MOF Query/View/Transformation Avatar
  1. OMG Specification

MOF Query/View/Transformation — All Issues

  • Acronym: QVT
  • Issues Count: 23
  • Description: All Issues
Open Closed All
All Issues

Issues Summary

Key Issue Reported Fixed Disposition Status
QVT14-16 QVTr: Declaration Order QVT 1.2 open
QVT13-51 QVTo: null and AssignExp QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-56 QVTo: List navigation operator example problems QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-53 QVTo: Standard Library return types QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-48 allInstances() QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-50 QVTc: initialized variables QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-43 QVTr: Variable Initialization QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-41 QVTr: Exact Collection match QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-46 QVTo: multi-valued initialisation from single value QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
QVT13-30 QVTo: Inadequate helper/query distinction QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Duplicate or Merged closed
QVT13-29 QVTo: invalid in ImperativeOCL QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-28 QVTo: 'result' for Tuple returns QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-42 QVTr: Multi-root match QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Resolved closed
QVT13-45 QVTc/QVTr: Pattern.bindsTo composition QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Deferred closed
QVT13-52 QVTo: Standard Library mode and namespace QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Deferred closed
QVT13-27 QVTo: Inadequate definition of "late" semantics QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Deferred closed
QVT14-23 QVTo: How can an be a Property QVT 1.2 open
QVT13-134 QVTo: How can an be a Property QVT 1.2 QVT 1.3 Deferred closed
QVT14-21 QVTo: Late resolution is unuseable in multi-pass transformations QVT 1.2 open
QVT14-17 QVTr: Missing TracePackage QVT 1.2 open
QVT14-13 QVTo: Standard Library mode and namespace QVT 1.2 open
QVT14-12 QVTc/QVTr: Pattern.bindsTo composition QVT 1.2 open
QVT14-9 QVTo: Inadequate definition of "late" semantics QVT 1.2 open

Issues Descriptions

QVTr: Declaration Order

  • Key: QVT14-16
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19667
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    QVTr imposes an unnatural declaration order in the exposition of a RelationCS. Surely the when clause should be early and variable declarations where initializeable?

    Suggest relaxing the ordering constraint on declarations in a RelationCS to permit the more readable order

    • variable declarations used by when
    • when clauses
    • variable declarations used by check domains
    • check domains
    • variable declarations used by enforce domains
    • enforce domains
    • variable declarations used by where
    • where clauses
  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Sat, 17 Jun 2017 08:08 GMT

QVTo: null and AssignExp

  • Key: QVT13-51
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    "A compound assignment is equivalent to perform as much simple assignments as there are expressions. Null values are skipped."

    This is poor English and it conflicts with the OCL specification.

    Pedantically it only skips "Null" values so "null values" are allowed anyway.

    "An assignment may receive a future variable produced by a deferred resolve expression (see ResolveExp). The effect is equivalent to receive a null value except that a side-effect action occurs in order to allow re-executing the assignment at the end of the transformation.
    An assignment expression returns the assigned value unless it is a future value, in which case null is returned."

    This is barely intelligible and presumably related to the SmartQVT implementation. It certainly has confusion about nulls.

    I recommend following OCL and allowing null values. ->excluding(null) is easily added.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Tue, 31 Mar 2015 16:15 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Conflicting exclusion of null during assign

    "A compound assignment is equivalent to perform as much simple assignments as there are expressions. Null values are skipped."

    This is poor English and it conflicts with the OCL specification.

    Pedantically it only skips "Null" values so "null values" are allowed anyway.

    "An assignment may receive a future variable produced by a deferred resolve expression (see ResolveExp). The effect is equivalent to receive a null value except that a side-effect action occurs in order to allow re-executing the assignment at the end of the transformation.
    An assignment expression returns the assigned value unless it is a future value, in which case null is returned."

    This is barely intelligible and presumably related to the SmartQVT implementation. It certainly has confusion about nulls.

    I recommend following OCL and allowing null values. ->excluding(null) is easily added.

    Issue 19238

    AssignExp to an Collection should make clear that the results is


    Issue 19687

    The two examples

    mymultivaluedproperty += object Node

    {…}; // additive semantics
    mymultivaluedproperty := object Node {…}

    ; // the list is reset and re-assigned

    are simple assignments from single valued RHS. These are not covered in the preceding description.

    I consider both to be errors since the RHS is unsuitable for assignment to the LHS. In both cases an asSet() or whatever should be appended.

    More generally, the library operation that exhibits the "additive semantics" should be clearly identified.

    Since addition to OCL collections is not permissible, it may be necessary to define constructors, so that

    var c : Set(String) := Set



    invokes the Set(T)(Set(T)) constructor.

    This would allow initialization for a Sequence from a List and vice-versa that is otherwise magic.

    which should exploit an OCL definition of OrderedSet::including to be add at end if necessary.

    Discussion - nulls

    UML does not allow nulls in multi-values, therefore nulls must be excluded during assignments to properties.

    OCL does allow nulls, and even though this may appear to be a mistake, QVTo must support nulls in OCL collections until OCL is changed.

    Discussion - multiple values

    The current wording leaves open the design choice between:

    a) perfect fidelity of nested types, i.e. addition of a Collection of Collections adds the one Collection of Collection element

    b) perfect flattening, i.e. addition of a Collection of Collections adds all the elements in the nested collections.

    c) something in between, perhaps behaving differently depending whether the LHS is a nested collection or not,

    OCL unfortunately started without nested collections so that imploicit-collect flattens requiring the explicit collectNested for perfect Collection type fidelity. a) is not really an option. c) risks a confusing anarchy. b) is what is often wanted. If users want nested collections they can use more explicit operations.

    Discussion - future values

    Premature access to yet-to-be initialized values is obviously bad. Making this an error is an option, but it would be a breaking change; there may be users who poll the variable awaiting initialization. Simplest to just clarify the words to indicate that the value of any yet-to-be-initialized value is null, even when null is not assignable to the value. It is not initialized to null; it is null until initialized.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: List navigation operator example problems

  • Key: QVT13-56
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    Clause 8.1.14 uses "mylist.add(5);" rather than "mylist->add(5);

    and "mydict.put"

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:40 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Incorrect navigation operator for LIst operations

    Clause 8.1.14 uses "mylist.add(5);" rather than "mylist->add(5); and "mydict.put"

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: Standard Library return types

  • Key: QVT13-53
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19760
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    The objectsOf...(T) family of operations (e.g. Element::subobjectsOfKind(T), or Element::allSubobjectsOfType(T), or Model::objectsOfType(T)) returns a set of Elements.

    It should be possible to infer the precise return type from the given T, i.e., return a Set(T) instead of Set(Element).

    BTW, why is there no Model::objectsOfKind(T) ?

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Tue, 19 May 2015 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Define return type for objectsOf...(T) operations more precisely

    The objectsOf...(T) family of operations (e.g. Element::subobjectsOfKind(T), or Element::allSubobjectsOfType(T), or Model::objectsOfType(T)) returns a set of Elements.

    It should be possible to infer the precise return type from the given T, i.e., return a Set(T) instead of Set(Element).

    BTW, why is there no Model::objectsOfKind(T) ?


    We can make the declaraions using the same approximation to a rigorous declaration as used by selectByKind in OCL 2.4.

    Omission of objectsOfKInd is an easily corrected oversight.

    The incorrect objectsOfKind usage by the current objectsOfType is a confusing error that gets worse when the correct operation is provided. Better to correct it.

    clone and deepClone from QVT13-12 can similarly exploit a T.

    The confusing wording of Model::createEmptyModel can be clarified,

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT


  • Key: QVT13-48
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19621
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    OCL's allInstances() applies to the one and only immutable model extent.

    The meaning of this in QVT with multiple, some mutable, extents/domains/typedModels is unclear.

    Suggest that allInstances applies to all the input and original inout extents only.

    Obtaining instances from other domains is available through alternate library operations such as objectsOfType in QVTo.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    allInstances() needs clarification

    OCL's allInstances() applies to the one and only immutable model extent.

    The meaning of this in QVT with multiple, some mutable, extents/domains/typedModels is unclear.

    Suggest that allInstances applies to all the input and original inout extents only.

    Obtaining instances from other domains is available through alternate library operations such as objectsOfType in QVTo.

    Discussion - QVTo

    allInstances() could be defined to apply to the initial, prevailing or final state. Since a QVTo execution proceeds through a predictable sequence of states limiting allInstances() to the initial state is unhelpful. A limitation to the final state is almost unuseable and may require a tool to introduce another form of late processing. Therefore the prevailing state is most appropriate for a QVTo allInstances().The returned instances are the mutable instances since any form of caching would impose an unjustified overhead.

    Discussion - QVTr/QVTc

    allInstances() could be defined to apply to the initial, prevailing or final state. The initial state is easy. The prevailing state does not exist declaratively. The final state is harder but may be useful for computing derived output values based on the outputs.

    However consider a cascade of endogeneous transformations A2B, B2C, C2D in which B2C performs an allInstances(). If we now compose the trio into A2B2C2D, the functionality of the allInstances() must not change. Therefore neither initial nor final state will do, since the initial state changes from B to A and the final state from C to D. We must use a prevailing state, which we can define as the final state of the domain in which the invocation of allInstances() occurs. For our example this is one of B or C and does not change as a consequence of the cascade.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTc: initialized variables

  • Key: QVT13-50
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19725
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    Initializing variables at the point of declaration is generally recognized as good practice. QVTc does not support it.

    Suggest extend the (Realized) Variable syntax to support an initializer.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 19 Feb 2015 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Allow QVTc to use initialized variables

    Initializing variables at the point of declaration is generally recognized as good practice. QVTc does not support it.

    Suggest extend the (Realized) Variable syntax to support an initializer.


    Initializing RealizedVariables makes no sense, since a RealizedVariable is initialized by the new Type().

    Initializing (Unrealized)Variables is however useful and supported by the Abstract Syntax already; just need some Concrete Syntax re-using the := of an Assignment.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTr: Variable Initialization

  • Key: QVT13-43
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19665
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    QVTr does not allow variables to be initialized at the point of declaration. This is a rather prehistoric limitation that significantly degrades readability.

    a) it requires separate declaration and assignment lines
    b) it inhibits inference of the variable type from the initializer
    c) it obfuscates the variable assignment

    The latter is a particular problem in QVTr where the assignment may a consequence of a pattern match;

    Suggest allowing an initializer on a VarDeclarationCS and allowing the type to be inferred from the initializer.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    QVTr Variable Initialization

    QVTr does not allow variables to be initialized at the point of declaration. This is a rather prehistoric limitation that significantly degrades readability.

    a) it requires separate declaration and assignment lines
    b) it inhibits inference of the variable type from the initializer
    c) it obfuscates the variable assignment

    The latter is a particular problem in QVTr where the assignment may a consequence of a pattern match;

    Suggest allowing an initializer on a VarDeclarationCS and allowing the type to be inferred from the initializer.


    The underlying Abstract Syntax supports an initializer.

    Prototyping in Eclipse QVTr demonstrated a useful reduction in line count and increase in clarity of the RelToCore transformation.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTr: Exact Collection match

  • Key: QVT13-41
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19663
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The QVTr AS allows CollectionTemplateExp::rest to be null corresponding to a precisely enumerated list of collection members to be matched.

    The QVTr CS does not support this.

    Suggest changing the

    '++' (restIdentifier=[pivot::Variable|UnrestrictedName] | '_')

    sub-parsing rule to

    ('++' (restIdentifier=[pivot::Variable|UnrestrictedName] | '_'))?

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Exact QVTr Collection match

    The QVTr AS allows CollectionTemplateExp::rest to be null corresponding to a precisely enumerated list of collection members to be matched.

    The QVTr CS does not support this.

    Suggest changing the

    '++' (restIdentifier=[pivot::Variable|UnrestrictedName] | '_')

    sub-parsing rule to

    ('++' (restIdentifier=[pivot::Variable|UnrestrictedName] | '_'))?

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: multi-valued initialisation from single value

  • Key: QVT13-46
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19687
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The two examples

    mymultivaluedproperty += object Node

    {…}; // additive semantics
    mymultivaluedproperty := object Node {…}

    ; // the list is reset and re-assigned

    are simple assignments from single valued RHS. These are not covered in the preceding description.

    I consider both to be errors since the RHS is unsuitable for assignment to the LHS. In both cases an asSet() or whatever should be appended.

    More generally, the library operation that exhibits the "additive semantics" should be clearly identified.

    Since addition to OCL collections is not permissible, it may be necessary to define constructors, so that

    var c : Set(String) := Set



    invokes the Set(T)(Set(T)) constructor.

    This would allow initialization for a Sequence from a List and vice-versa that is otherwise magic.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Mon, 15 Dec 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Unclear multi-valued initialisation from single value

    The two examples

    mymultivaluedproperty += object Node

    {…}; // additive semantics
    mymultivaluedproperty := object Node {…}

    ; // the list is reset and re-assigned

    are simple assignments from single valued RHS. These are not covered in the preceding description.

    I consider both to be errors since the RHS is unsuitable for assignment to the LHS. In both cases an asSet() or whatever should be appended.

    More generally, the library operation that exhibits the "additive semantics" should be clearly identified.

    Since addition to OCL collections is not permissible, it may be necessary to define constructors, so that

    var c : Set(String) := Set



    invokes the Set(T)(Set(T)) constructor.

    This would allow initialization for a Sequence from a List and vice-versa that is otherwise magic.

    Issue Links

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: Inadequate helper/query distinction

  • Key: QVT13-30
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19571
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The Helper class in the AS syntax supports both helpers and queries.

    These two concepts have important distinctions that are poorly differentiated in, where as a minimum the two italicized terms 'helper' and 'query' should be used when defining the semantics of each.

    Presumably a 'query' cannot modify anything (other than the log file) anywhere.

    Presumably a 'helper' can modify anything anywhere, except of course sets and tuples that are always immutable.

    The current wording suggests that a 'helper' can modify sets and tuples but cannot modify objects or create objects. Surely a 'helper' cannot modify sets or tuples but can create or update objects?

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Wed, 6 Aug 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Inadequate helper/query distinction

    The Helper class in the AS syntax supports both helpers and queries.

    These two concepts have important distinctions that are poorly differentiated in, where as a minimum the two italicized terms 'helper' and 'query' should be used when defining the semantics of each.

    Presumably a 'query' cannot modify anything (other than the log file) anywhere.

    Presumably a 'helper' can modify anything anywhere, except of course sets and tuples that are always immutable.

    The current wording suggests that a 'helper' can modify sets and tuples but cannot modify objects or create objects. Surely a 'helper' cannot modify sets or tuples but can create or update objects?

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: invalid in ImperativeOCL

  • Key: QVT13-29
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19548
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    OCL defines invalid as the result of a failed evaluation. The QVT specification is almost totally silent on invalid, except for a few library operations that may generate it.

    Presumably an invalid not 'caught' by oclIsInvalid/oclIsUndefined in QVTo causes a to-be-specifued exception to be raised in the problem statement.

    Presumably an invalid not 'caught' by oclIsInvalid/oclIsUndefined in QVTc/QVTr inhibits the detection of matches.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    invalid in QVT

    OCL defines invalid as the result of a failed evaluation. The QVT specification is almost totally silent on invalid, except for a few library operations that may generate it.

    Presumably an invalid not 'caught' by oclIsInvalid/oclIsUndefined in QVTo causes a to-be-specifued exception to be raised in the problem statement.

    Presumably an invalid not 'caught' by oclIsInvalid/oclIsUndefined in QVTc/QVTr inhibits the detection of matches.


    But invalid may be temporarily caught by a let variable of QVTo var. It is the use that is a problem.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: 'result' for Tuple returns

  • Key: QVT13-28
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19505
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The current phrasing

    Within a contextual operation <it>result</it> represents the unique result parameter (if there is a unique declared result) or the
    tuple containing the list of declared result parameters.

    suggests that the synthetic Tuple return is accessible as result. This is not necessary and imposes considerable implementation difficulties since a new Tuple would need creation with each mutation.

    Sucggest the new wording.

    Within a contextual operation for which no name is specified for a single return parameter, <it>result</it> is the implicit name of the parameter. If the name is specified explicitly, as is necessary for multiple returns, no pre-defined <it>result</it> variable exists.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Wed, 2 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarify availability of 'result' for Tuple returns

    The current phrasing

    Within a contextual operation result represents the unique result parameter (if there is a unique declared result) or the
    tuple containing the list of declared result parameters.

    suggests that the synthetic Tuple return is accessible as result. This is not necessary and imposes considerable implementation difficulties since a new Tuple would need creation with each mutation.

    Suggest the new wording.

    Within a contextual operation for which no name is specified for a single return parameter, result is the implicit name of the parameter. If the name is specified explicitly, as is necessary for multiple returns, no pre-defined result variable exists.



  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTr: Multi-root match

  • Key: QVT13-42
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19664
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The QVTr AS and CS permit only a single pattern to be matched in the input (and output) domains. QVTc permits multi-matches.

    This can be worked around with nested collections as demonstrated by RDomainToMBottomPredicateForEnforcement in RelToCore

    remainingUnBoundDomainVars: Set(essentialocl::Variable);

    domain relations rdtVarsSeq:Sequence(Set(Element)) {
    rdtSet:Set(Element) {
    te:ObjectTemplateExp {bindsTo = v:Variable {}}
    ++ _
    ++ _

    rdtVarsSeq->at(2) = predicatesWithoutVarBindings;
    rdtVarsSeq->at(3) = unboundDomainVars;

    The above is hard to read and uses nested collections in ways that are claimed to be unsupported. Much simpler to just write:

    domain relations
    te:ObjectTemplateExp {bindsTo = v:Variable {}},
    predicatesWithVarBindings:Set(qvtbase::Predicate) {},
    remainingUnBoundDomainVars: Set(essentialocl::Variable) {}

    Suggest in the AS, RelationDomain.pattern changes to RelationDomain.patterns, RelationDomain.rootVariable moves to DomainPattern.rootVariable.

    Suggest in the DomainCS CS, "pattern=DomainPatternCS" changes to "patterns+=DomainPatternCS (',' patterns+=DomainPatternCS)*"

    As a consequence additional variables may be passed in a RelationCallExp. These can still be in rootVariable order.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    QVTr Multi-root match

    The QVTr AS and CS permit only a single pattern to be matched in the input (and output) domains. QVTc permits multi-matches.

    This can be worked around with nested collections as demonstrated by RDomainToMBottomPredicateForEnforcement in RelToCore

    remainingUnBoundDomainVars: Set(essentialocl::Variable);

    domain relations rdtVarsSeq:Sequence(Set(Element)) {
    rdtSet:Set(Element) {
    te:ObjectTemplateExp {bindsTo = v:Variable {}}
    ++ _
    ++ _

    rdtVarsSeq->at(2) = predicatesWithoutVarBindings;
    rdtVarsSeq->at(3) = unboundDomainVars;

    The above is hard to read and uses nested collections in ways that are claimed to be unsupported. Much simpler to just write:

    domain relations
    te:ObjectTemplateExp {bindsTo = v:Variable {}},
    predicatesWithVarBindings:Set(qvtbase::Predicate) {},
    remainingUnBoundDomainVars: Set(essentialocl::Variable) {}

    Suggest in the AS, RelationDomain.pattern changes to RelationDomain.patterns, RelationDomain.rootVariable moves to DomainPattern.rootVariable.

    Suggest in the DomainCS CS, "pattern=DomainPatternCS" changes to "patterns+=DomainPatternCS (',' patterns+=DomainPatternCS)*"

    As a consequence additional variables may be passed in a RelationCallExp. These can still be in rootVariable order.


    This seems to be a completely unnecessary restriction that caused the author of relToCore significant difficulties.

    The only downside seems to be a slight increase in complexity of a RelationCallExp. No longer exactly one argument per domain, but linearizing the roots per domain is not exactly hard.

    (The spelling in the discussion is that of the Eclipse QVTr prototype. Changing pattern to patterns is not appropriate for QVT1.x where property names tend to be simple-singulars. Perhaps a change to owned-plurals and so ownedPatterns may be appropriate for QVT 2.0.)

    Exploiting this in relToCore should wait until an executable version has been debugged.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTc/QVTr: Pattern.bindsTo composition

  • Key: QVT13-45
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19673
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The author of Issue 9379 misunderstood the poor description of Pattern::bindsTo and consequently removed the

    {composes} qualifier.

    Issue 10938 observed that this totally broke QVTc and introduced CorePattern::variables to compensate.

    The QVTr to QVTc transformation remains broken since it continues to assume that bindsTo {composes}


    There was actually nothing wrong with bindsTo that could not have been fixed by clearer wording to the effect that bindsTo was a dustbin container for variables not contained elsewhere.

    The above kind of emphasises the benefits of an ownedPlurals naming policy. Therefore suggest that:

    a) the AST bloat from the redundant bindsTo be replaced by definition of a suitable derived property that satisfies the intent of all variables.

    b) that variables be renamed ownedVariables and used throughout the QVTr to QVTc transformation

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Tue, 9 Dec 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Rewind Issues 9379, 10938

    The author of Issue 9379 misunderstood the poor description of Pattern::bindsTo and consequently removed the

    {composes} qualifier.

    Issue 10938 observed that this totally broke QVTc and introduced CorePattern::variables to compensate.

    The QVTr to QVTc transformation remains broken since it continues to assume that bindsTo {composes}


    There was actually nothing wrong with bindsTo that could not have been fixed by clearer wording to the effect that bindsTo was a dustbin container for variables not contained elsewhere.

    The above kind of emphasises the benefits of an ownedPlurals naming policy. Therefore suggest that:

    a) the AST bloat from the redundant bindsTo be replaced by definition of a suitable derived property that satisfies the intent of all variables.

    b) that variables be renamed ownedVariables and used throughout the QVTr to QVTc transformation


    The problem is genuine, but further Eclipse QVTr prototyping reveals two distinct cases, one requiring containment, another not. Further work is needed to specify these accurately.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: Standard Library mode and namespace

  • Key: QVT13-52
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The QVTo Standard Library has no model and consequently no namespace.

    This encourages a major confusion:

    The QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation types used in the QVTo Standard Library are at a different meta-level to UML::Model and QVTbase::Transformation. We have the uncomfortable situation that a QVToLib::Model is an instance of a QVTbase::TypedModel and a QVToLib::Transformation is an instance of a QVTbase::Transformation.

    As a minimum the distinct namespaces should be identified and modeled.

    Possibly QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation should be renamed. Since they have no namespace they are currently unuseable in code; their sole purpose is for specification of implementation behavior.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:21 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    QVTo Standard Library mode and namespace

    The QVTo Standard Library has no model and consequently no namespace.

    This encourages a major confusion:

    The QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation types used in the QVTo Standard Library are at a different meta-level to UML::Model and QVTbase::Transformation. We have the uncomfortable situation that a QVToLib::Model is an instance of a QVTbase::TypedModel and a QVToLib::Transformation is an instance of a QVTbase::Transformation.

    As a minimum the distinct namespaces should be identified and modeled.

    Possibly QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation should be renamed. Since they have no namespace they are currently unuseable in code; their sole purpose is for specification of implementation behavior.


    It is difficult to make sensible progress until the OCL work in progress modeling libraries provides the solution.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: Inadequate definition of "late" semantics

  • Key: QVT13-27
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19429
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The specification of "late" semantics uses the "conceptually" word; a sure sign of missing semantics. It is followed by a magic null value that stores information for later use and with an unspecified trace interaction.

    The interaction of "late" and implicit collect is not handled so in

    generalizations := self.eSuperTypes->collect(t | t.late resolve(UML::Generalization))

    the direct association of "late" with asssignment is no longer direct; the "late"s must be aggregated. Potentuially this may occur in arbitrary complexd expressions including mapping calls!

    An alternate multi-pass interpretation of "late" is given.

    This seems like the correct approach; an MtoM transformation from a with-late to multi-pass without-late transformation.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 22 May 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Inadequate definition of "late" semantics

    The specification of "late" semantics uses the "conceptually" word; a sure sign of missing semantics. It is followed by a magic null value that stores information for later use and with an unspecified trace interaction.

    The interaction of "late" and implicit collect is not handled so in

    generalizations := self.eSuperTypes->collect(t | t.late resolve(UML::Generalization))

    the direct association of "late" with asssignment is no longer direct; the "late"s must be aggregated. Potentially this may occur in arbitrary complex expressions including mapping calls!

    An alternate multi-pass interpretation of "late" is given.

    This seems like the correct approach; an MtoM transformation from a with-late to multi-pass without-late transformation.


    Yes, but such an MtoM is non-trivial. Needs development and testing before it can be included as part of the specification.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:09 GMT

QVTo: How can an be a Property

  • Key: QVT14-23
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The description of specifies an OclExpression but describes a Property.

    Is this an error? Is it introducing a new PropertyLiteralExp?

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:48 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:00 GMT

QVTo: How can an be a Property

  • Key: QVT13-134
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The description of specifies an OclExpression but describes a Property.

    Is this an error? Is it introducing a new PropertyLiteralExp?

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:48 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — QVT 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    This Issue was not resolved in this Task Force and was automatically deferred to the next Task Force

  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT

QVTo: Late resolution is unuseable in multi-pass transformations

  • Key: QVT14-21
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    A late resolve() defers an assignment to such a late time that it cannot be used. Multi-pass transformations must therefore either maintain their own Dict of mappings, or use multiple transformations.

    Suggest: Allow a "late" keyword to prefix a block, so that late resolution occurs at the end of the block.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 23 Oct 2015 09:47 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT

QVTr: Missing TracePackage

  • Key: QVT14-17
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19659
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The example transformation creates numerous orphan trace classes.

    Surely these should be contained by a trace Package?

    This could be produced by a top level RelationalTransformationToTracePackage relation. RelationToTraceClass should then not be top level.

    Generation of trace is separate from core, so surely there should be a trace direction for the trace output? The core direction should use the trace direction.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT

QVTo: Standard Library mode and namespace

  • Key: QVT14-13
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The QVTo Standard Library has no model and consequently no namespace.

    This encourages a major confusion:

    The QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation types used in the QVTo Standard Library are at a different meta-level to UML::Model and QVTbase::Transformation. We have the uncomfortable situation that a QVToLib::Model is an instance of a QVTbase::TypedModel and a QVToLib::Transformation is an instance of a QVTbase::Transformation.

    As a minimum the distinct namespaces should be identified and modeled.

    Possibly QVToLib::Model and QVToLib::Transformation should be renamed. Since they have no namespace they are currently unuseable in code; their sole purpose is for specification of implementation behavior.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:21 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT

QVTc/QVTr: Pattern.bindsTo composition

  • Key: QVT14-12
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19673
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The author of Issue 9379 misunderstood the poor description of Pattern::bindsTo and consequently removed the

    {composes} qualifier.

    Issue 10938 observed that this totally broke QVTc and introduced CorePattern::variables to compensate.

    The QVTr to QVTc transformation remains broken since it continues to assume that bindsTo {composes}


    There was actually nothing wrong with bindsTo that could not have been fixed by clearer wording to the effect that bindsTo was a dustbin container for variables not contained elsewhere.

    The above kind of emphasises the benefits of an ownedPlurals naming policy. Therefore suggest that:

    a) the AST bloat from the redundant bindsTo be replaced by definition of a suitable derived property that satisfies the intent of all variables.

    b) that variables be renamed ownedVariables and used throughout the QVTr to QVTc transformation

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Tue, 9 Dec 2014 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT

QVTo: Inadequate definition of "late" semantics

  • Key: QVT14-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19429
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The specification of "late" semantics uses the "conceptually" word; a sure sign of missing semantics. It is followed by a magic null value that stores information for later use and with an unspecified trace interaction.

    The interaction of "late" and implicit collect is not handled so in

    generalizations := self.eSuperTypes->collect(t | t.late resolve(UML::Generalization))

    the direct association of "late" with asssignment is no longer direct; the "late"s must be aggregated. Potentuially this may occur in arbitrary complexd expressions including mapping calls!

    An alternate multi-pass interpretation of "late" is given.

    This seems like the correct approach; an MtoM transformation from a with-late to multi-pass without-late transformation.

  • Reported: QVT 1.2 — Thu, 22 May 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:31 GMT