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  1. OMG Issue

COBOL — anomaly in that unsigned integers are mapped to signed integers

  • Key: COBOL-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5640
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    While skimming the CORBA->COBOL mapping of IDL constructs, I noticed an
    anomaly in that unsigned integers are mapped to signed integers:

    > IDL Name
    > COBOL Representation Integer Range COBOL Typedef
    > unsigned short
    > PIC S9(05) BINARY 0 to 2^16 CORBA-unsigned-short
    > unsigned long
    > PIC S9(10) BINARY 0 to 2^32 CORBA-unsigned-long
    > unsigned long long
    > PIC S9(18) BINARY 18 numerics CORBA-unsigned-longlong
    > enum
    > PIC S9(10) BINARY CORBA-enum
    > 1.4.1 Basic Integer Types
    > The mapping of long long,
    > and unsigned long long
    > was made to PIC S9(18)
    > and PIC 9(18).

    Presumably the statement of section 1.4.1 is the correct one?

  • Reported: COBOL 1.0 — Tue, 3 Sep 2002 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT