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CPP1114 — IDL2C++11 issue : CORBA dependency of the C++11 mapping

  • Key: CPP1114-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18533
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: THALES ( Nawel Hamouche)
  • Summary:

    A big effort have been done to remove CORBA dependency from the IDL2C++11 mapping, but it still specifies a CORBA semantic to the IDL
    interfaces and user exceptions. In 6.6.4, it is said "Conceptually, the Object class in the CORBA module is the base interface type for all objects;" this assertion breaks all that efforts. I think the semantic of IDL interfaces should be abstracted by defining a middleware-independent Object type as the super type of all IDL interfaces, it could be IDL::Object. Likewise, CORBA::UserException and CORBA::SystemException could be abstracted by defining IDL::UserExeption and IDL::SystemException.
    Looking to the IDL3.5 specification, it is true that this specification is still tied to CORBA, but special care has been done to separate between the syntactical construct and its semantic. For instance, it is said 'See the CORBA 3.2 specfication Section 10.2 “Semantics of Abstract Interfaces” for CORBA implementation semantics associated with abstract interfaces.'. It means that there could be other semantics than CORBA.
    I would suggest the following changes in the IDL2CPP11 specification :

    • To introduce IDL::Object, IDL::LocalObject, IDL::UserExeption and IDL::SystemException.
    • To not consider an IDL interface as a CORBA Object and rephrase section 6.6.4 accordingly.
    • To not consider a user exception as a CORBA exeption and rephrase section 6.19 accordingly.
    • To group all CORBA-dependent mappings and APIs in one section "CORBA mapping". This section would include :
      6.16 Mapping for the Any Type
      6.17 Mapping for Valuetypes
      6.18.1 Abstract Interface Base
      6.21 TypeCode
      6.22 ORB
      6.23 Object
      6.24 LocalObject
      ... until 6.28
  • Reported: CPP11 1.1 — Thu, 7 Mar 2013 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; Out Of Scope — CPP11 1.4
  • Disposition Summary:

    IDL v4 is a standalone specification

    This specification has no normative reference for IDL v4.

    I have implementation experience applying portions of this spec to a non-CORBA middleware (which happens to be a DDS implementation). Those sections of this spec that apply (6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8-16, 6.30-31) do not use the CORBA module/namespace.

  • Updated: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 18:18 GMT