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RLS — posSpecRef in Error Element (Figure 9/Table 49)

  • Key: RLS-41
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13129
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: JARA ( Shuichi Nishio)
  • Summary:
    • posSpecRef in Error Element (Figure 9/Table 49) shall be a list of
      references to objects

    The attribute posSpecRef in Error Element class is now defined as a
    list of CharacterString, which is used as a reference to objects of
    Position Element class. This shall better be defined as a list of

  • Reported: RLS 1.0b1 — Mon, 1 Dec 2008 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — RLS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Currently, pointers that indicate which RoLo position element specifications are
    related to a RoLo error element specification are modeled to use ‘specID’
    attribute in RoLo element specifications. Instead, as described in the summary, it
    is much better to directly refer to the RoLo position element specification
    instances. Thus, modify 'posSpecRef' to be an ordered list of references to
    Position Element Specification instances and delete 'specID' attribute from RoLo
    Element Specification class.
    As RoLo Data Mapping Operation class depends on this, also modify
    DataMappingOperation class definition to use the new data structure.
    Additionally, some changes in C++ PSM are also required. Remove ‘specID’ from ElementSpecification class
    – Change the definition of ‘posSpecRef’ class variable in
    ErrorElementSpecification class (RoLoArchitecture.hpp) as following:
    ::std::vector<PositionElementSpecification*> posSpecRef;
    – Change the name of ‘sourceIndex’ class variable in
    DataMappingOperation (RoLoDataOperation.hpp) as
    – Change the name of ‘targetIndex’ class variable in
    DataMappingOperation (RoLoDataOperation.hpp) as ‘targetElemSpecs’
    – Change the definition of ‘sourceIndex’ and ‘targetIndex’ class variable in
    DataMappingOperation (RoLoDataOperation.hpp) as following:
    ::std::vector<ElementSpecification*> sourceElemSpecs,

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT