UPOS 1.16.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UPOS1161 — Revised UPOS 1.16 (dtc-20-12-01.docx)spec. is proposed as UPOS 1.16.1

  • Key: UPOS1161-1
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Microsoft ( Mr. Tadashi Furuhata)
  • Summary:

    We have found an item in UPOS 1.16 (dtc-20-12-01.docx) that needs to be modified as a specification.
    All of these items are extracted, issues and correction items are clearly shown, and the corrections and edits of the specification items are proposed as UPOS 1.16.1.
    Attached documents are as follows.
    1) UPOS RCSD 1.16 Issues Table
    Note :All of the to be corrected items in the UPOS 1.16 spec. is listed up.
    2) UPOS RCSD 1.16.1_withBar.docx
    Note: All of the issues to be corrected is listed and indicated line by line with the explanation.
    3) UPOS RCSD 1.16.1_clean.docx
    Note: Clean file of UPOS RCSD 1.16.1
    These documents have only RCSD related 11 device chapters.
    That is to say;
    Chapter 21 Lights
    Chapter 29 POS Power
    Chapter 39 Video Capture
    Chapter 40 Individual Recognition
    Chapter 41 Sound Recorder
    Chapter 42 Voice Recognition
    Chapter 43 Sound Player
    Chapter 44 Speech Synthesis
    Chapter 45 Gesture Control
    Chapter 46 Device Monitor
    Chapter 47 Graphic Display

  • Reported: UPOS 1.16b2 — Thu, 18 Nov 2021 14:04 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UPOS 1.16.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    All of UPOS1.16.1 issue resolved documents

    After discussion with Denis and OMG Retail DTF member, finally we reached to the all issues resolved version.
    As the final submission version documents are listed below.
    1. Original UPOS 1.16
    2. UPOS1.16 Issue and Resolved Item Listed Table
    UPOS RCSD 1.16 Issues Table_02032022.xlsx
    3. UPOS1.16.1 with Bar + Issue Item and revised item Table
    UPOS RCSD 1.16.1_02032022_withBar.docx
    4. UPOS1.16.1 clean Version (UPOS1.16.1 Final Version Candidate)
    UPOS RCSD 1.16.1_02032022_clean.docx

    Please take look at those, and after your review, I would like to go to the voting for your approval.


    Tad Furuhata

  • Updated: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 14:18 GMT
  • Attachments: