<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/20230201/vocab#Expression">
<rdfs:comment><p>An Expression is a Step that is typed by a Function. An Expression that also has a Function as its <code>featuringType</code> is a computational step within that Function. An Expression always has a single <code>result</code> parameter, which redefines the <code>result</code> parameter of its defining <code>function</code>. This allows Expressions to be interconnected in tree structures, in which inputs to each Expression in the tree are determined as the results of other Expressions in the tree.</p>
isModelLevelEvaluable = modelLevelEvaluable(Set(Element){})
owningMembership <> null and
owningMembership.oclIsKindOf(FeatureValue) implies
let featureWithValue : Feature =
owningMembership.oclAsType(FeatureValue).featureWithValue in
featuringType = featureWithValue.featuringType
forAll(mem | ownedFeature.selectByKind(BindingConnector)->
exists(binding |
binding.relatedFeature->includes(result) and