfoSeq;

    Could someone help me out here? I don't see how a single any could be
    sufficient if there is to be at least a theoretical chance of interoperating
    across vendor boundaries.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

Shared/unshared transactions?

  • Key: TRANS13-37
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3592
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    the merged spec (with the messaging changes) talks about shared and unshared
    transactions. It also obliges the client and server side to perform
    certain actions when the state of the transaction is incompatible with
    the transaction policy of the target object. However, this begs the questions:

    1) How does a client decide whether to create a shared or an
    unshared transaction?

    Currently, all the client can do is to call begin(), so what
    kind of transaction is created when the client does that?

    2) How does the server learn about what kind of transaction was
    created by the client so it can perform the required checks?

    Right now, there is neither an interface on the coordinator
    nor is there anything in the transaction context that would
    allow the server to find out.

    It appears that there must be a way to:

    1) for the client to control what kind of transaction to create

    2) for the server to find out what kind of transaction was
    created by the client.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 3 May 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Issue was addressed by the proposal for issue 3425, so it is being closed without action.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

OTS 1.1 changes by Messaging spec (clarifications)--issue 2

  • Key: TRANS13-36
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3579
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ram Jeyaraman)
  • Summary:

    2) The active transaction modes refered to in Section 10.5.2 ptc 99-10-07,

    { None, Shared and Queue }

    ; how does the transaction manager start a transaction in one of these transaction modes ? I am
    not sure if there is a way to specify the transacton mode while starting a transaction or while
    associating the a transaction context with a thread. Could someone please clarify ?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue is addressed in the proposal for 3425. It is being closed without action.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

OTS 1.1 changes by Messaging spec (clarifications)--issue1

  • Key: TRANS13-35
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3578
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Ram Jeyaraman)
  • Summary:

    1) Section 10.3.8 dealing with Synchronization interface needs to specify the correct
    TransactionPolicyValue that needs to be associated with the POA which hosts the Synchronization
    objects. Possible values are Allows_shared or Requires_shared, i beleive.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    The Synchronization interface's OTSPolicy is ADAPTS. See Revised Text.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

Transaction policy IDL missing

  • Key: TRANS13-34
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3559
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Jishnu Mukerji [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    The IDL for TransactionPolicy and TransactionPolicyComponent needs to be include in the
    CosTransaction module. As far as I can tell that is where these belong, since they certainly don't
    seem to belong anywhere else. They are missing in ptc/99-10-07. I don't know if this has been fixed
    in a later draft.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 13 Apr 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

IORs without policies?

  • Key: TRANS13-33
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3425
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    ptc/99-10-07 is silent about what an OTS should do if the client invokes
    an object that does not have transaction policies in its IOR.

    For an IOR without a transaction policy, there are two cases:

    • The object inherits from TransactionalObject (is a legacy OTS object)

    In this case, the logical thing to do would seem to send the
    transaction context.

    • The object does not inherit from TransactionalObject

    It's a little less clear to me what to do in this case.
    During the discussion we had in Denver, the feeling was that

    1) the context should be sent anyway

    2) the receiving ORB should be obliged to use the the
    transaction context it received and send that same
    transaction context with any nested calls it makes
    to other objects

    Currently, the spec does not contain any words that would force
    point (2).

    Overall, it seems to me that sending the transaction context unconditionally
    is probably the best thing to do. Quite often, the client ORB will be forced
    to send an is_a message over the wire to determine whether or not an
    object inherits from TransactionalObject. That's an extra round-trip,
    which isn't cheap. Assuming that, if a client uses transactions, most
    of the objects it talks to will indeed be transactional, the cost of
    unconditionally propagating the transaction context would be minimal.
    And, given that for almost all calls, the cost is dominated by the
    dispatch delay, it seems that the extra bytes for the context wouldn't
    noticably hurt performance.

    At any rate, we need to specify the behavior for context propagation for:

    • the client side, for both TransactionalObject interfaces and
      ones that don't inherit from TransactionalObject
    • the server side, stating how the server must behave for nested
  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT

Policy interrogation API?

  • Key: TRANS13-32
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3424
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Given that OTS will roll back on at least most system exceptions,
    the transaction policies create a problem. In particular, we have a
    policy that requires a transaction and a policy that requires no transaction.

    There is no way for the client to find out what the transaction policy for a
    given IOR actually is; as a result, the client is likely have transactions
    roll back without warning and no possible workaround.

    Clients could encapsulate each operation invocation in its own nested
    transaction, but nested transactions are not supported by all OTS
    implementations and, at any rate, the approach is ugly and very expensive.

    It appears that clients will require a way to get the transaction policy
    from an IOR so they can at least suspend a transaction before making a
    call on an object that disallows a transaction.

    It also strikes me as strange that an object is allowed to prohibit a client
    from invoking an object with a transaction context. If we didn't permit
    an object to do this, we wouldn't have a need for clients to interrogate
    the policies... Is it really necessary to have this feature in the spec,
    given the complications it creates?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

TransactionalPolicyComponent definition

  • Key: TRANS13-31
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3423
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 36 of ptc/99-10-07 defines TransactionPolicyComponent.

    That type is a struct with a single member. It doesn't make sense to have
    a structure with only one member, so it would seem advisable to drop
    the structure.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

TranactionPolicyValue definition?

  • Key: TRANS13-30
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3422
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 35 of ptc/99-10-07 shows the TransactionPolicy interface.
    That interface contains an attribute of type TransactionPolicyValue, but
    that type is not defined anywhere.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

CosTSInteroperation not specified

  • Key: TRANS13-29
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3421
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Section 10.3.11 of ptc/99-10-07 shows the CosTSInteroperation module.
    However, that module does not appear in section 10.6, but should.

    In general, a sanity check of 10.6 against the rest of the spec seems
    advisable, so we can be sure that they actually match.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

TransactionalObject remnants

  • Key: TRANS13-27
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3417
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    On page 10-35 of ptc/99-10-07, the text talks about TransactionalObject
    at the bottom of the page. However, TransactionalObject is deleted
    at the top of the page, so the two edits don't go together.

    Also, near the bottom of the page, we have:

    "In CORBA today, an object declares..."

    This will be completely meaningless in two years' time. If anything,
    such things must be expressed in terms of version numbers for the spec.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 14 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

Component tag definition missing

  • Key: TRANS13-28
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3420
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 35 of ptc/99-10-07 talks about the transaction policies in IORs.
    This is incomplete, because the relevant tags must be defined in chapters
    13 and 15 of the spec, but aren't.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

OTS-RTF issue: spelling/case of transaction policy values

  • Key: TRANS13-26
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3357
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ZeroC ( Bernard Normier)
  • Summary:

    The Messaging spec defined a strange case for transaction policy values.

    const TransactionPolicyValue Allows_shared = 0;
    const TransactionPolicyValue Allows_none = 1;

    I suggest to use instead the AB recommended case for IDL constants, i.e.
    all caps (see, 2.1.3):

    const TransactionPolicyValue ALLOWS_SHARED = 0;
    const TransactionPolicyValue ALLOWS_NONE = 1;

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 23 Feb 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

Clarification - Transaction Policy

  • Key: TRANS13-25
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3343
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Thomas Freund)
  • Summary:

    Since the updates for TransactionPolicy remove all references to the
    TransactionalObject Interface how is backward compatibility addressed. As
    existing BOA/TransactionalObject implementations will continue to exist how
    do we expect these to interact with the proposed POA/Policy-based

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 22 Feb 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

Bug in transaction spec

  • Key: TRANS13-24
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3166
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    There is a minor bug in the transaction service IDL:

    interface Synchronization : TransactionalObject

    { #pragma version Synchronization 1.1 void before_completion(); void after_completion(in Status status); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }


    This is illegal IDL. Suggest to change to "in Status s".

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Sat, 25 Dec 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This resolution for this issue is to change the name of after_completion's argument from "status"

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

ots-rtf: TransactionFactory

  • Key: TRANS13-23
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2934
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 10-21:

    A TransactionFactory is located using the FactoryFinder interface
    of the life cycle service and not by the resolve_initial_reference
    operation on the ORB interface defined in "Example Object Adapters"
    in Chapter 2 of the Common Object Request Broker: Architecture
    and Specification.

    There are a number of issues here:

    1) The section referred to here no longer exists.

    2) The life cycle is not an optional component of CORBA. Yet,
    it appears that OTS cannot be implemented without the Life Cycle

    3) Neither OTS nor the Life Cycle Service make a statement
    as to how I could obtain the FactoryFinder interface that I
    need to get the transaction factory. I therefore cannot
    write portable code.

    4) The OTS spec makes no statement as to, once I have obtained
    a factory finder, what factory name I should provide to the
    find_factories() operation in order to obtain a reference to the
    transaction factory, so it is impossible to write portable code.

    5) We already have resolve_initial_references to solve initial
    reference problem. Why use a factory finder for this then?
    In particular, resolve_initial_references("TransactionCurrent")
    is already in use to obtain a reference to the Current object,
    so why have two different mechanism for locating initial objects
    within the same service?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Remove the text that describes how to find the TransactionFactory in section 10.3.2.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

ots-rtf: OTS and location transparency

  • Key: TRANS13-22
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2933
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 10-67 of the spec says:

    The ORB will invoke the sender callbacks only when a transactional
    operation is issued for an object in a different process. Objects
    within the same process implicitly share the same transaction
    context. The receiver callbacks are invoked when the ORB receives
    a transactional request from a different process.

    There are a number of problems with this paragraph:

    1) "Different process" is a rather ill-defined idea. Some environments
    have no such thing as a process.

    2) The requirement breaks location transparency big-time,
    and it appears to be unimplementable in the general case:

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This problem is made mute by text changes made by Messaging.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

locality constraints

  • Key: TRANS13-21
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2931
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    The spec says the following about locality constraints:

    Page 10-14:

    An implementation of the Transaction Service may restrict the
    ability for some or all of these objects to be transmitted to
    or used in other execution environments, to enable it to guarantee
    transaction integrity.

    [ The objects affected by this clause appear to be TransactionFactory,
    Control, Resource, Terminator, and Coordinator. ]


    Page 10-14:

    An application can propagate a transaction context by passing
    the Control as an explicit request parameter. [...] When a Control
    is transferred between execution environments [...].

    Either I can propagate a transaction context by passing a Control object,
    or I cannot. At the very least, the spec must state clearly which
    objects are and are not locality constrained, otherwise I can't write
    portable code.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

IDL transparency of OTS

  • Key: TRANS13-20
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2930
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    The spec seems to make a number of inconsistent and conflicting claims
    about transaction propagation.

    The spec says:

    Page 10-5:

    The Transaction Service permits an interface to have both
    transactional and nontransactional implementations. No IDL
    extensions are introduced to specify whether or not an operation
    has transactional behavior. Transactional behavior can be a
    quality of service that differs in different implementations.

    I believe that this passage is simply wrong, considering the words elsewhere:

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Issue resolved with changes made by Messaging

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT


  • Key: TRANS13-19
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2787
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: What is the exact semantics of the boolean argument report_heuristics of the
    commit operation? Can heuristic exceptions be raised even if report_heuristics
    is set to false? What is returned by commit, if report_heuristics is set to
    false and the implementation knows that a heuristic situation has occurred
    (e.g. in a situation where the transaction terminating process is also the

    -> When it is known that commit hasn"t completed properly, returning no
    exception is not satisfactory in my opinion.

    It would be good if the OTS spec could clarify this issue.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 6 Jul 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

Rollback should raise HeuristicMixed, HeuristicHazard, and HeuristicCommit

  • Key: TRANS13-18
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2580
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BROKAT Informationssysteme ( Blake Biesecker)
  • Summary:

    Summary: CosTransactions::Current::commit() and
    CosTransactions::Terminator::commit() report inconsistent or possibly
    inconsistent outcomes using the HeuristicMixed and HeuristicHazard
    exceptions, if the report_heuristics parameter is true.

    However, the same interfaces also offer a rollback() operation which
    does not support reporting of the same kind of outcome

    I can"t see any reason why commit() and rollback() should differ in
    this matter. If I look at CosTransactions::Resource::rollback(), a
    resource can raise HeurisitcCommit, HeuristicMixed, and HeuristicHazard
    as part of a rollback.

    Also in the X/Open DTP XA interface any kind of heuristic decision can
    be reported in an xa_rollback().

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 8 Apr 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

transaction service/2pc

  • Key: TRANS13-17
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2578
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: suppose there are three server objects in three different machine and
    >they are in a
    >context of transaction. now first and the second objects are prepared
    >with the returns
    >votecommit. during the preparartion of third object, roll back is
    > in the mean
    >time second object"s server went down though it had a successful prepare
    > when transaction service will call roll back to second
    >object,(as resource assotiated with
    >it is registered)it will not be found and it can not be rolled back to
    >main tain the
    >consistency. how this situation can be handled?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 7 Apr 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    No change needed.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:37 GMT

WrongTransaction vs. WRONG_TRANSACTION

  • Key: TRANS13-16
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2551
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Currently, ORB methods get_response() and get_next_response() throw user
    "WrongTransaction". Although this behavior satisfies CORBA 2.2
    requirements, it
    causes problems. For instance, RequestInterceptor methods, whose
    interfaces are fixed
    and do not stipulate this exception in their throws clause, cannot
    implicitly throw
    WrongTransaction. Does it make sense that the ORB throws a user exception
    this context? We"re wondering whether a mistake was made when the original
    for WrongTransaction (a.k.a., WRONG_TRANSACTION in CORBAServices) was
    into CORBA. And if not, what was the motivation to make it a user

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Fri, 19 Mar 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    duplicate, close issue

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Synchronization issue?

  • Key: TRANS13-15
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2349
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Synchronizations which are registered with a top-level transaction are
    only informed when the transaction commits (at the start and end of the
    2-phase protocol). The intention is that they can then make any
    transient data available to the appropriate resource. Is there not a
    requirement (or wouldn"t it be a good idea anyway) that they should be
    informed if the transaction simply rolls back (i.e., rollback is called
    on the Coordinator rather than commit), so that they can remove
    transient data, do garbage collection etc?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 27 Jan 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    The resolution for this issue is to change the OTS specification so that it is clear that only the a

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Transaction automatically marked for rollback?

  • Key: TRANS13-14
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2300
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Should a transaction be automatically marked for rollback when a) a user
    exception or b) a system exception is raised?

    I think the answers should be "no" in both cases but can"t find a specification
    of this behaviour in the CORBA or OTS specs.

    Please would you describe the required behaviour in the OTS specification.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Fri, 8 Jan 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    See issue 1819 for resolution. Duplicate of 1819

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

WrongTransaction vs WRONG_TRANSACTION

  • Key: TRANS13-13
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1963
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The latest OTS spec (formal/98-07-09) has this exception as
    WRONG_TRANSACTION, while the CORBA 2.2 and draft CORBA 2.3 documents
    have WrongTransaction.

    Which one is right, and is it a system exception, as implied by the OTS,
    or a user exception as implied by CORBA 2.2?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 16 Sep 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue has been closed without action. See the discussion section for an explanation.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Interposition and Synchronizations in the OTS

  • Key: TRANS13-12
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1938
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BROKAT Informationssysteme ( Blake Biesecker)
  • Summary:

    Summary: In the OTS interposition can be used to prevent multiple resource
    registrations across an address space: the server registers a
    subordinate coordinator with the real parent, and resources registered
    at the server can register with the subordinate coordinator. This
    subordinate is driven through prepare/commit/rollback by the parent, and
    then drives its locally registered resources.

    However, there is no equivalent for synchronizations, i.e., there"s no
    subordinate synchronization.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 8 Sep 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue has been closed without action. See the the discussion section for an explanation.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Inactive thrown by certain operations

  • Key: TRANS13-11
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1854
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: throughout the specification certain operations (e.g.,
    create_subtransaction) can throw Inactive if the current transaction has been
    "prepared". Should this not be "terminated" to allow for the transaction having
    rolledback, or should a different exception (e.g., InvalidTransaction) be thrown

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    resolved, see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Is WRONGTRANSACTION a SystemException or a UserException

  • Key: TRANS13-10
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1853
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: is WRONGTRANSACTION a SystemException or a UserException? I haven"t checked
    the latest CORBA draft, but some ORB vendors (e.g., Sun) are implementing it as
    a UserException, whereas others

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue has been closed without action. See the discussion section for an explanation.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT


  • Key: TRANS13-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1851
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: the specification talks about timeouts for top-level transactions, and
    implies that there are no timeouts associated with subtransactions. Maybe we
    could make this explicit. (And therefore that the timeout field in the
    propagation context is for the top-level transaction, which is not necessarily
    the "current" transaction).

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Make it clearer in the OTS specification that timeouts in the propagation context are for top-level

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Add get_timeout to Current

  • Key: TRANS13-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1850
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: how about adding get_timeout to Current?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    The get_timeout method will be added to Current.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT


  • Key: TRANS13-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1848
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: if register_synchronization is called on a subtransaction should we throw

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Modifications to the CORBA transaction service need to be addressed

  • Key: TRANS13-6
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1837
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The recently (recommended for adoption)
    messaging specification included a number of changes to the CORBA
    transaction service to support CORBA messaging. Those changes, specified as
    modofications to the CORBA transaction service (OTS 1.1), need to be
    included in the next revision of OTS to be produced by the OTS RTF.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 18 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Close without action. (OTS RTFs are not responsible for publishing new revisions of the specificatio

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

Transaction Service Specification issue concerning TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK

  • Key: TRANS13-5
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1819
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: In received_reply() the Specification says, "If the Environment indicates
    the request was unsuccessful, the TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK standard exception
    is raised." The question is the interpretation of "unsuccessful. Secondly, the specification says, "Any external failure affecting the
    transaction will cause the transaction to be rolled back; the standard
    exception TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK will be raised in the orginator when it
    issues commit." The question is the interpretation of "to be rolled

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 17 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:36 GMT

ots-rtf: TSIdentification

  • Key: TRANS14-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2935
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 10-64 shows the TSIdentification PIDL interface, which must be
    provided by the ORB core to the OTS service. Several questions here:

    1) TSIdentification is not part of any module on page 10-64,
    and the IDL summary in Section 10.6 does not mention it at
    all. Which module does it belong to? CORBA? CosTSPortability?

    Note that the text for the NotAvailable exception states:

    The NotAvailable exception is raised if the ORB
    implementation does not support the CosTSPortability module.

    This seems to be a hint that TSIdentification is meant to
    be part of CosTSPortability. However, that itself raises another
    question: an ORB core can raise this exception only if there
    actually is a TSIdentification interface that the service
    can call. In other words, we seem to have a requirement on
    the ORB core here, namely, that all ORBs must provide this
    interface, at least to the extent that an OTS implementation
    can call it (so that the ORB core can raise the exception).

    2) The AlreadyIdentified exception is raised if identify_sender()
    or identify_receiver() were previously called "for this addressing

    What is an "addressing domain"? The term is never defined. I assume
    what is meant is "address space"? (That would make sense because,
    given how the interfaces work, a single process can only deal
    with a single OTS implementation at a time.

    3) TSIdentification, Sender, and Receiver are PIDL. The C++ mapping
    does not specify special mapping rules for these interfaces.
    In absence of special rules, the default rules apply. However,
    that begs the question: how does the OTS service get hold of
    the object reference for TSIdentification, and how does
    the OTS create references to Sender and Receiver?

    4) The spec says:

    "Prior to the first transactional request, the
    Transaction Service will identify itself to the ORB
    within its domain to establish the transaction callbacks
    to be used for transactional requests and replies."

    I don't understand how this works. In particular, how does the
    thread of control get into the OTS service so that the service
    can register itself? At the very least, there would have to
    be some sort of call like "initialize_OTS()" that the application
    code can call, otherwise, the service doesn't ever get a foot
    in the door.

    To me, it looks like what would be needed is something on
    resolve_initial_references that returns an initialization
    object of some kind, so the client can hand the thread of
    control to the OTS implementation.

    resolve_initial_references does mention OTS, for
    "TransactionCurrent". However, if I call ORB_init() immediately
    followed by a request for TransactionCurrent, the OTS
    implementation won't have had a chance yet to intialize itself.
    In turn, that might make it difficult to return a Current object.

    The upshot appears to be that there is no way to implement OTS in a way
    that wouldn't force the developer to use proprietary calls.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

OTS register_resource clarification

  • Key: TRANS13-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2618
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: I think it might be useful to add some clarification text to
    register_resource in the OTS specification. If the invoked Coordinator
    represents a subtransaction, and the resource is not a
    SubtransactionAwareResource, then the resource is registered as a
    participant with the current transaction, but will only receive
    commit/rollback requests when the top-level ancestor terminates. The
    implication is that if the subtransaction rolls back it has no effect on
    resources registered in this way, i..e, they remain registered with the
    top-level transaction.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 21 Apr 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    See Proposed Resolution

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

OTS timeout

  • Key: TRANS13-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1929
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: issue about what timeout value is actually
    sent in the PropagationContext? If it is the timeout with which the
    original transaction was created, then the server-side transaction may
    hang around for longer than is required. Should this value not be the
    timeout which remained at the client when it made the call?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Thu, 3 Sep 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Conflict in ptc/99-10-07

  • Key: TRANS13-4
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3004
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Page 10-34:

    In CORBA today, an object declares its ability to support a
    shared transaction by inheriting from the TransactionalObject

    However, on the same page, TransactionalObject has been deleted.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Tue, 9 Nov 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    This is indeed fixed in OTS v1.2. No change required

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

resume(), checking and transaction interoperation

  • Key: TRANS14-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2610
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: I believe this to be a minor flaw in OTS.

    Problem: There is no apparent way of turning off checking in an OTS that supports it. This makes it impossible to involve an OTS-based server using implicit propagation in a transaction that is imported (bridged) into OTS from some other transaction mechanism.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Fri, 16 Apr 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Transaction Service: recreating a nested transaction

  • Key: TRANS14-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2047
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: What should happen when the TransactionFactory recreate() operation
    is passed a nested transaction?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 7 Oct 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT


  • Key: TRANS14-4
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1843
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: If a subtransaction receives inconsistent replies to
    commit_subtransaction (for example a resource throws an exception) then
    the specification allows an implementation to either ignore it, or
    rollback the subtransaction. Since the subtransaction is possibly now in
    an indeterminant state (some resources committed whereas others were
    told to rollback) then to guarantee consistency it is advisable to force
    the parent transaction to rollback. If this is the case then it may be
    useful to inform the application early that any work it may attempt to
    do after the subtransaction "commit" (i.e., in the context of the
    parent) is going to be undone.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 19 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT


  • Key: TRANS14-6
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1852
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: if a SubtransactionAwareResource is registered with a subtransaction using
    register_resource then according to the current specification it is "indirectly"
    registered with the top-level transaction when the "subtransaction"s ancestors
    have completed". In the transaction systems I have knowledge of which support
    nested transactions, if the subtransaction or any of its parents rollback, then
    any resources registered would be dropped, i.e., not propagated to the parent.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Diagrams for OTS related to UML

  • Key: TRANS14-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1842
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Ed, it now appears to be a requirement that OMG specifications contain
    >UML diagrams to show relationships and interactions between interfaces.
    >I"ve produced some such diagrams for the OTS and they might be a useful
    >addition to an updated OTS specification. (They certainly help to
    >clarify some of the issues which can arise.) What do you think?

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Wed, 19 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Use of get_txcontext

  • Key: TRANS14-5
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1849
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: is the effect of suspens followed by resume required to be the same as
    never having called suspend in the first place? This isn"t a problem for
    top-level transactions, but may be for subtransactions since the only reference
    suspend returns is to the current transaction and not the entire hierarchy. We
    could allow for get_txcontext to be used in such a case.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 24 Aug 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

ots-rtf: non-transactional objects

  • Key: TRANS13-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2932
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    The spec says that a transactional object can call into a non-transactional
    one (page 10-5). Fine. But it never says what should happen in such a case.

  • Reported: TRANS 1.1 — Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — TRANS 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    All this was clarified by the resolution to issue #3245. No change required

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT