Key: FIIF-5
Status: closed
Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
Interest rates, economic indicators, and foreign exchange indices and indexes need revision to eliminate reasoning errors due to modifications of the way percentages are represented in FND. Percentage was made a class, and what these three ontologies refer to is now a percentageValue datatype. They should be reviewed to correct the reasoning error.
Other issues include the need to use the FinancialDates ontologies rather than xsd string-based dates, and corrections due to changes in the domain or range or namespace of properties in FND that have a downstream reasoning impact on IND.
Reported: EDMC-FIBO/IND 1.0b1 — Tue, 28 Apr 2015 16:21 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — EDMC-FIBO/IND 1.0b2
Disposition Summary:
Eliminate reasoning error due to changes in FND
A number of issues were created in IND when properties were moved around in FND FTF-2, including but not limited to moving properties from Relations to Agents, revising the definition of Percentage, changing the domain or range of properties, and so forth. The revisions to EconomicIndicators, ForeignExchange, and InterestRates, attached, address these issues.
Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:46 GMT
- EconomicIndicators.rdf 18 kB (application/rdf+xml)
- ForeignExchange.rdf 13 kB (application/rdf+xml)
- InterestRates.rdf 16 kB (application/rdf+xml)
- resolution_FIIF-5_IND-6.doc 6.13 MB (application/msword)
FIIF — Eliminate reasoning error due to changes in FND
- Key: FIIF-5
- OMG Task Force: FIBO Indices and Indicators 1.0 FTF