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XTCE13 — Add an optional attribute to ComparisonList to make it all ORs

  • Key: XTCE13-141
  • Status: open  
  • Source: NASA ( Mr. James Kevin Rice)
  • Summary:

    For some reason this idea flew into my funnel this morning. I was looking at the ComparisonList and noticed the annotation to it said there's an implied 'and' between all the comparisons in the list.
    I then thought: Why not add an attribute to override that to set to it all ORs? Why would that be a bad thing?
    Unable to come up with any reason that this would be a bad thing, I decided it must be a good thing and that a good thing should be an issue.
    The main reason to support the OR case is that it's simply a little easier to build out the comparisonlist than the booleanexpression. And one assumes that if it's a good thing to have an ANDed ComparisonList for convenience, that it seems like symmetrically speaking it would be a good thing to have ORed ComparisonList for conveniences as well. Basically this is just a suggested small change for the convenience purposes.

  • Reported: XTCE 1.2 — Wed, 7 Feb 2024 16:02 GMT
  • Updated: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 20:34 GMT