SystemsModelingAPI 1.0b3 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SYSMOAS_ — Develop REST/HTTP PSM Conformance Test Suite for Branch endpoints

  • Key: SYSMOAS_-15
  • Status: open  
  • Source: University of Arizona ( Mr. Rick Steiner)
  • Summary:

    The goal of this issue is to develop conformance test suite for the Branch endpoints in the REST/HTTP PSM. This includes the following endpoints:

    1. GET /projects/

    2. GET /projects/{projectId}


    3. POST /projects/{projectId}
    4. DELETE /projects/{projectId}/branches/{branchId}

    Other details:
    1. Tests should be defined for each endpoint individually.
    2. Both positive and negative scenarios should be tested for each endpoint.
    3. Each test must include setup, test, and tear down steps.
    4. Tests will be written in Java using the JUnit framework (widely adopted).

  • Reported: SystemsModelingAPI 1.0a1 — Sat, 14 Oct 2023 21:41 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:28 GMT