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  1. OMG Issue

XTCE13 — Invalid schema exception with xerces parser

  • Key: XTCE13-130
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Kratos RT Logic, Inc. ( Mr. Justin Boss)
  • Summary:

    We have experienced the following error with the Xerces XML parser:

    Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB902D4F69 in InstallDB4.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: xercesc_3_0::InvalidDatatypeValueException at memory location 0x000000000014D5A0.

    It seems to be driven by this line:
    <attribute name="idlePattern" type="xtce:FixedIntegerValueType" default="0x0"/>

    Changing the default value to "0" seems to make the problem go away.

    Can we change the line instead to:
    <attribute name="idlePattern" type="xtce:FixedIntegerValueType" default="0"/>

  • Reported: XTCE 1.2 — Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:58 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:36 GMT