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  1. OMG Issue

RLS — Filter Condition should be reduced and move to annex as informative

  • Key: RLS-46
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13184
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: AIST ( Dr. Itsuki Noda)
  • Summary:

    There is an activity in ISO TC211 to develop UML diagram of
    filter condition encoding. So, we should refer it directly
    instead to define our own UML diagram.

    • Filter Condition will be useful specification for various
      application of RLS. But it domain is slightly different from
      RLS's main target. In addition, ISO TC211's definition is not
      finalized yet. So, the specification should be included in the
      annex as an informative.
  • Reported: RLS 1.0b1 — Sat, 20 Dec 2008 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — RLS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    As described in issue 13122, Filter Condition cannot be moved to be an
    informative part for now, and thus will remain in its original position as mandatory.
    However, as an identical ISO standard which can be used for RoLo service is
    under process, descriptions will be modified to use the ongoing ISO draft. Here,
    we modify the interface for treating filter conditions in Robotic Localization
    Service. In the beta1 specification, section for filter condition (7.5) defined an
    additional method for RoLo service class to treat filter condition data. As pointed
    out by issue 14001, this is not a good way from the viewpoint of interoperability.
    Thus, we define a much simple method that treats filter condition as a parameter
    defined in ability description for RoLo streams. This allows users to check
    whether filter condition functionality is supported or not and provides an easy
    mean to specify conditions.
    In addition, as the new filtering functionality based on ISO standard requires XML
    notation of RoLo data (also from issue 13186) and naming rules (from issue
    14002), we define two informative annexes, XML-PSM and naming rules. With
    this addition, some description about what is given as annex is also added in
    Section 1 “Scope”.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT