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  1. OMG Issue

MARTE13 — Typo fixes

  • Key: MARTE13-26
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    p16 6.4.1 5th bullet

    This latter annex described [...] for defining the UML profile for
    MARTE itself, but also usefull for user models.

    -> MARTE itself while also being useful for user models.

    p17 3rd para (last before 6.4.3)

    [...] firstly we try to reduce the size of
    stereotype names as much as possible, but without scarifying their meaning

    -> sacrificing

    Globally replace contraint by constraint and Contraint by Constraint.
    p42 1st para (NFP_Contraints)
    p56 1st para 2nd line (Contraint)
    p56 2nd para 1st line (NFP_Contraints)
    p326 (Contraints)
    p327 (Contraints)
    p328 (Contraints)
    p444 B.3.2.1 (Contraints)

    Globally replace brokedResource by brokeredResource :
    p99 Figure 10.11 association from ResourceBroker to Resource
    p99 Figure 10.11 association from Scheduler to ProcessingResource
    p243 Figure 14.58 association from HW_Media to HW_Arbiter
    p606 F.4.22 Associations 1st bullet
    p610 F.4.30 Associations 1st bullet
    p653 F.9.8 Associations bullet
    p678 F.9.48 Associations bullet

    p100 Figure 10.13 upper left corner


    -> Causality::CommonBehavior::

    p104 Figure 10.18 class ResourceUsage last attribute


    -> energy: NFP_Energy

    Globally replace occurence by occurrence and Occurence by Occurrence :
    p145 ReceiveOccurence (5x)
    p203 Figure 14.13 OccurencePolicyKind (2x), occurenceCountElements

    p188 Figure 13.12 statebox with start state


    -> Invocation

    p230 paragraph below Figure 14.40

    Figure 14.41 illustrates [..] (from UML::CompositesStructures::InternalStructures

    -> CompositeStructures

    p231 paragraph below Figure 14.42

    [...] On the right side, the SRM profile is used
    to describe the MemoryPartiton

    -> MemoryPartition

    Globally replace symetricalArray by symmetricalArray :
    p240 Figure 14.55 PLD_Class 1st attribute
    p250 Figure 14.66 PLD_Class 1st attribute (figure is duplicate of 14.55 ?)
    p274 Description 1st bullet
    p682 F.9.57 Literals 1st bullet

    p266 Attributes 4th bullet

    • throughput:NFP_DataTxRate
      Speciifes the throughput in a memory.

    -> Specifies

    Replace frequeny by frequency :
    p269 HwProcessor Constraints

    [3] ipc must derive from mips attribute and clock frequeny

    p672 F.9.39 Constraints

    [3] ipc must derive from mips attribute and clock frequeny

    p270 HwResource Associations 4th bullet

    • endPoints: HwEndPoint[0..*]
      Specifies the connection points of the HwReource.

    -> HwResource

    Globally replace adaptative by adaptive and Adaptative by Adaptive :
    p243 Figure 14.58 class HW_Router 2nd attribute (isRoutingAdaptative)
    p253 Figure 14.69 class HwRouter 2nd attribute (isRoutingAdaptative)
    p272 HwROM Attributes 2nd bullet (isRoutingAdaptative)

    Specifies whether the HW_Router supports adaptative routing or not.

    p677 F.9.46 Attributes 2nd bullet (isRoutingAdaptative)

    Specifies whether the HW_Router supports adaptative routing or not.

    p306 Attributes 8th bullet

    • utilizationOnHost: NFP_Real[*]
      The occupancy of thehost processor, executing Steps [...]

    -> the host

    p307 Attributes 2nd bullet

    • blockT: NFP_Duration [0..1]
      A delay inserted in the execution of the Step, waiting for an event [...],
      or for a condition such as the availability of passive protected resources nedded

    -> needed

    p311 16.1 2rd para 2nd sentence

    [...] aids developers to detect potentially
    unfeasible real-time architectures

    -> infeasible

    p321 Figure 16.8 class SaSchedObs 1st attribute

    suspentions: NFP_Integer [*]

    -> suspensions

    p323 3rd bullet from top of page

    • timing: TimedObs [*]
      Set of timing requirements or preditions that constrain local fragments

    -> preconditions

    p325 Attributes 2nd bullet

    • ISRprioRange: NFP_IntegerInterval [0..1]
      Range of ISR priorities supporte by the platform.

    -> supported

    p333 4th sentence

    [...] The software that
    hendles this is usually not part of the application

    -> handles

    p341 1st para

    3. [...] This may be a
    middlware layer (a web services connection,

    -> middleware

    p376 A.2.1.7 1st para 2nd sentence

    If not, they will be added through “NFP” and “NFP constraints”, precising the MARTE

    Replace precising by tightening.

    p383 A.2.3.2 table cont'd, 1st row left column

    Deactive_execution_time (specific for mode switch) and
    Deactive_deadline (specific for mode switch)

    There is no such word deactive Please clarify.

    p383 A.2.3.2 table cont'd, 2nd row right column

    [...] “NFP” attributes by the enduser within the different threads

    -> end user

    p385 table 5th row right column

    hybride_task : my_comp

    -> hybrid_task

    p386 sentence between diagrams

    This model library is then instanciated:

    -> instantiated

    p393 table AADL Properties right column heading

    Marte Anaysis

    -> Analysis

    p395 table cont'd from p394 right column heading

    Marte Anaysis

    -> Analysis

    p395 A.2.4.6 4th sentence

    Alternatively, they may require driver softwares [...]

    -> programs

    p399 1st table right column AADL View

    thorttle_command: out data port

    -> throttle_command

    p404 A.2.6.3 4th para

    In MARTE, the FeatureGroup semantical perimenter will be [...]

    -> perimeter

    p415 Table A.1 2nd row 4th column (MARTE Stereotype)

    refering to an RtSpecification to denote

    -> referring

    p461 B.3.3.15 2nd para 2nd sentence

    When specifiyng values making reference to properties

    -> specifying

    p484 C.3.1.3 Constraints

    definingEvent->None.mpty( ) = defBody->isEmpty( ) }

    None.mpty looks incorrect, please clarify.

    p514 D.4.9.1 1st sentence

    This is a ChoiceType that [...] to express an offline time trable

    -> table

    p554 F.1.14 Associations 2nd bullet

    Instance that starts the invocartion.

    -> invocation

    p557 F.1.19 Attributes 2nd bullet

    * / upper : UnilimitedNatural

    -> UnlimitedNatural

    Globally replace AccesControlPolicy by AccessControlPolicy :
    p595 F.4.1 (2x), F.4.2 (2x)
    p601 F.4.14 Generalizations
    p612 F.4.32 Generalizations

    p604 F.4.20 Associations 4th and 5th bullet

    • provided: MARTE::NFP_Modelig::NFP_Declaration::NFP
    • required: MARTE::NFP_Modelig::NFP_Declaration::NFP

    -> NFP_Modeling

    p609 F.4.27 Semantics 5th sentence

    [...] Two general forms of usage are defined the
    StaticUsage and the DinamicUsage,

    Two general forms of usage are defined, the
    StaticUsage and the DynamicUsage, [...]
    (comma after defined and spelling of DynamicUsage)

    p609 F.4.29 Generalizations

    * ConcurrencyResource (fromMARTE::GRM::ResourceTypes)

    -> from MARTE

    p610 F.4.29 Associations 2nd bullet

    * dependentScheduler: MARTE::GRM::scheduling::SecondarySceduler

    -> SecondaryScheduler

    p626 F.6.13 Attributes

    Drection of the flow property: either incoming (in),

    -> Direction

    p629 F.6.21 Semantics

    This concept matches the CompositeStructures::InternalStructures::StructuredClassier

    -> StructuredClassifier

    Globally replace Concurency by Concurrency :
    p629 F.7.1 CallConcurencyKind (title and text)
    p630 F.7.3 ConcurencyKind (title and text)
    p632 F.7.7 Attributes CallConcurencyKind

    p635 Associations 1st bullet

    * behaviors: RtBehaviror [*]

    -> RtBehavior

    p644 F.8.17 Associations 1st and 2nd bullet

    • readServices: BehaviroalFeature
    • writeServices: BehaviroalFeature

    -> BehavioralFeature

    p644 F.8.18 Associations

    * accessedElement: CoreElements::Foudations::Property

    -> Foundations

    p665 F.9.29 Semantics 2nd para

    refined to a detailed model for [...] or ISS (Instuction Set Simulator)

    -> Instruction

    p672 F.9.39 Constraints

    [3] ipc must derive from mips attribute and clock frequeny.

    -> frequency

    p674 F.9.42 Associations 1st bullet

    • endPoints: HW_Communication::HW_EndPoint [0..*]
      Specifies the connection points of the HW_Reource.

    -> HW_Resource

    p685 F.9.63 Attributes 3rd bullet

    Specifies that the swithcing type is other than packet [...]

    -> switching

    p693 F.10.15 and F.10.16


    -> Constraints

    p700 F.11.5 Attributes 2nd bullet

    Range of ISR priorities supporte by the platform.

    -> supported

    p705 F.12.6 Attributes 2nd bullet

    • behaviorDemand: PBehaviorDemand [*]
      Set of demand sfor a behavior described by a scenario, [...]

    -> demands for

    p713 F.13.9 DataType (from DataTypes)

    DateType matches with the UML concept of [...]

    -> DataType

  • Reported: MARTE 1.2 — Mon, 10 Feb 2020 21:40 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Typo fixes

    This issue gathers typos in MARTE 1.2 specification and provides fixes for these issues.

  • Updated: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 12:56 GMT