MOF Model to Text Transformation Language Avatar
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MOF Model to Text Transformation Language — All Issues

  • Acronym: MOFM2T
  • Issues Count: 4
  • Description: All Issues
Open Closed All
All Issues

Issues Descriptions

Issue: Typos in examples

  • Legacy Issue Number: 11093
  • Status: open  
  • Source: TCS ( Sreedhar Reddy)
  • Summary:

    Issue: Typos in examples:
    In Annex A, A.1 Example 1:
    In the example fragment
    [template public SchemaToDDL (s: Schema)]
    [for (t:Table | s.table)]

  • Reported: MOFM2T 1.0b1 — Fri, 8 Jun 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

In chapter '7 Overview':

  • Key: MOFM2T-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11094
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: TCS ( Sreedhar Reddy)
  • Summary:

    Examples have incorrectly escaped template invocations
    // Constructor

    template invocations are not escaped properly.
    They should be [TableToDDL(t)/],[attributeToJava(c.attribute)/] and
    [operationToJava(allOperations(c))/] respectively.

  • Reported: MOFM2T 1.0b1 — Fri, 8 Jun 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MOFM2T 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Replace with the text below,
    // Constructor

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Whitespace handling rules unclear

  • Key: MOFM2T-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11279
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: TCS ( Sreedhar Reddy)
  • Summary:

    Whitespace handling rules are not clear:
    1. Is whitespace preceding multi-line block expressions (such as for, if, etc) included in the text output? Examples
    given in the appendix do not seem to include it.
    2. Whitespace handling rule 3 says: "Indentation of the text produced for the invoked template starts at the indentation at the point of the template invocation." Should this be the case even for an embedded template invocation, i.e. a template
    invocation that is surrounded by other expressions on the same line?
    [template printClass(c:Class)]
    class [] implements [printInterfaceName(c.implementsInterface) sep(',')]
    [template printInterfaceName(i:Interface)]
    Here printInterface is invoked iteratively for each interface implemented by the class.
    One would expect following kind of output from this:
    class myClass implements myIntf1, myIntf2, myIntf3,...

    But the rule seems to say that the output of each template invocation starts at the same indentation level.
    This is probably not the intended behaviour, atleast for embedded template invocations (like the one above).

  • Reported: MOFM2T 1.0b1 — Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MOFM2T 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Replace existing text in the section discussing whitespace handling with the text given
    Text production rules will be easier to specify by viewing the body of a template (or a
    block expression) as follows:
    <block-body> ::= <body-element>*
    <body-element> ::= <literalString> | <whitespace> | <expression> | <BOL-indicator>
    <whitespace> ::= space | tab | newline
    <expression> ::= <stand-alone-block-expression> | <embedded-block-expression> |
    <stand-alone-template-invocation> | <embedded-template-invocation> |
    <BOL-indicator> ::= ‘^’
    <stand-alone-block-expression> is a block expression (single or multi-line) that is not
    surrounded by other body elements on the lines where the block head and the tail occur.
    <embedded-block-expression> is a block expression that is surrounded by other nonwhitespace
    body elements on the lines where block head or tail occur.
    <stand-alone-template-invocation> is a template invocation expression that stands on a
    line all by itself.
    <embedded-template-invocation> is a template invocation that is surrounded by other
    body elements on the same line.
    <other-expression> refers to all expressions other than the block and template invocation
    Text production rules:

    • All body elements produce text
    • The text output of a block-body is the sequential concatenation of the text outputs of
      its body elements
    • Rules for identifying starting and ending of block body:
      o template: body starts at the beginning of the next line after the template head,
      and ends on the last character (excluding the new line) of the line previous to
      the template tail.
      o multi-line-block: body starts at the beginning of the next line after the block
      head, and ends on the last character (excluding the new line) of the line
      previous to the block tail.
      o single-line-block: body starts after the closing bracket of the block head and
      ends before the starting bracket of the block tail.
    • Text outputs of different body elements:
      o A literal string is output as is.
      o A whitespace character is output as is. The text produced by the execution of <other-expression> is output as is.
      o The text produced by the execution of <embedded-block-expression> is
      output as is.
      o The text produced by the execution of <embedded-template-invocation> is
      output as is.
      o <stand-alone-block-expression> needs special handling:
      .. Ignore the whitespace characters occurring before the beginning of the
      .. In the case of a multi-line 'for block', when a separator character is not
      specified, use 'new line' as the default separator between the outputs
      produced by successive iterations.
      o <stand-alone-template-invocation> needs special handling:
      .. Add the whitespace preceding the invocation expression before each
      line of the text produced by the invoked template.
      .. In the case of an iterative template invocation (e.g. when the argument
      is a collection), if a separator character is not specified, use 'new line'
      as the default separator between the outputs produced by successive
      <BOL-indicator> is a special character (‘^’) that marks the beginning of a line – i.e. on
      the line on which this character appears, the whitespace preceding the character should be
      excluded from the text output.
      In code-explicit mode, all whitespace must be explicitly specified.
      Move this section after the section describing concrete syntax.
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Issue: Grammar error:

  • Key: MOFM2T-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11095
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: TCS ( Sreedhar Reddy)
  • Summary:

    Grammar error in section '8.2 concrete syntax':
    <elseif> ::= '[elseif]' '(' <OclExpressionCS> ')' <production> ('[/elseif]')?

    It should be:
    <elseif> ::= '[elseif' '(' <OclExpressionCS> ')' ']' <production> '[/elseif]'

  • Reported: MOFM2T 1.0b1 — Fri, 8 Jun 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MOFM2T 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Replace the following text in section '8.2 concrete syntax':
    <elseif> ::= '[elseif]' '(' <OclExpressionCS> ')' <production>
    With the text below,
    <elseif> ::= '[elseif' '(' <OclExpressionCS> ')' ']' <production>

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT